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Settings change

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  • the settings were NOT fine the way they were. there were 3 ships that were absolutely useless in true basing. sure, you can play those ships in pub and lame all day if you want, but in all actuality, those ships should be fixed to participate in the true basing experience.
    plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


    • Jimbo you are full of shit.
      I'm not going to go into full detail and ramble on about how you're full of shit, but you are indeed full of shit.


      • That's not a very constuctive attitude bigwig...everything i've said has been my experience in public basing. If you have any relevant comments on your experience, then make them. Don't be a high and mighty arrogant dick who thinks he knows everything about basing.


        • well your "experience" seems to contrast with what other people play through every day. Every point you bring up is just trying to weasel out of what people who play in pub know to be the truth. Levterrs are overpowered, parasitic, and destructive to the game.
          I said you were full of shit. That didn't mean i considered myself high and mighty. Don't pull things out of your ass.


          • Hey I like the new settings!

            The weasel is now useable in base, or should I say was. The bulletspeed of the first one was a bit too fast, now it seems to slow again. The energy settings might not be perfect either, I hope it will be tested in an serious enviroment and adapted so the weasel can become another 'special' ship in line with Jav and Warbird.

            The Levi is easier to kill.. with that I mean it doesn't take ages to die because of the everlasting repels. Those repels were kind of useless in spawn, because people would just keep shooting untill the levi was out of repels, and so it only took alot of time for both players. Even when a levi killed someone 1 on 1, the loser would spawn and fly back to the levis position.
            Now the levi has rocket and portal. It's still weak 1 on 1, but it can change positions faster.
            As levter, the terrier has to have alot more skill because the levi can't compensate his mistakes with repels.

            If there is an increase of people flying in the ships it's probably because of the new settings, that will probably change within time.

            The terrier without a initial portal, doesn't sound so bad. Maybe increase the chance of greening one. As long as it's greenable nothing really changes, only for the people that reset to get a portal (Private freq LTs).

            And what about the baselanc? I think it's a mighty ship allready, but it seems to miss something...
            You ate some priest porridge


            • I like the new settings aswell...
              I just owned like 23 weasels that were like jam packed in base with a jav and a terr


                there were 3 ships that were absolutely useless in true basing. sure, you can play those ships in pub and lame all day if you want,
                they were absolutely useless in true basing

                they were LESS than absolutely useless in pub.

                SO WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY CHANGED IN PUB? (talking about cloaker) AX IT! AX IT!

                PUB WEASEL: NO, BAD IDEA.
                Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                apt>yes u can wtf
                apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                apt>ill show you pictures
                apt>next time I masturbate


                • LT's are part of the game plain and simple, taking away reps on levi's weakens there defense. instead of doing that, maybe players should learn to better defend against them.

                  LONG LIVE THE LEVI-TER!
                  LONG LIVE THE LEVI-TER!!!!!!


                  • All of Jimbo's scenarios of countering lev terrs are so damn false... i mean does every Warbird know the angles of the base? Does EACH spider have anti-warp? Oh sure they can buy anti-warp but... you'd have to get to safety first... then there's getting lamed on the way to safety. YOu attach to terr with anti warp ready to get that leviterr but since you're a spider... you're expected to FOLLOW THE PURPOSE OF THE PUB... which is to try and HOLD BASE against people attacking... so like i said... being a spider you go and attack and get killed and lose your anti-warp... then you re-attach to help defend more and once you get attached you get screwed over by an unknown assailant that lobbed a blue bomb.

                    Sure you're very experienced and skilled at levi terring... yes i'm sure you expect people who are basing are very skilled as well...
                    Trench Wars isn't popular cuz it keeps it's old settings.... newbies who just come into this zone don't even know what a "leviathan" is... they come into this zone because it's easy to kill with this one hit kill idea... so new commers to the zone (mostly newbies) don't give a damn about "old settings".... the people who would care about old settings are the veteran players (people who've played long enough to know their surroundings... an opposite of a newbie... for those who like to give newbie a different term)...

                    Plus... you're only talking from a biased standpoint... when's the last time YOU'VE truelly pubbed by using TEAMWORK? Well if you havn't based in a while... go base for once then... go into ?go base and play there and enjoy yourself... then go back to pub and try holding flagroom... once you're in the intensity of a good basing pub and once you get killed by that levi bomb... then you'll see what we're all bitching about......

                    - magi "the guy who knows shit about basing but talks about it like he does" koz


                    • Originally posted by high420times337
                      LT's are part of the game plain and simple, taking away reps on levi's weakens there defense. instead of doing that, maybe players should learn to better defend against them.

                      LONG LIVE THE LEVI-TER!
                      Or maybe it's about time that levis learn to defend themselves too.


                      • Originally posted by za gophar
                        they were absolutely useless in true basing

                        they were LESS than absolutely useless in pub.

                        SO WHY THE FUCK ARE THEY CHANGED IN PUB? (talking about cloaker) AX IT! AX IT!

                        TRUE BASING WEASEL: YES, FINE WHATEVER.
                        PUB WEASEL: NO, BAD IDEA.
                        ok let's establish what the old weasel was used for in pub:
                        1) killing stray levs (which everyone admits the lev is a broken ship. fix the lev, fix the only target the cloaker has)
                        2) taking the base if the other team didn't have a terrier

                        now let's see what the new weasel is being used for:
                        1) killing stray levs (old habits never die)
                        2) taking the base..... while there's an enemy terrier? yeah, that's right... the weasel is actually willing to go *GASP* near the base! that in itself is an advancement.
                        plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


                        • that makes me want to smack myself in the forehead. weasels arent weasels so they can take the base, weasels are weasels so they can get easy kills. this is so frustrating. these people are freaking newbies, any player who actually wants to help take base will use a ship that doesnt suck at it, and weasels are still not very effective in taking base. they are effective in randomly suprise killing people who never had a chance to fight them. this is a disaster. i find it impossible to have fun anymore, why should i have to trust that someone will have to kill all the fuckin cloakers for me? i dont trust them, and evidently i shouldnt, cause im getting cloaked like mad. things would be fine and dandy without this off balance ship. things are fun around here as long as the lamers are kept on a leash.
                          Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                          apt>yes u can wtf
                          apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                          apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                          apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                          Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                          apt>ill show you pictures
                          apt>next time I masturbate


                          • newsflash

                            Whoever chose these new levi settings is catering to a small minority of trenchwars players who just happen to be the loudest & bitchiest members of the community. You know the one... sits in the flagroom, chatting and not even paying attention... then when they suddenly get taken out by an LT they cry about it. These are the players who think highly of their personal skill, yet somehow they are *above* hunting levterrs. If you can't catch a levterr, you need a new strategy. Changing the settings is not the answer.

                            I gather that the two blocks in the ears of the flagroom have been filled in. What does this accomplish besides ruining one of the most trendy levterr shots? It means a levterr can still hit the flagroom wall from outside, but that a warbird inside flag isn't able to get a shot out. I myself have surprised many a levterr using those holes in the ears and I don't see how filling them in is a good solution. It also takes away one of the most popular javelin spots for bombing flagroom, as you all know.

                            I also would love to know how taking away the repels of a levi is justified. All it means is that levi spawners won't have to wait for the repels to run out while they lame spawning levis. Not that a good levi won't make use of the portals. But do you really think this will make a difference when you're hunting a levterr with two sharks aboard? Think about what you are doing! All this means is that levterrs will have a harder time making it to safes... and don't think the loyal lev fans are going to give up easily. It's often been a fiasco to get a levi into safe..... now, all a levi will need is a sidekick shark or two to help rep them to the safe quicker. Your settings are not going to deter the levterrs. Get over it. Stop whining. Go to elim where you belong.

                            EDIT: HMMM Since the leviathan is presumably being made weaker, why not be fair about it and take away anti-warp for spiders?... SEEMS FAIR TO ME <cough>
                            Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


                            • Originally posted by za gophar
                              that makes me want to smack myself in the forehead. weasels arent weasels so they can take the base, weasels are weasels so they can get easy kills. this is so frustrating. these people are freaking newbies, any player who actually wants to help take base will use a ship that doesnt suck at it, and weasels are still not very effective in taking base. they are effective in randomly suprise killing people who never had a chance to fight them. this is a disaster. i find it impossible to have fun anymore, why should i have to trust that someone will have to kill all the fuckin cloakers for me? i dont trust them, and evidently i shouldnt, cause im getting cloaked like mad. things would be fine and dandy without this off balance ship. things are fun around here as long as the lamers are kept on a leash.
                              oh i see your standpoint now. you want 5 basing ships and 3 goof-off ships. i want 8 basing ships. that's where the disagreement comes in.
                              plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


                              • no, 6. the lancaster is an ok ship. especially for newbs. if the leviathon can be changed to become a good basing ship, im for 7. Im kind of opposed to the EMP tho, being emped is just no fun, it would also be a very big change to swallow. and weasels? the problem I have with them is that they cloak and surprise kill people who dont deserve to die. i would not mind having a 1 tile ship that did not CLOAK, in fact that might be kind of cool. granted, it would have to be made a bit stronger, yes.

                                right now i see 6 good ships. and two goof off ships. I am not striving to create change in the levi though, because I think too many people support it, sadly. the cloaker is respected by no one, it is nothing but pure lameness. who ever said we had to keep its ability to cloak while changing it to become a more useful ship?
                                Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                                apt>yes u can wtf
                                apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                                apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                                apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                                Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                                apt>ill show you pictures
                                apt>next time I masturbate

