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Spacebux: Why Spacebux is Broken, and Why It's Killing the Zone (WARNING: LONG ESSAY)

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  • Spacebux: Why Spacebux is Broken, and Why It's Killing the Zone (WARNING: LONG ESSAY)

    Well, here it is. When I first started writing this, I only wanted to record my problems with Spacebux and give an intelligent argument defending my position. I didn't expect it to be a 2700 word essay. I'm sure that's very tl;dr for most people. I only hope, then, that at least a few people will take the time to read it and understand what's the point is. I didn't sit and write this whole thing for nothing. Also, I apologize for any spelling or grammatical mistakes.

    If there's anything you don't understand, feel free to ask me, and I'll explain it.


    Spacebux: Why Spacebux is Broken, and Why It's Killing the Zone

    I've been lazy and unmotivated to write something about Spacebux for a while. I've been enduring it in silence, basically, save for a few posts I made in an earlier thread. That thread didn't really expose all the problems with the Spacebux system, and recently I decided to finally come here and give a more detailed explanation of the problems with Spacebux.

    To that end, this post will have 2 sections: Why Spacebux is broken (which addresses the things about it that cause problems in the game) and why it is killing the zone (which addresses the more overarching problems with the system and its principles.)

    SECTION 1: Why Spacebux is Broken

    The shortest answer here is the “Uberitems,” the items that afford a wildly unfair advantage to the buyer, and genrally make gameplay terrible for people that are their victims. Things like nukebase and megawarp, and to some extent shields, fall under this category.

    The main problem with these Uberitems is that they make standard basing, of the kind that Trench Wars was originally founded upon – where the goal of the game is to take control of the flag for a set amount of time – not an end in itself, but a means to an end. I'll go into more detail about this in the second section, but this means that people are playing more to get Uberitems than to actually play the game.

    Another major problem with Spacebux is Superlev, and the massive advantages that both it and the rest of the items afford to LTs. “But hang on a second!,” some would say, “the superlev item only gives the levi as much bombing power as the old levi used to have, and there weren't any problems with it before!” Actually, there are two main problems with “new” levi.

    First, the Superlev bomb, on top of having the same blast radius and damage as the old levi, has an EMP effect to anyone within range that isn't killed by the bomb explosion itself. Yes, the standard levi also has EMP, but its blast radius isn't large enough to really matter, so the Superlev item adds more power to the new levi than the old levi used to have.
    Second, the Spacebux system, as opposed to the old ?buy system, means that LTs can buy any items they need to escape from LT hunters anytime they want. Need a full charge to pop off another bomb? You got it, with Spacebux. Need another portal, since you don't have anyone greening? Buy a full charge, or better yet, buy a prize pack, which can ALSO be used to green up your Levi even faster than before. And, all this can be done anytime you like, no matter what the situation is.

    Clearly, the new Levi has incredible power, far more power than it used to have, which is probably not what people were expecting with new Levi. Unfortunately for most people, the problems don't end there. Again, I'll go into more detail in the second section, but the basic problem is that only veterans can afford to be a LT anymore, meaning that they are effectively impossible to kill.

    To compound the problem, Pub is not what it used to be when the old LT and ?buy systems were in place. Today, an LT private freq can simply fly around the base and lob bombs at the walls, scoring kills without any real effort. This disrupts the people in the public freqs attempting to actually play a good basing game in Pub. This is a far cry from what it used to be, where LTs would be used by the pub freqs themselves in an attempt to turn the tide of battle in their favor – the role the Levi was originally designed to play when the ship settings were first made. “But wait!,” one could interject, “Pub freqs can still use the LT in their favor! What's the problem here?” The problem here is that I personally have never seen any public freq use any Levis. I'm sure that it has happened sometime, but it certainly doesn't happen enough to justify the Levi's huge power. The only thing that the Levi is being used for now, then, is for picking off people in base by private freqs with no interest in basing, and in a Pub designed specifically for that purpose, it is a major problem.

    “Hang on a second!,” one may exclaim, “The LT is only as powerful as the Terr driving. Can't people just hunt the LT and kill it? That isn't much of a problem.” In reality, it IS a problem, a major one at that. The first problem is that antiwarp, one of the mainstay weapons against LTs, can now only be carried by Spiders. Spiders, obviously, don't have the speed or maneuverability to keep up with even a mediocre LT, and the massive energy penalty with which the anti punishes the Spider means it simply is worthless against LTs. “But can't the Spider just attach to a friendly Terrier to hunt the LT?,” one may inquire. Unfortunately, although this may actually be feasible in theory, there seems to be no concerted effort to take down an LT in either public freq, or any freq for that matter, at any time. Yes, there may be a few Warbirds and Lancasters flying around the roof in an attempt to drive off the LT, but no one ever seems to get that Spider + Anti + Terrier = a much better chance at killing an LT.

    Even worse, dedicating so many team resources to killing the LT puts a very noticeable dent in that freq's basing capabilities. A good anti-LT freq needs a Terrier, for fast transport of a Spider, and a few Lancasters for wide area denial and eventual killing of the target LT. Committing so many resources to killing an LT splits the team's effectiveness and effectively guarantees that the freq will be too under-manned within the base to be able to fight the enemy public frequency. All that together means that a public freq has a choice: hunt the LT but lose the basing game, or continue to fight in the base while repeatedly being killed by the LT. Most of the time, people choose the latter.

    To put the final nail in the coffin, so to speak, as mentioned before, LTs, using Spacebux, can simply buy whatever they need to throw off potential attackers and continue their unstoppable bombing. As an LT only needs to buy things in open space rather than in safe, LTs can simply evade attackers and immediately start bombing once again, without any cooldown time to return to safe and stock up for another run, making any effort to kill an LT basically meaningless.

    In the end, that means that Spacebux makes the LT an effectively invincible method of scoring kills, and consequentially destroying basing, the foundation of the zone – and that's only the advantages that an LT has, without considering the other Uberitems available for purchase.

    “Hey, hold on!,” one may object, “All the Uberitems are available for anyone to purchase. Can't people just use their Spacebux to counter the Uberitem attacks?” Well, that question ends up leading into the second section...

    SECTION 2: Why Spacebux is Killing the Zone

    I'm certain that killing basing was not the intent of the people that created and instituted the Spacebux system. Unfortunately, that's exactly what it does. In a more physical sense, it prevents good games from being played, due to interruptions from LTs and Uberitems. The point of this second section, though, is the problem with the PRINCIPLE of the Spacebux system itself. That principle is the real problem behind Spacebux, and I believe, is one of the things that are contributing to the death of this zone and Continuum as a whole.

    What's the principle behind Spacebux? In short, rewards. “But aren't rewards a good thing?,” one may assume. I believe that rewards – at least, of the kind currently given by the Spacebux system – are a very bad thing, as it takes the focus away from the original intent of the zone.

    Trench Wars was originally designed to be a basing zone. A single base with a single flag and a single objective for both teams to struggle for. Each ship was unique and designed for a specific purpose to help their team achieve their goal: the Warbird, a sniper to quickly eliminate enemies from a distance; the Javelin, a grenadier to clear out tight spaces of enemies; the Spider, a machine gunner with the ability to kill multiple enemies in quick succession; the Leviathan, an immensely powerful tank that could turn the tide of battle if used effectively; the Terrier, a mobile command post that deployed units in the front lines; the Weasel, a stealthy assassin designed to sneak up on and kill high value targets; the Lancaster, a shotgunner with the ability of wider area denial; and the Shark, a miner to slow down the enemy. All these ships, all these roles, were the main tools each team had to take and hold the Holy Flag. Effective training with and use of each role were the keystones of a good basing team, which created an environment that fostered teamwork, tactics and strategy, and friendship. The task of taking the Holy Flag was not easy, but a challenge to overcome, a challenge which brought enjoyment to all, as the fight was fair, and teamwork, along with personal skill, were the only ways to win the game.

    Today, the main tools of taking the flag are a bit less balanced. How can one take the flag today? Why not buy a Shield and rush into the base, smashing through any defense? Buying Super is a good idea, as you can quickly take out multiple enemies with minimal effort. How about a Thor, to easily clear out a flagroom of some pesky skilled fighters to clear the way for a rush? Hell, if you really want some power, try a megawarp and completely clear the base for your team to take the base with zero resistance.

    Now, consider the two scenarios above. Which do you think is more enjoyable for everyone? Which do you think rewards teamwork? Which do you think demands more skill? Which do you think requires more knowledge of the game? Which do you think creates an environment for training potential Leage players? Which do you think, in the end, is better for the zone?

    I'm sure the answers to those questions are obvious – and one of those situations is brought to you courtesy of the “rewards” of Spacebux. One system “rewards” teamwork and good sportsmanship, and the other “rewards” individual, solo work and, in two words, selfishness and greed.

    That is the problem with the principle behind Spacebux. The “reward” system means that there is no longer a reason to actually play a basing game past gaining kills for your next Megawarp or Superlev. There is no longer any way to play a good game of basing without playing ?go base, which is dead, or playing in the leagues, which is populated by too many powerful, experienced players for someone outside of the league to win against – meaning that Spacebux inhibits new players from playing basing leagues.

    “Wait, wait, wait,” one can interrupt, “doesn't everyone in Pub have the chance to get powerful items? And doesn't the Spacebux system help new players by giving them more power, allowing them to learn the game better while fighting against more experienced opponents?” The answer to both of those questions is a resounding “No.”

    Again, as I said earlier, Spacebux is, at its core, a reward system. The problem is what, exactly, it rewards. Spacebux is a time- and experience-based reward system, using kills and flag game wins as the determining factor for how much to reward. What are two things that veteran players have and can put to use in a Pub game? Time and experience – time, as they know the flow of a game and how to change fighting styles as time progresses, and the ability to invest large amounts of time into a game as they know it well, and experience, obviously, more experience in ship-to-ship fighting, basing, and knowledge of the system. New players have neither of these advantages – a person trying out the game for the first time is generally unwilling to commit too much time to the game if it is to hard at first, and the inherently lack experience in fighting and do not know how the system functions.
    This means, in the end, that veteran players accumulate large amounts of Spacebux, and its overpowered rewards, while new players, the original intended beneficiary of the Spacebux system, are unable to gain enough Spacebux to make a real difference – and even worse, they don't have enough knowledge of the system to know how to use Spacebux effectively. In other words, ONLY VETERANS ARE ABLE TO USE SPACEBUX EFFECTIVELY, NOT NEW PLAYERS.

    I capitalized that last sentence as it's the absolute, final problem that Spacebux boils down to. When only veterans can use Spacebux, new players are driven away even more than they were before Spacebux was instituted: or, in clearer terms, Spacebux is killing the zone by driving away new players.

    CONCLUSION: Silence and Apathy

    Recently, I was playing a basing game in Pub. All was well for a while, as the teams were well balanced, and the fight was fun and exciting. All of a sudden, I see a purple blob approach the flagroom as I fight inside it. Obviously, I die. Both teams fell victim to the bomb, and both teams recovered as fast as they could to restart the fight for the flag. Then, it happened again, this time from a different place, as the bomb targeted mid. Again, I and a few of my fellow team mates died. After a few more deaths to the LT, I switched to Warbird to try to hunt down the offending LT. I was far overmatched, however – as I couldn't carry Anti, the LT would simply portal away as I approached, buy another portal with Spacebux, and lay it in a different position, all before I could retaliate. It was literally impossible for me to kill the LT, and all the while, it was scoring more kills on both my and the enemy team.
    Frustrated, I called for help from my team. One other person switched to Lancaster and began chasing the LT, but unlike Captain Planet, our powers combined still couldn't stop the LT. I call through chat to see if anyone will switch to Terr to carry my as an Antiwarp Spider around. My only answer is silence.

    At wit's end, I gave up on basing and switched to the other team to ask if anyone wanted to form an LT hunting party. Again, no reply.

    Finally, I go into public chat to ask if anyone wanted to kill the Superlev. The scrolling text on the bottom of my screen sent to me merely the everyday chatter of the Public arena. Eventually, one lone person answered with a question: “What's Superlev?”

    “Aha!,” one may shout, “there is proof that your argument doesn't work! If LTs were as much of a problem as you say, then people would band together and fight them! Spacebux really does work!” I disagree. I think that the lack of response is due to two things: lack of focus on the chat (not much of a problem) and general apathy (a much bigger problem.) I feel that people in the public arena simply don't care anymore about the constant deaths to LTs or Uberitems. What's the point in killing an LT if they simply warp away? Even if you do manage to kill an LT, they will be re-greened in a few minutes and be back again. There is no point in hunting LTs, as they always come back. Likewise, there is little to no defense against the other Uberitems.

    That, in the end, is the problem. That is why Spacebux needs to be removed. There is now no way to play a good game of basing in Pub. That's why Spacebux is killing Trench Wars.

  • #2
    holy wall o text batman
    The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

    SSCJ Distension Owner
    SSCU Trench Wars Developer

    Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


    • #3
      gimme the tl;dr
      5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
      5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
      5:royst> i wish it was calculus

      1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

      1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


      • #4
        School has taught us that the longer the essay you write, the better it must be. Pad pad pad.

        I skimmed it (so I'm sure I missed out some major points), but here we go:

        - Uber-items (nukebase, etc) destroys the basing ethos; ruins the balanced gameplay.
        - LTs have never had it so good. !buy superlev brings levis back to the old broken L3 bomb, PLUS EMP, PLUS the ability to buy without visiting safe. (Levi won't run out of reps, Terr won't run out of portals.)
        - Spacebux promotes individual rather than team play. Players aim to get their next nukebase to win, instead of improving their teamwork.
        - Spacebux favours people who invest more time into learning how to abuse it. e.g. Setting macros for !buy and knowing what goes well together.
        - Spacebux is driving away new players.

        "There is now no way to play a good game of basing in Pub. That's why Spacebux is killing Trench Wars."


        • #5
          Its nice that you are so passionate about something in the zone, but my god learn to summarize your emotions.

          I read the first paragraph, skimmed the rest then read the last 2 paragraphs. You are not wrong in your opinions, but bear in mind that that's exactly what they are is opinions based on what you consider to be fun. For what it's worth I even whole heartedly agree with like 80% of what you said, but there would be plenty of people who wouldn't agree. Take away the levi (pure pub) and we will have 500 threads on here whining about how we are ruining everybodys fun (justifiably), leave it alone and we get 500 threads about how we are ruining everybodys fun (justifiably again). Just like every aspect of this zone you can't make everybody happy. One way or another we will appeal to some players and annoy the rest, and trying to find a healthy balance does nothing but get the staff trolled.

          If you really feel so passionate about something you'd like to change in the zone, then why don't you just apply for staff and start working on it? Would be time better spent than writing a 15 page essay on forums.

          My advice to you if you decide to apply is to find 1 or 2 staffers that you trust implicitly and deal with nobody else (I recommend Magi Koz). I say this because they preach about teamwork for the betterment of the zone but the truth is they are all just out for themselves and will stab you in the back if it means they have a better chance of a promotion/less work. It's quite an unhealthy environment, and I wanted you to have the facts before applying, but if you still feel passionate about making a difference by all means feel free
          1:wbm> i squint when im angry

          Originally posted by mtine
          Yo LF, u'll never get me. Trust me, SUCK MY CUNT U MADAFAKING IDIOT!!! Cum at me bro. God, ur even worse than some fags irl's history. commit suicide since u aren't even worth 5 penises. CAN'T TOUCH DIS!!! Jeez man. ALL UR MOFOS THAT U RULE IN THIS GAME SHUD RLY SEE HOW UGLY U R IRL AND HOW DUMB AS WELL. Oh, 1 last thing: CAN'T TOUCH THIS ASS.


          • #6
            I read the entire novel from front to back.

            I agreed w/ several of your points and disagreed on a few as well. I don't think SpaceBucks is killing the zone, I think the fact that this is a very old game and less and less people are interested in it has more to do w/ killing it.

            I know of a solution that came up for this came up in an upperstaff meeting; creating 2 pubs. 1 for "pure basing", the other for pub bucks. I'm not sure if we have the active playerbase to make this work but it's worth a try.

            Last I heard on the initiative above, we couldn't get 2 pubs up at once w/ separate settings to work correctly. Pinkstar would be your best bet on finding out more details.

            I agree w/ LF on the fact that if you want to make a difference, don't wait on someone else to do it, get in the "trenches" and do it yourself. The first step, as he suggested, may be to apply to staff. If that doesn't work, there's plenty of avenues out there to make a difference.

            Good luck on everything,

            Help Promote TrenchWars - -


            • #7
              once again : nukebase is gay. Bring strikebase back. first staffer to fix this gets nudes of PH and Draft. not individual pics but a pic of PH raping draft.

              internet de la jerome

              because the internet | hazardous


              • #8
                i read the whole thing before

                and pure pub is a very good idea
                also killing inflation is good too
                The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                SSCJ Distension Owner
                SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nockm View Post
                  School has taught us that the longer the essay you write, the better it must be. Pad pad pad.

                  I skimmed it (so I'm sure I missed out some major points), but here we go:

                  - Uber-items (nukebase, etc) destroys the basing ethos; ruins the balanced gameplay.
                  - LTs have never had it so good. !buy superlev brings levis back to the old broken L3 bomb, PLUS EMP, PLUS the ability to buy without visiting safe. (Levi won't run out of reps, Terr won't run out of portals.)
                  - Spacebux promotes individual rather than team play. Players aim to get their next nukebase to win, instead of improving their teamwork.
                  - Spacebux favours people who invest more time into learning how to abuse it. e.g. Setting macros for !buy and knowing what goes well together.
                  - Spacebux is driving away new players.

                  "There is now no way to play a good game of basing in Pub. That's why Spacebux is killing Trench Wars."
                  Didn't try to pad... It's just the way I think, lol.

                  Yes, that's the gist of it, except for another major point, "Spacebux is inherently biased against new players and towards veterans."

                  Originally posted by Twenty Four View Post
                  I read the entire novel from front to back.

                  I agreed w/ several of your points and disagreed on a few as well. I don't think SpaceBucks is killing the zone, I think the fact that this is a very old game and less and less people are interested in it has more to do w/ killing it.

                  I know of a solution that came up for this came up in an upperstaff meeting; creating 2 pubs. 1 for "pure basing", the other for pub bucks. I'm not sure if we have the active playerbase to make this work but it's worth a try.

                  Last I heard on the initiative above, we couldn't get 2 pubs up at once w/ separate settings to work correctly. Pinkstar would be your best bet on finding out more details.

                  I agree w/ LF on the fact that if you want to make a difference, don't wait on someone else to do it, get in the "trenches" and do it yourself. The first step, as he suggested, may be to apply to staff. If that doesn't work, there's plenty of avenues out there to make a difference.

                  Good luck on everything,

                  Yes, I know Spacebux isn't the only problem, and it's definately a minor one compared to (the lack of) advertising and marketing... I would be fine with keeping Spacebux if we could only draw more players through ads.

                  About the seperate pubs, it's been done before and was successful, and doesn't need altered ship settings if that's the problem. One pub can be left as it is right now with Spacebux, and the other pub can have Spacebux removed, and also have Levi removed like in the old pure pub system. Unless it's a problem with the Spacebux bot plugin, it should work like that.

                  The suggestion to apply for staff is duly noted.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MegamanEXE View Post
                    About the seperate pubs, it's been done before and was successful, and doesn't need altered ship settings if that's the problem. One pub can be left as it is right now with Spacebux, and the other pub can have Spacebux removed, and also have Levi removed like in the old pure pub system. Unless it's a problem with the Spacebux bot plugin, it should work like that.
                    I'm not sure what the issue is exactly. I just know we had 4 sysyops trying to do it for 2 weeks, and none of them could get it working.

                    Perhaps your post will urge them to try again.

                    Help Promote TrenchWars - -


                    • #11
                      First off, "uber-items" shouldn't be a problem. If you think it's that hard to kill an LT, then you're doing something wrong. Thors, anti-warp, slowdowns, roof turrets, blindness, as well as each ships abilities: cloaking (can be helpful), port-trapping, mines, and of course simple bullets and prox bombs will do. Levi-terrs aren't hard to kill if you are can aim and don't give up after they warp. If someone mega-warps you, then hopefully your terrier has quick enough reflexes to warp back before he is sucked into the wormhole (after that, of course, he should warp right back to the flag room). Then your team would hit F7 and attach back to the fore-mentioned terrier in flag room, and the basing would continue for another hour until that player buys another megawarp. Even if the terrier dies during the megawarp, bomblast, nukebase, or superlevi, it shouldn't be a big deal. The trek from spawn to flag room isn't far -I can get to the flag in under 30 seconds in a slow-poke weasel- again, not a problem. None of these "uber-items" carry any weight: if a team can only take the base by warping the other team to the low spawn area, then they probably can't hold the base for 3 minutes either.

                      That brings me to my next point: what happens if you lose the oh so precious round of pub because someone used these super unfair items against you and your teammates:
                      WillBy> Yes, i fear the end is near, we lost a round in pub, that's one of three! If we lose another, we lose for good! Game over, bye guys too bad we won't get another chance to beat those cheaters
                      Round 2 begins in 1:30. (Score: 0 - 1) Type !warp to set warp status, or send !help
                      WillBy> Oh, right...

                      There's no need to worry about space bucks, they aren't a
                      problem-it spices up pub as much as anything can, and there's no real reason to get rid of them short of convenience for LT hunters and those precious few like MegamanEXE who dislike the system because it's either "below their abilities" or too different from old pub for these guys to adapt. I could ramble on and on about why you shouldn't be complaining, (and I kind of am :\ ) In conclusion, nothing about space bucks should be a problem for a competent player, and if it really bugs you just ?go base, wbduel, javduel, and elim should always be running or there are plenty of staffers who'd be more than happy enough to help you start them. Now let's address the real problem, lancasters playing kill-o-thon.

                      TL;DR Space bucks is a fine system, those who oppose it are just uninformed, out-dated, arguing the status quo for the sake of arguing, or lastly (and most commonly) unable to accept defeat by those with more space bucks.

                      This is an essay thread, right? J/k MegamanEXE, I'm just "arguing for the sake of arguing", but my points still carry some weight


                      • #12
                        Meh this argument coming from some kid who mercilessly hunts my 300 bounty wb down with !buy slowdown:izor is a bit hypocritical but the fact that I'm getting slain with this stuff is really annoying. I don't even think it would be so bad if people didnt have millions of spacebux making the system useless. Clearly the above yes-man on staff hasnt been around when 'wildblood123' is in pub. The guy has like $5 mil and never hesitates to use it every single round to win. If I was basing I'd get really pissed really fast and just stop.

                        Let's talk about how unbalanced this system is for WB's, since they were completely overlooked in the process of making this. As you get any type of streak going, the number of pubbers that's buying crap trying to kill you rises exponentially. A fullcharge is all someone really needs to hunt a wb down since they can boost up right next to it hit their macro and shoot immediately. 50 spacebux. 25 kills, or 40 per killothon win. I occasionally will indulge in buying a thor and lobbing it up at basers from relative safety, but I admit that is pretty lame since I usually end up with an unearned 10fer. Upon complaining about this in game, I am met with a horde of staffers replying that it's not broken because of the options that are available to me as a wb against enemies. I can !buy sphere, megawarp, shield etc but that's a minimum of $1500 to counter the effects of a $50 rush. In other words I'd be spending 30:1. Immunity won't even help me against a fc rush, thor, or the ever popular antiwarp terr (or any combination of those). What is a wb supposed to do here? Roll over and die? It doesnt even take skill to kill someone now. I understand this is largely intended for the levterr game, but it kill priv freq wbing, which has always been a staple of pub
                        I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                        I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Izor View Post
                          I don't even think it would be so bad if people didnt have millions of spacebux making the system useless.
                          this is the problem here, folks
                          theres a reason i made the dollar bar have the number of digits it has
                          none of the original creators of the system wanted to have people running around with as much as they have
                          The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                          SSCJ Distension Owner
                          SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                          Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                          • #14
                            Solution is easy. Add a zero or two behind all the prices.
                            (Children)>hunted for life
                            (zhou)>ofc u hear things cus ur still a virgin
                            :zhou:i dont wanna go deaf bro


                            • #15
                              or take two zeroes off income instead, as intended by the creators
                              and stop handing out 100k for winning hunt or something dumb
                              The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                              SSCJ Distension Owner
                              SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                              Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.

