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Settings change

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  • #91
    To Staff:

    Here are just some suggestions I have to offer about the latest changes in settings.

    1.) Let the weasel shoot at a bit lower of an energy point, but still hold the basics of the one shot per energy field. With the new settings changes, the cloak with stealth decreases the energy slowly, but you have to cloak and shoot right away, which can easily be seen on the lowest res. It kind of defeats the purpose of the cloak ability. =\ I mean you have to cloak then shoot a second later, otherwise you can't shoot at all.

    2.) Give the levi at least a repel or two, and take away a rocket. The rockets make it way too easy for the leviterr's levi to reach safety from just about anywhere. And while taking away a rocket and giving some repels back, it would help balance it out to where it would be just about the right consistency of difficulty.

    Thank you for your time. I may have more in the future, but that is some suggestions I have right off the bat. Take them as you will.

    Lots of love,
    Last edited by Left_Eye; 05-16-2003, 02:14 PM.


    • #92
      That took me 3 minutes and 26 seconds to read
      Can anyone beat me?


      • #93
        Personally i like the new levis. I am now able to kill a whole lot more as a levi than i use to. It needs 2 portals though. Terr is fine i guess. Weasel sucks, cuz the stealth and cloak together drain too much energy, ruining any unexpected attack since you can only have 1 of the 2 on in order to have enuf nrg to fire. Everything else with the weasel is good, but i liked the old 1 better.
        Hyde:... Government always tries to track people down, screw the U.S. government!
        Red: Screw the U.S. government?! IF the government decides to stick a tracking device up your ass, you say thank you! God bless America!


        • #94
          i was kind of confused when people said weasels had changed... then i logged on and saw and it made me want to quit the game right away. if your gonna do something that lame at least give every ship some form of x-radar so it is somewhat in their hands when they die to an x.
          Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
          apt>yes u can wtf
          apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
          apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
          apt>so i dont miss the toilet
          Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
          apt>ill show you pictures
          apt>next time I masturbate


          • #95
            hmm they made a couple map changes too. i guess thats ok, yeah. less roof laming is good. still though, those blue ships suck.
            Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
            apt>yes u can wtf
            apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
            apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
            apt>so i dont miss the toilet
            Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
            apt>ill show you pictures
            apt>next time I masturbate


            • #96
              Originally posted by King's Sword
              basing will get less popular than ever because of no portals to terrs and trench wars is gonna go ruins.
              Correction: Terrs have got their port back.


              • #97
                Staff should try giving the lanc the ability to shrink to a mini ship. If you're gonna fuck with settings, at least do something neat.
       - Gallileo's racist thread

                "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                • #98
                  Let me start off by saying that I'm a expereinced levterr, and I really do not appreciate the changes made to the leviathon and the extra block added to the sides of the flag rooms. I use the levterr for pure basing purposes regardless of whether or not im on a public or private frequency. Bombing the base from the outside using ridiculous angles is a good way of demoralizing the opposition to the point that I, my lev, and whoever else is on my freq will have the oportunity to occupy and hold the flag room. This tactic works well and is a very useful way of controlling a public arena.

                  The changes made to the ships are in my opinion a cop-out by players unable to defeat a levterr. And levterrs can be defeated quite easily using antiwarp/terrier portals/hunting levs in the spawn area to reduce amount of levs able to attach. I have always accepted the existence of levs as a part of public basing and taking away the abilities of levterrs makes the public arenas much less interesting. It is a challenge to me to be able to not only hold a base against those attacking using conventional methods but also those using levterr tactics. The changes in the map/ships thus reduce the skill level required to hold a public base.

                  Any game in which skill level is reduced to accomodate the opinions of those players unable to cope with a certain tactic is a game that admits defeat to mediocrity. I pride myself in my skill in all ships in the tw zone and in my opinion players that cannot defeat a certain ship or combination of ships should work HARDER TO COMPENSATE, not whine and moan and it.

                  And one other thing, this is a 2-d game....not on the cutting edge of technology or anything...people play this game because of the draw of a familiar setting, not because it is progressive. Over the last few years of trench wars, I would wager that participation in the game has INCREASED rather than DECREASED, which tells me that people are drawn to the settings and enjoy the familiar feel of trench wars. Thats the reason why i still play this 8 year old game and I'll bet that's why many others play as well.

                  This may be a bit melodramitc considering that it is just a few ship changes, but I hope that this zone does not follow the path of other games like Ultima Online which catered to public opinion and lost the participation of its veteran players.


                  • #99
                    " Any game in which skill level is reduced to accomodate the opinions of those players unable to cope with a certain tactic is a game that admits defeat to mediocrity"

                    yeah, why should the players's opinions matter?
                    Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                    apt>yes u can wtf
                    apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                    apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                    apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                    Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                    apt>ill show you pictures
                    apt>next time I masturbate


                    • I love the tiny lil' weasel. It's so cute. The energy drain, not so much. I don't think taking repels away from levs was a spectacular idea, but I don't think it's a big deal.
                      I'm the PRINCE of PLANKTON.


                      • I never said that players' opinions shouldnt matter....I meant that players who degrade the skill level with their opinions only hurt the game...

                        The quote you used only justifies the statement I just made.


                        • These new settings are really stupid. I mean they ruin the game completely. Small weasels come out everywhere. Everybody knows they're a pain-in-the-ass. Baseterring is impossible now!

                          Since the server-problems occured, I switched on Xtreme Games, but with these latest changes you admins really push users to go elsewhere. Really TW was popular because of the great gameplay, but now ...

                          I can't wait to restart playing when the old settings are restored, and I speak for the whole AIDteam squad!

                          Maybe it's just a tricky way to advertise for this forum

                          Why do you guys don't add a poll on the forum? It is possible with VBulletin!!!
                          Mess with the best, die like the rest


                          • you bastards degrade the skill level with your incessant wall bombing. lets all bomb the walls from afar and call it skill, wahoo!

                            its really bad now. i cant beleive we even have ships like that. this cloaking thing has gotten ridiculous.

                            SVS Zones: the cloaker is a good idea. It suprises you and you have to come back from slight adversity to fight its slightly weakened ship.

                            Trenchwars: The cloaker is a bad idea. It surprises you and you're dead. You can be the best player in the world and it would still get you and its a complete newb. and you're the best player EVER! JUST KILLED BY THE NEWEST PLAYER EVER? IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE. and then they will call you easy and you will call them a newb, and he will say "well IM the one who killed YOU" as if you ever had a chance to kill him. this ship will never be right as long as it cloaks like that in a one shot kill zone like this. it will never be useful AND skillful at the same time.

                            and as for levis, the same to them but to a lesser extent. plus i dont know why everyone wants to give the levi EMP capabilities and a weaker bomb. it sucks being emped and i would not enjoy being emped every 10 seconds. theres a better solution out there somewhere.
                            Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                            apt>yes u can wtf
                            apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                            apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                            apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                            Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                            apt>ill show you pictures
                            apt>next time I masturbate


                            • Originally posted by JimboJimmy
                              Bombing the base from the outside using ridiculous angles is a good way of demoralizing the opposition to the point that I, my lev, and whoever else is on my freq will have the oportunity to occupy and hold the flag room. This tactic works well and is a very useful way of controlling a public arena.
                              When people get demoralized playing a game, they leave. It's not like they're defending their homeland. How is people getting bored and leaving a good thing? It's not. You might get flagroom, but the basing has ended. While you may have accomplished the goal of the game, you've lost the essence.

                              Originally posted by JimboJimmy
                              The changes made to the ships are in my opinion a cop-out by players unable to defeat a levterr. And levterrs can be defeated quite easily using antiwarp/terrier portals/hunting levs in the spawn area to reduce amount of levs able to attach.
                              a lev terr requires two people.
                              an antiwarp terr requires minimum 2 (spid, terr) and almost always needs a warbird, too. Then add in the spawners you suggested. Your counter requires probably twice as many people to kill the levterr. And lev spawning isn't exciting, either. So once again, people are getting bored.

                              Originally posted by JimboJimmy
                              [B] The changes in the map/ships thus reduce the skill level required to hold a public base. [b]
                              Since we brought up skill, how much skill does it take to fire STRAIGHT AHEAD AT A WALL? Just shy of none. The terr side takes a bit more skill, but still not the hardest aspect of tw. Furthermore, for the people INSIDE the base how do they dodge a bomb with enormous radius and massive damage that can hit the base from off radius? Warp? "warp.... recharge, reattach, recharge WARP, etc...."

                              Originally posted by JimboJimmy
                              AOver the last few years of trench wars, I would wager that participation in the game has INCREASED rather than DECREASED, which tells me that people are drawn to the settings and enjoy the familiar feel of trench wars.
                              New people come because they like the familiar settings? Heh. Sorry to quibble over words, I just thought it was silly. Anyway, they are drawn to Trench mainly because it's a simple zone. For years, the general voice of the populace has been, "TW needs work, but it's not worth risking a fuckup." Now, almost no one who can have their opinion heard by someone of importance plays pubs. So, they say, "Sure! Toy with pubs! Fix those useless ships."

                              And just so we're all clear on what I think the useless ships are, I'm talking spider, shark, and terrier.


                              • Originally posted by Mobey
                                That took me 3 minutes and 26 seconds to read
                                Can anyone beat me?
                                2mins and 55 secs

                                PS: bob marley owns you

