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IMPORTANT: TWD Reset, Rule change, Roster limit.

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  • Originally posted by the_paul View Post
    I don't really care about this rule either way, I see the pros and cons, but for fucks sake stop using the "not enough leaders" excuse. Running a squad isn't rocket science, it's really not difficult. When I hear that excuse all I think of is a bunch of middle school kids who sit at home instead of going out because they don't want to be the one to make the plans. Just shut the fuck up and do it already, it's easy
    Can u plz not use this word in at least one of ur posts or are too educated not to?
    "Action is the real measure of intelligence. "
    Napoleon Hill

    wiibimbo>I'm gonna take u out next week for a beer and pizza at Leonardo' homo tho! I prefer big boobs
    Dral>I can get implants


    • Why is this even being discussed again? The simple argument against this decision is that Cig Smoke thinks it's a good idea.

      If people are upset about not playing often enough in twd, they would already be leaving their current squad to either form a new one or join a smaller one. This is how things have always worked. I get that twd ops need to feel like they are doing something, but when your something happens to be something Cig Smoke supports, it's time for a long hard look in the mirror.

      But hey... Maybe I'm wrong. If Windreaper/Pearl Jam/Za Gophar form a new twd squad because of this, I will admit I was wrong.



      • Originally posted by project dragon View Post
        tenure is not a farm squad. Who we farming to?
        yeah my bad tenure wasn't really started as a farm squad, but it's easy to think of it that way because of the close ties with penetrate.

        so moyst, how about that change of a squadname and i'll sign right up!
        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


        • Originally posted by the_paul View Post
          I don't really care about this rule either way, I see the pros and cons, but for fucks sake stop using the "not enough leaders" excuse. Running a squad isn't rocket science, it's really not difficult. When I hear that excuse all I think of is a bunch of middle school kids who sit at home instead of going out because they don't want to be the one to make the plans. Just shut the fuck up and do it already, it's easy
          don't wanna vs you on this but I'm gonna have to disagree. it might not require alot of brains but it does require alot of time, effort, nerves, thick skin, patience, dedication, with a pinch of luck. now that I am finally not a captain of a goddamned squad enjoyment received from this game has shot up 150% and I don't have to worry about keeping my squadmates happy, I can just come and go willy-nilly and play TW to my heart's content

          now, do I think the current twd playerbase is capable of generating new squads and squadleaders? absolutely. but it's not going to be immediate and there will more than likely be a bunch of aborted and terrible squads and captains, but that just sounds like the TW dynamic circa 2005/6 to me.

          still think a cap is ridiculous though

          internet de la jerome

          because the internet | hazardous


          • I was thrust into a captain role on a couple squads, and no we weren't successful in the way dice and thunder were/are, we trained some good players and we did moderately well. The excuse is that people don't have the time, but that there also aren't enough squads? Well something has to give if there's going to be any change.

            Like I said I'm not particularly thrilled about the rule, it affected tenure pretty drastically, but at the same time it's easily managed and COULD facilitate change. Will it? That remains to be seen.

            And wii you of all people should never question someone else's intelligence. I'll leave it at that. And for my obligatory use of the word: fuck you, you fucking faggot
            JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

            turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

            Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
            the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


            • Originally posted by the_paul View Post
              I was thrust into a captain role on a couple squads, and no we weren't successful in the way dice and thunder were/are, we trained some good players and we did moderately well. The excuse is that people don't have the time, but that there also aren't enough squads? Well something has to give if there's going to be any change.

              Like I said I'm not particularly thrilled about the rule, it affected tenure pretty drastically, but at the same time it's easily managed and COULD facilitate change. Will it? That remains to be seen.

              And wii you of all people should never question someone else's intelligence. I'll leave it at that. And for my obligatory use of the word: fuck you, you fucking faggot
              you didnt use fucks, so i think he is good with your last post
              Keith> you don't need to eat human to eat meat.
              Goddess> Keith
              Goddess> gonna eat you

              We got Burg <ER> and Steak <ER>, i already told them Goddess has a huge appetite! ?go PIE -H.M.S. Stargazer

              (disown)> he loved to give head


              • fuckles!!!

                1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                • not gonna lie, i didnt read half the nonsense you goons wrote.. what i see, is the same 4-5 awful players, who dont like the idea, posting over and over. 35 players is plenty for a squad. 6-8 to bd, 4-5 for jd,dd. get your little calculators out, add it up, and tell me you dont have enough space for inactive bad players, or has-beens.


                  • im an awful never was!!!

                    1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                    • I like this new rule.

                      It creates threads containing drama and hilarity and thereby makes several minutes of my pathetic work existence go by quicker.
                      TWLD CHAMP x1 Fierce (Benched 100%)
                      WORKOUT TITLES:

                      BENCH MAX: I don't sit on benches; I can't get back up
                      CURL MAX: An entire ham
                      SQUAT MAX: 566lbs
                      DEADLIFT MAX: 566lbs
                      WEIGHT: 566lbs HEIGHT: 5'1" (Medically impossible, according to Discovery Channel)
                      TIME SINCE FIRST WORKOUT EVER: Whatout?


                      • Originally posted by glavitik View Post
                        not gonna lie, i didnt read half the nonsense you goons wrote.. what i see, is the same 4-5 awful players, who dont like the idea, posting over and over. 35 players is plenty for a squad. 6-8 to bd, 4-5 for jd,dd. get your little calculators out, add it up, and tell me you dont have enough space for inactive bad players, or has-beens.
                        not gonna lie, you're not good enough to call anyone else out as a has-been. time to dismount that high horse, pal.

                        if this were twl we're talking about, then sure, to hell with the whiners. it's twd though, and since when does twd need to be so serious? it's really the only thing keeping the game alive at this point, so making it more restrictive when the population has been in steady decline for months and months and months just doesn't make sense. you can't argue that.

                        only thing you're trying to argue is that you happen to be someone with a lot of free time who doesn't mind spending a bunch of it on spaceships. you'll have to excuse me if that's not the case for me. nor is it the case for many others.

                        really tired of this "fuck you nerds it's just a simple cap" bullshit coming from the people who are, in all reality, the actual nerds who can afford to sit at their computer basically on-call to play a twd match. it's irony to the extreme.
                        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                        • Originally posted by the_paul View Post
                          And wii you of all people should never question someone else's intelligence. I'll leave it at that. And for my obligatory use of the word: fuck you, you fucking faggot
                          I rest my case, your honour. No further questions.
                          "Action is the real measure of intelligence. "
                          Napoleon Hill

                          wiibimbo>I'm gonna take u out next week for a beer and pizza at Leonardo' homo tho! I prefer big boobs
                          Dral>I can get implants


                          • Originally posted by mtine View Post
                            I rest my case, your honour. No further questions.
                            never be a lawyer, or if you do, defend the wall street banksters
                            NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                            internet de la jerome

                            because the internet | hazardous


                            • Paladen fukked by this. gg scrubs

                              -One Love-


                              • Same with Penetrate..:uhoh:

