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IMPORTANT: TWD Reset, Rule change, Roster limit.

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  • I can understand where the uproar for having a twd roster limit comes from, but there will be pros and cons from whichever decision we make.

    Face it, if we keep it the way things are it will continue to lead us to the downhill spiral of this zone. Yes, we have a couple active squads and it keeps twd alive, but at the end of the day it is the same people recycled on the same number of squads. But don't you realize we really are just facing the same people over in over again (especially in base)? The activeness does not equally represent attempting to get newer people in twd.

    And isn't that what our goal should be? attempting to get newer people in twd? I can understand the plea of inactives because they have a right to be upset..and I am sure there will be something done eventually, and rightfully so.

    But, we're in the middle of TWD season where people are hopping around and not really worried about settling into a TWL squad, isn't this the BEST time to experiment? Right now players scope out which squads are active and ask to join just so they can get into games whenever they come online, leading to 60 player rosters where 6 people are sitting during a 8v8 bd. Something needs to change

    So even though we can all hypothesize on what can happen, we really don't know what will happen if we try it. But what can we hope to happen? Well, maybe some players will take the initiative to start a squad, and then the players who are hopping around during the offseason will join and help out temporarily. Then, since we have more squads and more players are spread around, the rest of the roster cap can go towards recruiting newer players and inactives. This is contingent on having enough squads, which we can only hope.

    I know it seems like a stretch, but I've seen it happen to my own squad, that because of the small amount of squads in TWD, there are a crapload of players asking to join (that are hard to refuse) because of the fact we are active. I know we are alienating our inactives by doing this, but we need to look ahead and focus on newer, less experienced players who can potentially help our zone get active, and not depending on inactives for our zone to become active (population wise). I know I sound stupid or inconsiderate, but i still think its a risk worth taking.


    • i guess now would be a perfect time to make a squad with all these people getting cut


      • Should be "+1 Rasaq likes this post" because I'm always going to like it!
        Raazi> this is the only place men chase jessup


        • I was regretting coming back to check on the forums, but it's inevitable to do a few couple of glances after quitting.. but now i'm not regretting it.

          Originally posted by Rasaq View Post
          How about STFU and see how this goes after a few weeks?
          cuz after a few weeks, the damage would already be done

          Originally posted by Omega Red
          i guess now would be a perfect time to make a squad with all these people getting cut
          not worth the time imo. anyone who joins said squad would probably sign on 3-5 times a month. with 35 players and an avg of 28 days a month, that's like what, 1 or 2 people online at a time throughout the month? :hat:


          • tell you what, i'll "cap" a squad if someone else will actually run it for me. i can only promise you that i will put in what time i have. i don't mind being with newer players, and when i'm able to be online, i'll help teach them.

            i can totally see the potential good in all of this. i'm not just some prick who's totally unwilling to change. i'm still just ticked off that i'm going to have to put in some effort to continue to play, and i feel that my laziness is justified because i've already given back my fair share.

            anyway if starting up my own squad isn't going to work (which it probably won't), any squads looking for a sorta-kinda active all-arounder? i mostly base, but i can hold my own in jav or bird and have been around the block long enough to be more than capable of imparting some wisdom onto newer players.

            p.s. what's -tenure- all about?
            jasonofabitch loves!!!!


            • p.p.s. if -tenure- is what i think it is (a farm of a farm, pretty neat actually) then i wouldn't mind getting in on that, but only if we can change the name to delicious before the squad gets too far off the ground. i have been dying to use this squad name for ages.
              jasonofabitch loves!!!!


              • Umm, I changed my mind. This may be a really good idea; we're all assuming there aren't capable captains out there, but maybe they just haven't felt confident enough to start their own squad. A big problem with Expert was that we had trouble pulling people from their active super-squads; now that problem is solved for any potential captains. A roster cap of 40 would be ideal, to me, but regardless, I'm all for this change. As hard as it may be to axe some, they may even be better off; they will get more play time elsewhere and have a better chance to develop.

                I'm also very curious/interested to see who will start squads, and what newer players will succeed as a captain.

                Royst's post is what changed my mind, fyi


                • Lol yea, after reading royst's post (even tho he allmost tried to fuck my squad in the bum) he really is trying to help out this game more than any other player/staffer in this bitch. I hope all this works out, but the cap forsure needs to be raised to 40-45 at some point. (For inner squad competition for twl roster spots, which i know is a long ways away.)


                  • things i learned from this thread

                    1) dead is a verb (thanks heisman)
                    Originally posted by Tone
                    It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                    Originally posted by the_paul
                    Gargle battery acid fuckface
                    Originally posted by Material Girl
                    I tried downloading a soundcard


                    • when royst speaks da ppl listen
                      Gun remembers.


                      • the man is too smart. Glad i could enlighten u ph.


                        • Originally posted by Jason View Post
                          p.p.s. if -tenure- is what i think it is (a farm of a farm, pretty neat actually) then i wouldn't mind getting in on that, but only if we can change the name to delicious before the squad gets too far off the ground. i have been dying to use this squad name for ages.
                          tenure is not a farm squad. Who we farming to?
                          duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

                          Mattey> put me in corch

                          zidane> go kf urself pork


                          • In my opinion this change is unnecessary at this time. The current newly created squads that are active in twd are many. I have been considering the potential for creating a squad. For staff to impose an unnecessary restriction on the game is unwarrented. Motives are questionable.

                            In lue of Freddi Mercury's birthday and the soul of tw I present this thread with soundtrack.

                            Play on

                            ATTACK MONKEYS> then we're gonna remember we don't care about winning
                            ATTACK MONKEYS> because we love each other
                            ATTACK MONKEYS> with lemon flavored lube


                            • no one a bigger nerd than you turban be serious for 2 minutes. also all these inactive people complaining about no squad y dont u guys all make a squad and play casually together


                              • I don't really care about this rule either way, I see the pros and cons, but for fucks sake stop using the "not enough leaders" excuse. Running a squad isn't rocket science, it's really not difficult. When I hear that excuse all I think of is a bunch of middle school kids who sit at home instead of going out because they don't want to be the one to make the plans. Just shut the fuck up and do it already, it's easy
                                JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                                turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                                Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                                the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido

