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TWLB Finals - WTF decision?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Rough View Post
    You are a coward simple as that then you have the balls to write on how to save the zone. You are corrupt, get over yourself and buy yourself an IPad with that money slimeball.
    Step #2 try to discredit the few remaining staff who are genuinely interested in improving the game.

    These finals were an absolute joke. Pandora is a joke. Zidane's a joke. The trolls on your squad are a joke. Pandora = January-December Fools, laggots, whiners lol.

    Happy April Fools.


    • #77
      No problems, I apologize that I come across like such as ass at times. I truly appreciate the jobSyou do and trust in your abilities, experience, and intelligence.

      I really just wanted to see if we could use this situation to drive improvement. And I am not even that concerned about testing, I am fully aware that IRL testing always gets the shorted and is not ever what it should be. (And we could have an entire discussion about the wisdom of ‘testing in’ quality.)

      Truth is that I am not sure that I even understand (after much trying) how change request decisions are made. It appears that changes are driven from many people, sometimes without a lot of communication. But no matter what, I see Dev as the ‘reality check’ guys. Instead of being the ‘go to’ guys who are willing to support all these changes without question they are the guys who bring the requests back to ground. Dev doesn’t have to make the decisions or play politics, just communicate to everyone what it really takes to pull this stuff off right. And if it isn’t done right, and that is always an option, then here is the risk. Bam, slap in the face.

      Changes aren’t free, there is a cost to them all. IMO Dev should be driving to group changes together into logical releases; get as far away from the ‘running changes’ as we can be. In fact, I would extend this to even include simple configuration changes too. Test the best we can, but it is understood that ‘proper’ testing would probably never occur. If a release fails for any reason the whole thing gets rolled back.

      I don’t care if Pand or Dice wins or if there is a replay, whatever they work out is fine with me. But if we can drive this kind of improvement from the situation, then this wasn’t a loss for the zone.


      • #78
        Originally posted by zidane View Post
        I was never angry at the decision M_M God, in the contrary after about 5 mins I said many times to just start the game at 0-0 without any 30 second advantage nonsense. Cape played round 1 so I had no idea what the issue of him playing again was. As Pandora "technically" won round 1 redoing the round was to our disadvantage. We then fairly won round 2 and then dominated round 3 before the bots "died". Dice managed to have all their players remaining for the whole match except Dwopple who had to be somewhere. It happens in TWL finals where not every player is able to show for the whole time, and we do not feel this was our fault or problem. Every pandora player who played feels they deserved to win and that we won fairly by outplaying Dice this weekend. Having said that, Pandora does not agree with what you have proposed M_M god. I feel there's too much emphasis being placed on feeling bad for dice/not wanting them to quit the game, if they can't take a loss that they obviously deserved by playing poorly then i'm not sure what the problem is. Redoing a finals that we clearly won just because it wasn't pretty is ridiculous and not something that would ever happen in the real world. When the lights went out in Superbowl 47 and the ravens were up 28-6 in the third quarter they didn't stop the match and say "ahh this match isn't perfect let's redo it next weekend and hopefully the lights won't go out". Mistakes happen, the game was restarted at 0-0 and then Pandora won the next 2 rounds fairly, I see absolutely zero reason to even consider this and find it troubling it's even being brought up after Reckful has already made a final decision. This kind of flip flopping from staff is probably one of the reasons a decision on Round 1 took so long to happen.
        In the end, you're depriving the whole zone of a fair LB finals match. You didn't hit 20 minutes, and as much as I and many others in this zone respect some of the players on your squad, I don't think anyone will ever look at your LB finals win as a legitimate win unless all 2(3) rounds are played in full, with the best lineups on each side. This is like racing cars and having both engines crap out before the finish line. Does the car in the lead win even though it didn't cross the finish line? Or do you fix the cars and restart?

        Walk away with your medals if you want I guess, but the entire point of TWL is the prestige and integrity of the legacy you are building. Pretty much everyone but Ogron openly agrees that no one respects the way you've received this year's LB title. You guys triple crowned TWL last season, and while that is an achievement in itself and I respect the win, everyone knew dice wasn't involved and that it wasn't as significant as it could have been if it was amidst the competition from years ago. You finally get your chance to beat them fair and square, after all that shit talk, and you're letting the win itself blind you from how you got it, and how you're reacting to it.

        LB winning captains and their medals should almost resemble the Super Bowl winners in football and their rings. Right now you just look like Gollum from lord of the fukin rings.

        Certain dice starters couldn't even play the final game because of family reasons due to how long it took for the matches to even begin.

        So let's recap: You think your title means something, even though cripple was sharking in LB finals, and you didn't even reach 20 minutes in the final round? :/


        • #79
          thix, LB finals isn't about providing the best show to TW's spectators. I think you're seriously confused by the point of a TWLB final, it's to determine which squad was better on that day. I'm sorry the LB final wasn't entertaining but that doesn't change the fact that dice lost. It's also not Pandora's fault Dice didn't have a viable third shark, I'm not sure how you bringing up cripple sharking is supposed to matter. The fact is you guys lost round 1, round 2, and round 3. dice had 8/8 of their "main starters" in round 1/2 and lost both, then 7/8 in round 3 and lost even worse. That's a pretty good percentage of starters showing if you ask me.

          LB Final =/ Movie that needs to be the best for TW's spectators


          • #80
            Originally posted by zidane View Post
            thix, LB finals isn't about providing the best show to TW's spectators. I think you're seriously confused by the point of a TWLB final, it's to determine which squad was better on that day. I'm sorry the LB final wasn't entertaining but that doesn't change the fact that dice lost. It's also not Pandora's fault Dice didn't have a viable third shark, I'm not sure how you bringing up cripple sharking is supposed to matter. The fact is you guys lost round 1, round 2, and round 3. dice had 8/8 of their "main starters" in round 1/2 and lost both, then 7/8 in round 3 and lost even worse. That's a pretty good percentage of starters showing if you ask me.

            LB Final =/ Movie that needs to be the best for TW's spectators
            It doesn't matter what you predict would have happened. Point is, TD or not, there were 2 minutes left to play. I remember beating you by one second when we were down over 10 minutes during last season's finals, so don't say that anything isn't possible.

            If this were any sporting event championship, and the stadium lights went out and no one could see anything, they wouldn't just give the game to the team in the lead. The point is, as everyone else has mentioned, if you're that much better you should have no problem backing up all that talk with a finite win. Pandora was great this season, there's no doubt about that, I just don't think the way problems with the finals were handled were handled correctly. I don't even think the LJ fiasco was fair, considering the maketso/Turban ordeal. That game could have easily gone either way.

            And as far as cripple sharking... in that last game, you didn't beat the "dice" you claimed for a long time that you could have beaten. If cripple wasn't in spider, that's not the true dice spider lineup. Straight up, there is no disagreeing with that.


            • #81
              loses argument, changes topic.


              • #82
                Originally posted by zidane View Post
                loses argument, changes topic.
                What argument did I lose? You seemed to have avoided mine as well.

                How do you consider it a win without reaching 20 minutes in an LB finals match?

                Your win isn't even a win on the TWL site.


                • #83
                  not sure why you're bringing TWLJ into this thread, nothing was wrong with the call to force a substitution for maketso. it was a fair win for us despite some unfortunate lag issues for maketso. my lag was, when watching ping and ploss, was better than megamans who had around 170ms while playing from the US. that joke is getting old already. i even asked staff members to check my tinfo and it looked to be fine.


                  • #84
                    Nobody won or lost round 1, zid. Shit could have very easily been different had there been no confusion over the game clock mid match.

                    Pandora had 7/8(?) starters for round 1, and you helped your team cover up vati being 'afk' by "not doing anything" to say he was here when TWL ops handed down the same lineup ruling. Not that I'm griping about that anymore, but the hypocrisy is hilarious.

                    You care so much about that LB title zid. LOL. You really are the smeagol of TWL, and it's awesomely hilarious.

                    M_M's proposal was fair. And since Zidane cares so much about that title, and nobody on dice could give a rats ass about it, let him keep it. But the fact you shot down MM's proposal SO QUICK and stated you didn't want to rematch us in a fair replay with ALL of our starters present just goes to show whose really "the only team scared here".

                    zidane> big play
                    Omega Red> dwop sick
                    mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
                    WillBy> ^^

                    1:Chief Utsav> LOL
                    1:Rule> we dont do that here.

                    cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


                    • #85
                      guy making collages in forums and pretending he doesnt care


                      • #86
                        pretty sure there isn't a single rule in TWL that says that in a replay you have to add the same lineup, and if there is staff still made a minor mistake by never announcing that you had to add the same starting lineup; we just added the same lineup we had at the end of the game. also, if you truly wanted a fair game you wouldn't be complaining about cape playing, it's kind of contradicting with what you guys seemed to want: a good game featuring the best players of each squad, which was denied due to staff and bot errors and you having to leave.

                        just my two cents. i didn't like the way shit was handled but it's not my call either way. good game.


                        • #87

                          zidane> We wants it. We needs it. Must have the preciousssss!
                          zidane> big play
                          Omega Red> dwop sick
                          mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
                          WillBy> ^^

                          1:Chief Utsav> LOL
                          1:Rule> we dont do that here.

                          cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


                          • #88
                            Turb: it started as a joke on dice chat during that round. TWL ops handed out the ruling of same lineup, you guys covered up vati being afk, but in the end we played the match, we lost. Nobody is refuting the fact we lost that round fairly, just wondering what happened with that ruling, and simply added to the shit-storm that was LB finals. Simple.

                            We don't care about who claims the LB title. I for one would welcome a fair replay of finals with all starters present. However, it will probably be difficult to convince others who have already uninstalled. My 2 cents.
                            zidane> big play
                            Omega Red> dwop sick
                            mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
                            WillBy> ^^

                            1:Chief Utsav> LOL
                            1:Rule> we dont do that here.

                            cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


                            • #89
                              Eph, most change requests are done with "hey, can you change X to Y for (reason)" Even though we have an official means of requesting changes/fixes/updates so they may be properly handled and tracked (
                              We commonly bypass it, but ideally most changes or fixes should be done through it.
                              Former TW Staff


                              • #90
                                i'd love to get to replay finals that i lost, that'd be pretty sweet man. we living in reality here dwop not playing candyland

