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The TWD System

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  • #31
    After my last reply in this thread, ive come to fully agree with Nickname.

    Digitale and Gravest will not accept challenges for a DD even when they have 5+ in the arena.

    Same thing with Mambo and Spastic in JD


    • #32
      I thought the whole point of makign everyoen but TWL playoff squads requalify is to get better compatition. Not to let 3-4 squadss sneak into TWL and be humiliated. Thats basicaly the same thing that happend last season. Like bosshawk is saying, melee plays top squads yet they have squads like PUMA who wont play neone worth while making TWL. If it came down to it i'd much rather have Melee in TWL then puma, yet the system could allow puma in over melee. I dont think the system is flawed that much if u give it time to sort out. If ur only giving it 2 months it wont be sorted out and/or accurate yet. We shouldnt of even reset it from last time. We should of just said "ok TWL selections in 1 month" and that would of forced ppl to play top squads.

      About the adding points for playing twl-qualified squads (last years playoff squads) i think something like this was said b4, and i think its a good idea bc obviosly they are good squads and normaly arent there normal spots on the ladder via playing with any 4 who are online, not wawiting for there best 4.

      Rip its just as hard fro the normal squads to get games as it is for the "elite" Why would me and tanked who are higher on the ladder then lets say fire and u Want to play u in a jd game with a bad lineup on? Thats like giving u guys 40 points just to be "brave" Thats why u guys dont get games. If u'd be higher on the ladder where u belong and i'd only lose 5-10 points for tryign to play u, i'd gladly do it. the other nite, both Pirates and Syndicate continued to challenged Us (tanked) in JD, yet they wouldnt play each other. If they all wanted a game that bad they would ofjsut played each other instead of trying to get our points with an ez win over a bad lineup. These r all problems when the system ur using allows u to choose WHO u play and WHEN u wanna play em.


      • #33
        Actually Cig, we did challenge Pirates as well as every squad in the Top 20, none would accept. The only reason we kept bugging Tanked was because one of your squadmates (hummer I think it was) told us to challenge.


        • #34
          Well i was more or less trying to say pirates was acting just as "pussy" as us. They wouldnt accept u guys just like we wouldnt accept them. I should of figured u guys challenged them i just aint thinking good today =(

          On a side note, Who ever listens to hummer =p


          • #35

            I've come to a conclusion...

            FU All. Stop being whiney crybaby b*tches.

            I'm sick of hearing all this bulls**t.

            If we make leagues, great, come stomp us there.

            If you aren't going to be in leagues if we make it, then FU, you don't even deserve to say a thing to us.


            (masked or cut out swear words for the whiners. don't wanna get yelled at because of sissies.)
            Last edited by Wild_Mage; 04-06-2004, 04:10 PM.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Na$
              Btw Digitale you played sk8 fine, you won fine, but you can tell me wtf happened vs sk8 that match? You guys won that round 35 - 34... how that happen? It ended up running like shit ? No idea.. so I wouldnt count that one.
              I was in that game for sk8...there was 2 digitale players vs me in that game
              they had 5 or 6 lives more than sk8...and i killed them like 3 times!
              with 4 minutes left they started running 1 vs 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: with 2 or 3 more lives than sk8.then sk8 added one with 30 seconds left...digitale added too... but we didnt killed they enough in time and we lost.
              Last edited by Mega Newbie; 04-06-2004, 05:37 PM.


              • #37
                Digitale is no newbert squad. Look they have afew ex-BoZ people: Sao Paolo, Ex0tic, Ground Zero, Singularity.

                I respect Digitale's strategic choice in match decisions, they mix it up playing both hard and easy. To be perfect, they just need to play some Super Squads once and awhile... and if anyone dares call them pussies, look at your own squad's match history you hyprocrites. By telling us on these forums that squads are too pussy to face you, that shows you are trying to milk weaker squads.

                I don't care what anyone says, but if you have a shit lineup and you dare to face a Super-Squad, the probability of winning is next to NIL. But I'm not saying never play a Super-Squad, once a while its a good test to pit your best lineup against these Super-Squads... to see where you need to improve if you lose.

                I think Digitale just needs to get their best lineup together and face some of these squads to prove themselves: Shriek, Syndicate, Fire, Grapevine, Pallies...for example. even if they lose, but if it is close scores...then they shouldn't be disrespected. Besides it will be good practice for them, since if they make TWLD, they'll have to face these squads sooner or later.

                All of course in IMHO (in my humble opinion).

                ps: Sleepy Weasel the system does work, like you said if they cheat their way in... they'll get it in the end when TWLD starts. But in this case, I think Digitale deserves to be where they are; they earnt it.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by WiseCherub
                  Digitale is no newbert squad. Look they have afew ex-BoZ people: Sao Paolo, Ex0tic, Ground Zero, Singularity.
                  Erm... Who? BoZ? Wtfz?
                  1: cundor> let's do a disoblige .?go base
                  1: Cremation> cundor desperately trying to tell the world hes a diso
                  1: cundor> dude
                  1: cundor> i already told my parents
                  1: Desperate> LOL
                  1: Cremation> HAHA
                  1: bram> :)
                  1: Da1andonly> LOL


                  • #39
                    BoZ was around from April to Aug /2003, they were usually TOP of the twdd ladder. They were an excellent twdd squad, and demonstrated good teaming skills/tactics.


                    • #40
                      Just wanted to post to say thank you to WiseCherub.

                      My previous statement still stands to the rest of you who are acting a f00l.


                      • #41
                        Your welcome Wild Mage, I have some friends on Digitale and I don't like arrogant people putting them down. Arrogant people are quite foolish, they underestimate way too much and that could be their greatest weakness.

                        I wish your squad best of success in making TWLD.


                        • #42
                          We played a twbd vs Digitale, and we almost choked. They aren't newbies!
                          You ate some priest porridge


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Wild_Mage
                            You guys want to talk trash to us, and yet check our thing, we even beat Sk8.
                            That hurts man...(good thing I wasnt there, muaha)
                            On Topic: TWD Does work in my opinion, of course there are a flaw or two in it, but thats true to almost everything...
                            1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
                            3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
                            3:Best> see it coming
                            3:Best> sad


                            • #44
                              Hmmmm... The more I play with digi... the more it starts to suck... leader is accepting anybody knocking at the door... the guys I liked are all leaving... and they are starting to be chicken... only the cap isn't chicken, and he isn't logging on like he used too...

                              Anybody need a not-so-elite player to fill an empty slot on their squad?


                              • #45
                                New squad problems already eh?

                                I remember BoZ to!

                                On topic of Digitale tho, today we played a DD vs them and well it went 3 round but we won. Now if u look @ tanked's TWDD history u see we lost to such squads as menasor and such so we arent exactly a strong TWDD contender nor we do plan on making TWLD, but they were dealt with pretty ezily really. They mite sneak into TWLD, but i highly doubt they'd be any threat.

                                Awesome, every squad plays who they want to when they want to. Obviosly Pirates are alot better then digitale skill wise and probably teaming wise. Unless Digitale had there best lineup on or a great lineup on i'd doubt they'd play u nor would i (if i was trying for DD). I see pirates refusing to play Synd and other squads quite a few times bc u guy sdont have the proper lineup on to deal with them. Which is smart but its the same situation Digitale is in. I'd say 98% of all the squads are playing this way, which i said would happen come time to qualify for twl.

