Yeah, I've seen staff application forms in other zones. But since this zone is alot more crowded and the number of applications would be large, TW should keep the invite only basis. Applications work great for zones with a smaller number of players thou.
1:Kthx> Hey Cower ill let you play the next game if you can name me five medieval weapons.
1:Cower> Sword
1:Kthx> ok
1:Cower> Axe
1:Cower> ?
Yeah but if you did it based on the players name, I would put a usage requirement on it so non of the players who have been playing for only one year who think they can be a great member of staff would have to wait another year to get it done :P
1:Hydride> who we play next week
1:ReNdErED> Pandora
1:ReNdErED> gulp
1:ReNdErED> if i see Ease im shiftin across map
1:Hydride> best feeling EVER
1:Hydride> its like if you get sacked and when the pain goes away feeling x 999999999999999999999999
1:cranium> uve obviously never fucked a plastic bag filled with jelly inbetween the couch cushions
1:cranium> talk about a feeling
maybe applications could be made via a lottery with s first 10 out of the ones sent in get looked at with the rest binned- just an idea unfair but random so you coulnt complain plus would only mean looking at 10 emails or whatever...
Yeah but if you did it based on the players name, I would put a usage requirement on it so non of the players who have been playing for only one year who think they can be a great member of staff would have to wait another year to get it done :P
I basically played for less than a year when I got staff, non-pubbin n shit.
Originally posted by turmio
jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
Originally posted by grand
I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...
I think that no matter what, should an application be used, it isn't going to be an application that determines yes they will be invited to staff or no they won't. In my opinion, we simply need an application and a system that will allow those in charge of hiring to know who is interested, but at the same time not allow people to flood or abuse the system. We won't be able to create an application that is reasonible that can determine whether a person is right for staff or not. That's like hiring someone based solely on what they wrote down without interviewing them in a job situation. Certain things should go on the application that they should need to pass, but it should be used more of a tool for finding interest. Worr's idea and Sarien's idea are both good.
1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
3:Best> see it coming
3:Best> sad
For the attitude, I think that some people might change their attitude from bad to good once they've gotten a staff position. Others may think that they are higher level than others and might as well trash talk. It all goes back to the people who apply for the job and to pure_luck's opinion about them.
Originally posted by Randedl
maybe this is after the fact, and i'm sure others have already said it.
but by doing applications at least you can see who wants the job rather than invite people and have them take it but not care either way.
being on staff doesn't require a rocket scientist, rather, somebody who is dedicated.
I totally agree with Randedl. It is a good point to bring up.
I Luv Cook> foo
I Luv Cook> i can be wigger too
I Luv Cook> what would i say then?
I Luv Cook> teach me
Blueblaze> ask izor
I Luv Cook> IZOR
I Luv Cook> YO
Izor> teach you what
I Luv Cook> how to speak
We won't be able to create an application that is reasonible that can determine whether a person is right for staff or not. That's like hiring someone based solely on what they wrote down without interviewing them in a job situation. Certain things should go on the application that they should need to pass, but it should be used more of a tool for finding interest. Worr's idea and Sarien's idea are both good.
I think the invite is the best way to go (though not for every zone), but if application were to be tried out I think it should be done the same way a real job is done:
1. Application similar to a CV (also add other player references, such as other players/staff/other zone owners...)
2. Fill out an extra form with very odd questions
3. Interview + test out the player's skills in somewhere such as TW (dev)
The only thing is, if there are RL questions, those can be rigged as the person can easily lie. You should ask for other extra proofs of work done or something. Make sure the person has a lot of maturity. And your e-mail inbox might be flooded :/
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.