So I join MMR to play jav and immediately people start groaning about me signing up.

Game results below and I guess it made them made I beat them.

I happen to win the game and KO both Kess and Vys much to their disgust and remained in arena out of spec. I sign up floating in base for the next MMR. Right before the game a little birdie tells me that I'm about to be teamkilled.

Sure enough as the game begins both kesser and vys start hovering near me and taking shots to deplete my energy. Vys does a purposeful teamkill. I come back to enter the base and both are waiting for me and vys team kills me again. Repeat and rinse. Here is a Vys shot at me as I enter base. His ship pivoted a tad, but it IS his shot. By this time the opposite team is seeing what is going on and decide to join in. 99% sure this was preplanned in yellow chat as I was floating in base before the game.

By this time the entire arena is chasing me around both on my team and on the enemy team all trying to kill me. We all know how long I can stay in so stay tuned for the time played vs the time I was in before being eliminated.
I was ko'd and sat in spec and waited to talk to greed since it was his host, and he definitely knew what was going on beforehand. I've told you all multiple times about how greed constantly teams me in elim to no avail but again this fits this guys mo to a tee. Here are the final game results with vys showing his 4 tks and a snarky remark afterwards about how he accidentally did it which was complete bs of course. Game results below.

I ask greed if he is going to do a ban because I know he saw it, no reply and a log out immediately after going to base. I have Cig smoke take my call and he claims he accidentally took my call which I find hard to believe...(BS)... and then tells me that he can do nothing, and I should talk to the host. My little bird then tells me that staff knew of and even encouraged this before the game started. Greed is corrupt and threatened to ban me multiple times when I had a simple ISP disconnect issue but did nothing here. He is a completely corrupt host who needs to lose his privileges.

This is unacceptable behavior and serious repercussions need to result. If I did something like this, I would definitely get a ban. Both the host and staff have ignored me. I did another call here because I wanted TW-guard to be checked for collusion in yellow chat but no one will respond so I must post here for all to see since staff refuses to deal with this abuse and it appears is neck deep and complicit.

Still no replies from staff while hosts are making games and other staff are on. Unreal. Who will address this? It MUST be addressed.

Game results below and I guess it made them made I beat them.

I happen to win the game and KO both Kess and Vys much to their disgust and remained in arena out of spec. I sign up floating in base for the next MMR. Right before the game a little birdie tells me that I'm about to be teamkilled.

Sure enough as the game begins both kesser and vys start hovering near me and taking shots to deplete my energy. Vys does a purposeful teamkill. I come back to enter the base and both are waiting for me and vys team kills me again. Repeat and rinse. Here is a Vys shot at me as I enter base. His ship pivoted a tad, but it IS his shot. By this time the opposite team is seeing what is going on and decide to join in. 99% sure this was preplanned in yellow chat as I was floating in base before the game.

By this time the entire arena is chasing me around both on my team and on the enemy team all trying to kill me. We all know how long I can stay in so stay tuned for the time played vs the time I was in before being eliminated.
I was ko'd and sat in spec and waited to talk to greed since it was his host, and he definitely knew what was going on beforehand. I've told you all multiple times about how greed constantly teams me in elim to no avail but again this fits this guys mo to a tee. Here are the final game results with vys showing his 4 tks and a snarky remark afterwards about how he accidentally did it which was complete bs of course. Game results below.

I ask greed if he is going to do a ban because I know he saw it, no reply and a log out immediately after going to base. I have Cig smoke take my call and he claims he accidentally took my call which I find hard to believe...(BS)... and then tells me that he can do nothing, and I should talk to the host. My little bird then tells me that staff knew of and even encouraged this before the game started. Greed is corrupt and threatened to ban me multiple times when I had a simple ISP disconnect issue but did nothing here. He is a completely corrupt host who needs to lose his privileges.

This is unacceptable behavior and serious repercussions need to result. If I did something like this, I would definitely get a ban. Both the host and staff have ignored me. I did another call here because I wanted TW-guard to be checked for collusion in yellow chat but no one will respond so I must post here for all to see since staff refuses to deal with this abuse and it appears is neck deep and complicit.

Still no replies from staff while hosts are making games and other staff are on. Unreal. Who will address this? It MUST be addressed.
