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Max Resolution for TWL

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  • #76
    Originally posted by epinephrine View Post
    the game is very, very different with high res. You may think it's 'cheap' cause you can see far, but in reality it levels everything completely.

    At about 1600x1200 there are no more stray shots anymore. Anything that hits you, is your fault completely.

    Teamwork is significantly enhanced when you can see your teammates as well.

    Personally i think the game is both vastly better and more fun at higher resolutions. Probably 1600 is best, at higher than that, people just end up running endlessly and play too conservatively.
    this is why epi is the shit.
    There once was a man from Nantucket.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
      Personally I think the game is both vastly better and more fun at higher resolutions. Probably 1600 is best, at higher than that, people just end up running endlessly and play too conservatively.
      this already happens at 1280, see the thunder/heavy semifinals
      Originally posted by Tone
      It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
      Originally posted by the_paul
      Gargle battery acid fuckface
      Originally posted by Material Girl
      I tried downloading a soundcard


      • #78
        Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
        The game is very, very different with high res. You may think it's 'cheap' cause you can see far, but in reality it levels everything completely.

        At about 1600x1200 there are no more stray shots anymore. Anything that hits you, is your fault completely.

        Teamwork is significantly enhanced when you can see your teammates as well.

        Personally I think the game is both vastly better and more fun at higher resolutions. Probably 1600 is best, at higher than that, people just end up running endlessly and play too conservatively.

        epi is right. WBs especially are more fun w/ high res. it becomes more of a team game because you have higher visibility of your teammates and enemies, and it allows the team to cover for each other better and minimizes people bum rushing in tryin 2 get the vulch. not to mention it reduces strays gr8tly. We r almost to the new decade of 2000 at least cap it at 1680 or whatever, i have had at least 1600 res even on shitty monitors for the past 10 years, and before the res cap, like 9 years ago, i had 1920 res. we a decade later lets get w/ the program.

        if anybody remembers when the res cap was nazi'd onto us they know that nearly everybody was against it except the sysops themselves. there was a super backlash, people were rioting in the streets, led behind fieryfire. cause its lame and really changes the game in a bad way. now we r just keeping this primitive archaic tradition set upon us in the spirit of the third reich w/o any great reasons. the majority of people have 1600 at least..

        so, can we at least test a 1680 cap in TWD for a few weeks, even if only in one of the arenas? anything like that? maybe in WB duel?

        The Mind of the Father
        Riding on the subtle guiders
        Which glitter with the inflexible tracings
        Of relentless Fire


        • #79


          • #80
            Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
            The game is very, very different with high res. You may think it's 'cheap' cause you can see far, but in reality it levels everything completely.

            At about 1600x1200 there are no more stray shots anymore. Anything that hits you, is your fault completely.

            Teamwork is significantly enhanced when you can see your teammates as well.

            Personally I think the game is both vastly better and more fun at higher resolutions. Probably 1600 is best, at higher than that, people just end up running endlessly and play too conservatively.
            I agree, I personally would love to see games in which the outcome relies mostly on the teamwork again (surrounding, angling etc) and to see the most important TWLD games become tiresome long battles.
            However I could see why others ('newer' wbs) wouldn't, one of the most popular styles has become rushing, which becomes somewhat more difficult when the enemy can see you coming from far away, also a lot of the top players rely on having a faster reaction which keeps them from dying from strays.. Just like switching to the res-limit was quite a change for many of the top wbs at that time, it'd be the same right now..

            I've no idea how common 1600x1200 res is these days. I always had a big ass monitor with my uber shitty comp though. If it's still just an elite group, than keep the limit lower, if it's just Brazilians who can't all play on 1600, well they still have their insane lag-advantage, so w/e. :P


            • #81
              my vote goes out to 1680x1050 and 1600x1200
              TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


              • #82
                People who run want big resolutions because they have more time to see someone on their screen so it makes them harder to get rushed, rushers who listen to bullets and count seconds till they get close enough to hit the enemy want smaller resolutions because it makes it easier to rush. We should just keep it the way it was at 1280x1024 where no one group has the edge over another. This game is 10 years old, expect the resolutions to be at least as old, making the game playable on 5000x7000 resolution isn't going to make the game better, it is just going to make it easier for certain play styles to win games. So how about we put down the stupid mini agendas to win in the game and just settle for the middle of the line resolution that was perfectly fine for the last six+ years in TW until some idiots cried about it: 1280x1024.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Dutch_ View Post
                  If youre still using a 4:3 monitor its about time to buy ureself a nice widescreen. Widescreen is or will be the most used formfactor. The future is now!
                  Most widescreen monitors that are any decent can do 4:3 as well as widescreen resolutions

                  mine can
                  RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                  RaCka> mad impressive


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
                    The game is very, very different with high res. You may think it's 'cheap' cause you can see far, but in reality it levels everything completely.

                    At about 1600x1200 there are no more stray shots anymore. Anything that hits you, is your fault completely.

                    Teamwork is significantly enhanced when you can see your teammates as well.

                    Personally I think the game is both vastly better and more fun at higher resolutions. Probably 1600 is best, at higher than that, people just end up running endlessly and play too conservatively.
                    I vote for this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                    RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                    RaCka> mad impressive


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Dabram View Post
                      However I could see why others ('newer' wbs) wouldn't, one of the most popular styles has become rushing, which becomes somewhat more difficult when the enemy can see you coming from far away, also a lot of the top players rely on having a faster reaction which keeps them from dying from strays.
                      I don't know about this... while I agree with the second part with most top wbs just having really quick reaction time, it also is all about positioning too. I actually look at radar most of the game until the last second in shooting or dodging instead of my main screen, but with a 1600 res I could just play normally.

                      As for rushing... the newbies don't rush they suicide. Rushing is the art of getting extremely close to your opponent when they have little to no energy and and making it impossible to dodge. Rushers who start a rush straight from radar are usually just suiciding not rushing. Plus... 5 years ago none of these newbs were rushers. None of them. The game changed into "rush first" for some reason, but that doesn't mean its a good reason.
                      RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                      RaCka> mad impressive


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                        I don't know about this... while I agree with the second part with most top wbs just having really quick reaction time, it also is all about positioning too. I actually look at radar most of the game until the last second in shooting or dodging instead of my main screen, but with a 1600 res I could just play normally.

                        As for rushing... the newbies don't rush they suicide. Rushing is the art of getting extremely close to your opponent when they have little to no energy and and making it impossible to dodge. Rushers who start a rush straight from radar are usually just suiciding not rushing. Plus... 5 years ago none of these newbs were rushers. None of them. The game changed into "rush first" for some reason, but that doesn't mean its a good reason.
                        i can't even come up with 5 wbs now that can rush properly, why do you think Thunder wins twl? because the "good" rushers can't rush thus they fail in twl. (no harm intended on the squad thunder)
                        TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                          Most widescreen monitors that are any decent can do 4:3 as well as widescreen resolutions

                          mine can
                          Nope. My Samsung cant, and I dont think that there are any laptops that have a 4:3 option.


                          • #88
                            We are talking twld here right? Or does anyone think that having widescreen helps in jd's or bd's?


                            • #89
                              dutch, my laptop can, my benq lcd can't.

                              i believe 1400 gives an advantage in jd's because you are mostly fighting from side to side. bombs from below are not as much of an issue as bullets are in warbirds because of the difference in speed. the radar is bigger than 1600, i think.
                              TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                              • #90
                                You only care/talk about DDs

                                u fuckfaces the game isnt only about stupidbirds and ddshit

                                you are so fucking selfish

