:imstupid: or disoblige & pallies
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Originally posted by Pearl Jamnobody is ever going to forget about you doing dumb stuff if you continue to come up with new and exciting ways to do even dumber stuff
Gall: I meant most points in 1 reset, but now that u bring it up i do have the most not wix. I beat him that reset i got <ZH>.
Eph/Da1: it doesnt take the whole 2 weeks if u know what ur doing, or all day every day. Plus it was during the summer when i was off of school at that time, and i still went out every night with my pals. I probabl spent as much time online as u both did just u were in base/baseelim and iwas in pub._o_2NASRALLAH
I remember a few months ago when Cig Smoke was trying to get the most points in pub and in a few hours I fed Necromotic to have like double his score. He got all whiney and complained to one of his Paladen staff friends and got them to *scorereset Necro.sdg
Originally posted by Cig SmokeIt happend like a week ago now and its old news.Originally posted by Cig SmokeWho cares if they forget about what i did.
You missed my point, you say that it is just a game but you have over 2500+ posts in this forum and...
Originally posted by Cig SmokeTotal Usage: 8456 hours 6 minutesLast edited by Ephemeral; 12-16-2004, 01:10 PM.
Originally posted by StabwoundI remember a few months ago when Cig Smoke was trying to get the most points in pub and in a few hours I fed Necromotic to have like double his score. He got all whiney and complained to one of his Paladen staff friends and got them to *scorereset Necro.
PJ: i never told ppl to forget about it in my post. I told them its a week old and im not gonna argue about the diso/pallies/me posting off of forums things. I dont really care if they forget or remember this bc its not really that big of a deal to me. Maybe u should reread my post._o_2NASRALLAH
Originally posted by EphemeralCig...
You missed my point, you say that it is just a game but you have over 2500+ posts in this forum and...
Do the math, that is like over a year of your short life that you have dedicated to this community and game. Yet you still use the arguement that 'is just a game'. Nope, you might be selling but I ain't buying. You are just trying to justify, though poor logic, your abhorrent behavior.
Usage isnt hard to get. There are multiple ways to get high usage. 1 u can sit afk all nite long, or u can do the XP trick. unfortunatly i dont use the XP trick bc i dont got XP. There are some nights in which i left it on afk tho. And ur still forgetting i played this game when i was younger. When your younger b4 u can drive and all u do is basicaly go to school u tend to play this more. Nowdays ur probably online more then i am._o_2NASRALLAH
Eph and Cig..it's almost christmas
Stop fighting.
Peace, Love & Happiness!!!
Anyway I think i found what dispalogies could mean.
Pallogy. It seems like it should be a word. A man who was born furthest west and on the utter bottom. Pallogy. (here)
Dis. In Roman mythology, Dīs was an alternate name for Pluto, god of the underworld and darkness. Its name comes from a shortening of dīves ("wealthy", from the belief that the wealth from the ground came from the underworld), which in turn derived from the proto-indoeuropean root *dyeu (here)
Originally posted by Pearl Jamso after a week no one should discuss events on the forum anymore?_o_2NASRALLAH
Originally posted by Cig Smoke1st off 2500 posts wasnt hard to reach. I was averaging about 2 posts a day if that and that is done in about 10 minutes.
Ok that was evil, but I had to do it before someone else did it, who would've done it because he doesn't like you.
Ciggy, I'll give you a friendly advice. Stop being so dumb / stubborn, whatever it is that keeps you going. I know you do care about at least some people in this game, and everyone else can see just aswell that you do care about some people in this game. I mean as much as you're trying to deny it, it's too goddamn clear someone with over (2)500 posts, who has been playing for years and years, cares about at least a few people in this game. I mean the game itself simply isn't THAT entertaining. It gets a hold on you only after you get to know some people of the people in it's community. I know there's some hardcore deniers out there, to who it seems really important to let others think they play this game just to win so they look less "sad" about playing it so long than those who admit to have been playing it so long because they care about the people/community. My advice is: let it go and stop making yourself look more stupid than you are by saying things that don't make sense.
I was just guessing that it took me 10 minutes to post 2 postsbut i'll take ur advice simply bc ur the brammer man and ur alwayz rite $$$$$$$_$$$$$$ I appologized b4 and it wasnt good enough so now im done w/ this post bc its stupid and goin in circles.
Originally posted by Cig SmokeNowdays ur probably online more then i am.
Originally posted by Cig SmokeThe chances of an inactive Ephemeral showing up each week is probably slim to no chance. Even if he does, he's inactive and rusty.
And just to circumvent your next bogus argument, my activity has been quite consistent for the 6 years that I have played the game.
And just FYI, 'sorry' shows that you are a nice person, corrective action shows that your an intelligent person. It is like someone in pub who tks you over and over but then says "hey, i said 'sorry'". Few poeple care about the 'sorry', most only care that the stupidity stops.Last edited by Ephemeral; 12-16-2004, 04:09 PM.