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Thunder Appeal

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  • #16
    Thunder appealed their game against Dynasty, TWLD, stating that Dynasty added an ineligible player who did not sit out for 1 TWL round.

    The player joined Dynasty right before soft lock, right before the TWD hacker had his way with our TWD database and right before the harddrive crashed and ruined the database for even longer. Once the TWL website was restored, there was no way to "add" a waiting period for those people who joined right before the crash.

    Before this game even occurred, TWL staff decided it was okay for these particular players to play. Because of this and the fact that everyone had to sit out of TWL for 1 weekend for the crash plus a 2 weekend holiday anyways, Thunder's appeal is denied.


    There will be no forfeit, but once I get to talk with more TWL Ops I'll let you guys know if the match will be replayed.
    Last edited by MirrorriM; 01-05-2009, 03:24 AM.


    • #17
      Oh no, look at Thunder! Trying to follow the rules! I agree Knockers, how disrespectful of them.

      I'll be frank here. I've been a captain for quite a long time so I know pretty much all of these rules. The '1 round' wait for joining a TWL squad has been standard for years. I didn't add NL>TERMINATOR today because I knew he wasn't eligible due to the 1 round rule. It's fairly obvious to me that there are grounds for an appeal here however lame it may sound to you. Exalt played against us round 1 AND round 2 despite the rules specifically saying he has to wait one round, meaning he can't play until round 3 for those of you who are special ed.

      We shouldn't be held accountable because the operator of the league doesn't know her own damn rules. This rule is probably the most important rule anyway,and I would assume that any average joe out there would know it. It's kind of like a free play in the NFL. Did we notice exalt playing against us? Fuck yes, but in the NFL you take advantage of someone not following the rules. I don't see where there is any room for dispute here, the rule is clearly written with no room for interpretation.

      Did I lose respect for writing this response? I don't give a fuck, I'm responsible and can read. I accepted the entrance into TWL knowing what I was getting myself into, and it's not my fault that others (including the Ops) can't follow their own rules.
      Phiz> I probably am gay
      Phiz> I just haven't realized it yet


      • #18
        Thunder is like the Syne of Appeals


        • #19
          Nevermind, ima eat this raspberry organic sorbet i found in my freezer, surprisingly not bad.
          Last edited by Capital Knockers; 01-05-2009, 03:57 AM.
          7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
          7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
          7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

          1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

          7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
          7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

          1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
          1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


          • #20
            Originally posted by With Ease View Post
            Oh no, look at Thunder! Trying to follow the rules! I agree Knockers, how disrespectful of them.

            I'll be frank here. I've been a captain for quite a long time so I know pretty much all of these rules. The '1 round' wait for joining a TWL squad has been standard for years. I didn't add NL>TERMINATOR today because I knew he wasn't eligible due to the 1 round rule. It's fairly obvious to me that there are grounds for an appeal here however lame it may sound to you. Exalt played against us round 1 AND round 2 despite the rules specifically saying he has to wait one round, meaning he can't play until round 3 for those of you who are special ed.

            We shouldn't be held accountable because the operator of the league doesn't know her own damn rules. This rule is probably the most important rule anyway,and I would assume that any average joe out there would know it. It's kind of like a free play in the NFL. Did we notice exalt playing against us? Fuck yes, but in the NFL you take advantage of someone not following the rules. I don't see where there is any room for dispute here, the rule is clearly written with no room for interpretation.

            Did I lose respect for writing this response? I don't give a fuck, I'm responsible and can read. I accepted the entrance into TWL knowing what I was getting myself into, and it's not my fault that others (including the Ops) can't follow their own rules.
            quit your whining Ease, you could've won the game but you didn't, was a close game and now your trying to pull BS to change things from a lawyer standpoint instead of just taking your loss and moving on...

            if you want to blame someone for the loss, try b4sermans 1-6, not exalt's 0-5
            RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
            RaCka> mad impressive


            • #21
              In past cases of something strange happening, it had to make a major impact on the game to warrant a replay. Exalt being allowed to play which they said they had allowed weeks ago clearly had no impact on the game, at least not an impact that positively affected Dynasty's chances of winning the game.

              If a squad feels that such factors as game referee decisions, staff involvement, server or router error, cheating, or other instances have affected the outcome and fairness of a game, that squad has the right to appeal to the League Operator. It is up to the squad to ensure that as much information as possible is included in the appeal for the League Operators to make a fair decision.

              This is the subjective part of the rules, and its up to twl staff to determine whether or not Exalt's 0-5 made a significant impact to the outcome of the game, which I think we can all agree it didnt. Next is the fairness. I suppose its not "fair" that you didnt know you couldnt add NL>TERMINATOR, but I'm assuming and hoping you meant for some other league, because everyone knows the line that you added was the line that you're going to use all season long and more or less the line that youve used for a few years now. You're not getting screwed, and really you ARE just whining at this point.
              I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
              I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


              • #22
                Originally posted by MirrorriM View Post
                Before this game even occurred, TWL staff decided it was okay for these particular players to play. Because of this and the fact that everyone had to sit out of TWL for 1 weekend for the crash plus a 2 weekend holiday anyways, Thunder's appeal is denied.


                There will be no forfeit, but once I get to talk with more TWL Ops I'll let you guys know if the match will be replayed.
                why should we replay if beforehand u guys decided it was ok for the players in my situation to play? I don't understand that one mirror. I'm sure however that you guys will make a fair decision.
                RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                RaCka> mad impressive


                • #23
                  If anything thunder should be grateful dynasty added a horrible quicksand player to give thunder a shot at winning it.
                  "People fear what they can't understand, hate what they can't conquer."

                  "Cherry blossoms in the Spring, and starry skies in the Summer. The Autumn brings the full moon. The Winter brings the snow. These things make Sake taste good. If you don't like Sake, then there is something wrong with you." Seijuro Hiko


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                    quit your whining Ease
                    In no way shape or form am I whining. I'm simply discussing the rules here. I'm sorry that I actually care about the rules, especially after what happened last year in TWLD finals. Letting someone that got banned for cheating play in finals and then banning him after he played just didn't sit well with me, sorry. I'm taking an active approach this time in dealing with the rules, and I'm testing whether or not TWL staff can follow their clearly defined rules. Were you the better team today? Absolutely. Would I admit that if i was whining? No. I'm just pointing out that the lineup wasn't legit.
                    Phiz> I probably am gay
                    Phiz> I just haven't realized it yet


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Izor View Post
                      This is the subjective part of the rules, and its up to twl staff to determine whether or not Exalt's 0-5 made a significant impact to the outcome of the game, which I think we can all agree it didnt.
                      It definitely had some form of impact. Just because he didn't get a kill doesn't mean he didn't do anything. Take for example Stephen Curry of Davidson against Loyola I believe it was. Loyola held him scoreless, but he still dished out the assists/rebounds and drew double coverage to help his team out.

                      Originally posted by Izor View Post
                      I suppose its not "fair" that you didnt know you couldnt add NL>TERMINATOR
                      I wasn't arguing about the fairness, I was just saying that I already knew I couldn't add NL because I was aware of the rules. This was for TWLB so your assumption was correct

                      EDIT: Sorry for double post, forgot.
                      Phiz> I probably am gay
                      Phiz> I just haven't realized it yet


                      • #26
                        Everyone knows soft lock doesn't count when there is a three week vacation; newbs.


                        • #27
                          What a stupid shitzone.

                          I am considering boycotting playing in the 'league' with complete idiots who slip away every time, not to mention that some twl op mirrorrim ignored my message regarding fujiwara and said something else in the post, let me recall my post below:
                          Regarding addition of new players to TWL roster and the 'one week rule'. Is 'one week rule' equivalent to the passage of one round of TWL or just 7 days excluding the weekend lock? Suppose a player joined a TWD roster on last saturday, will he be eligible to join TWL roster on monday or once the round 2 passes?'

                          Reply by no one else but mirrorrim:
                          'The waiting period means the player must sit out of 1 round of TWL. A player has until Saturday to do so. If a player joins a TWL squad on Saturday, they must sit out of the next week's TWL round.


                          Bob joins a TWL squad during Saturday of Round 1. Bob must sit out of Round 2. Bob can play Round 3 of TWL.

                          Same goes if Bob joined Sunday of Round 1.

                          If Bob joined Monday-Friday before Round 1, he would have to sit out of Round 1 but could play Round 2.'

                          Gg idiots.

                          Oh and btw, don't offend other leagues by calling this per 'league'. It's a heresy.
                          2:blood> i think vt is a terrible player to be honest
                          2:vt> what makes you think i am terrible
                          2:blood> irrefutable empirical evidence


                          • #28
                            I agree with Thunder, rules are rules. In my case, I was unable to play for Laser yesterday because of the 1 game waiting period. We lost only by 48-50. Maybe my rusty skills could have made a difference.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by veetee View Post
                              What a stupid shitzone.

                              I am considering boycotting playing in the 'league' with complete idiots who slip away every time, not to mention that some twl op mirrorrim ignored my message regarding fujiwara and said something else in the post, let me recall my post below:
                              Regarding addition of new players to TWL roster and the 'one week rule'. Is 'one week rule' equivalent to the passage of one round of TWL or just 7 days excluding the weekend lock? Suppose a player joined a TWD roster on last saturday, will he be eligible to join TWL roster on monday or once the round 2 passes?'

                              Reply by no one else but mirrorrim:
                              'The waiting period means the player must sit out of 1 round of TWL. A player has until Saturday to do so. If a player joins a TWL squad on Saturday, they must sit out of the next week's TWL round.


                              Bob joins a TWL squad during Saturday of Round 1. Bob must sit out of Round 2. Bob can play Round 3 of TWL.

                              Same goes if Bob joined Sunday of Round 1.

                              If Bob joined Monday-Friday before Round 1, he would have to sit out of Round 1 but could play Round 2.'

                              Gg idiots.

                              Oh and btw, don't offend other leagues by calling this per 'league'. It's a heresy.
                              I also responded to this in the other thread you posted:

                              I'm sorry I missed your ?message. If you noticed I was online multiple times, why didnt you try contacting me multiple times? Surely if it was so important you would have tried a bit harder. Most people will agree that I am very good when it comes to responding to people, in-game or out. You would not have enjoyed that service in past TWL seasons.

                              The post does say he could not. It was also made before I knew that the TWD hacking and server crash would affect how the waiting period would work on the site, which changed things. I'm not really sure why youre so angry about TWL and the zone in general. Wasnt I the one who only allowed Sweet to change their TWL game time because they played an earlier time the week before? Guess I was an idiot to do that favor.


                              • #30
                                vt more like qq
                                Originally posted by Tone
                                It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                                Originally posted by the_paul
                                Gargle battery acid fuckface
                                Originally posted by Material Girl
                                I tried downloading a soundcard

