When I pointed out that the context of my character may indeed be gleaned from these forums, you are moved the argument towards a discussion of the definition of the word arrogant. I define the word ‘arrogant’ as a person being egotistical, narcissistic, and having an over-inflated sense of self worth. Is not that opposite of a person who cares about others and is willing to help them? Would not an arrogant person think more highly of their time then to help anonymous people in this community?
It feels as if you are saying that any person who is in a teaching position is libel to be perceived as arrogant and demeaning. So exactly how is someone to point this out to them and help them see things in a different way?
It is a fact that being twice the age of the other people here gives me more ‘life experience’ than them. Perhaps everyone, like yourself, who thinks my posts are arrogant should consider how you might be perceived by someone half your age. If you are 20, how would you be perceived by a 10 year old as you tried to help them? If you are 30, how would you be perceived by a 15 year old as you tried to help them?
If you can give me insight on how to do this, then I will change how I post.
Again, he said that you sound arrogant, with emphasis on "sound". For someone to sound arrogant, you need only to look at what they say, not what they do. He never said you were an arrogant ass, he said that you would be if you acted in life the way that you sound.
Hell, if you look carefully through my posts, I never said you were arrogant either. I said that your posts in this thread may seem arrogant, something you've agreed to, but otherwise I always said that it was Adman who felt you sound arrogant and that there are things that may lead some people to think you are arrogant.
As for your definition of arrogance as having an over-inflated sense of self worth, that part I agree with. I don't agree with what you define as the opposite, that is caring about others. One can care about others a lot, but that doesn't affect how much one thinks of himself. My example of Bill Gates is another example. He gives billions to charity and I can still find him arrogant. If you want another example, look at Oprah. She's a very charitable person and helps others in many ways. I still find her arrogant in many ways. It's good that you like to help people, but that doesn't have any affect on whether you sound arrogant.
LOL, if i had been here to respond to half of your posts. And yes i have been on a squad with you, Melee for example. And you thought yourself higher than me then as well, taking examples, "i'm not giong to play when Ad plays because he thinks i suck" and i could go on.
I'm going to read more of your posts, but to the first oone you responded to after my first, there's my response to call you an ass.
LOL, if i had been here to respond to half of your posts. And yes i have been on a squad with you, Melee for example. And you thought yourself higher than me then as well, taking examples, "i'm not giong to play when Ad plays because he thinks i suck" and i could go on.
I'm going to read more of your posts, but to the first oone you responded to after my first, there's my response to call you an ass.
I'm not even going to post anymore, because you've proven me right as the thread continued.