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  • #46
    Originally posted by Pure_Luck
    lets clear some stuff up. Why are u requesting a replay? Cause ur terr lagged out? Or cause lineup wasn't submitted in time? For the latter one, 3/4 of trench got dc'd twice and i was tryin to submit lineup during that time. When i got back i asked how much time was left and didn't know that the extension began since it wasn't announced.
    because of lag, the same reason it was postponed last week.



    • #47
      Originally posted by Mayo Inc.
      Racing to a specific amount of points seems to be the best idea presented thus far. If it were solely about flag time then it would undermine the importance of getting kills. Is that important?
      getting kills should not be important, keeping flag is.


      • #48
        I like the mix there is now? whats wrong with the current basing idea?
        Originally posted by Tyson
        There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
        Originally posted by HeavenSent
        Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
        Originally posted by Izor
        Women should never be working in the first place.


        • #49
          just say: "A team that isnt attacking at a certain point will forfeit the game"

          and all our troubles are gone .... the current basing is just fine .... and i didnt see any1 not attacking this season , even in the diso-elu match closest of them all
          There is no point in singing while shitting cause shit wont come out dancing.....


          • #50
            as shown in a couple of examples this season, the current rules leave the door way too open for ref discretion. even at the forfeitted games in question, staff opinion varied (was lag a factor? was it intentional? bah, we don't know.. let's just flip a coin)

            i think changing the basing structure to a more competitive standard would be beneficial not only in fun, but also by keeping ref interference to a minimum and letting teams decide the outcomes of their matches.
            plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


            • #51
              Funny how a lot of what we talk about comes down to us discussing what the ‘objective’ of things are (insert collective groan here)…
              Also, I agree with Gerbz, dependency on subjective things is not a good thing but more emphasis on quantifiable results is a good thing

              We are really groping around ‘what is the objective of the basing and the base league’? What is it we want to ‘reward’ and what is it we want to ‘discourage’?

              I believe the ‘objective’ of Base play is for your team to HOLD the base/flag. Killing the enemy is a ‘by-product’ of that concept, since it helps you hold the base/flag room. Given this, a match winner based upon totals comprised mostly of kill points is not the best solution. A better solution would be to increase the value of holding the base/flag room. How do we define what ‘holding base’ means? Well, since there can be long and fierce battles in the flag room itself, we need a smaller, but highly defined ‘objective’, and this is called the flag. If a team is grabbing the flag each time just before the flag bell dings is, by definition, physically and legitimately holding the base. Yes, this is basically Point base and it is the purest form of team basing.

              But this isn’t desirable by many players. Why? Because their egos demand that they be able to measure their individual performance. How come in this forum’s “League MVP” not a single mention was made about someone who bothered to show up for every game/every practice? How about people who will sit on the bench to let others play? How about those who work hard and give up time and effort for the team and/or the league? No. This doesn’t matter for shit around here. (And while we are at it, I’m absolutely sure that this is USA’s fault. All non-Americans are completely selfless, noble and self-sacrificing.)

              We all know that you can rack up a good individual score by camping around and while the rest of your teammates are struggling to hold base. I say drop ALL tracking of individual kills in Basing matches, and drop the bullshit way the MVP is calculated too. It’s a team game whose objective is to capture the base and hold the flag as a team.


              • #52
                the MVP is a different issue all together ... i say the mvp should have into account both flagtouches and terrr kills .... so sharks and terrs can also get mvp .... do it points*flagtouches*terr kills or something like that
                There is no point in singing while shitting cause shit wont come out dancing.....


                • #53
                  I dont really understand why you had to add that thing about non americans...
                  Originally posted by Tyson
                  There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
                  Originally posted by HeavenSent
                  Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
                  Originally posted by Izor
                  Women should never be working in the first place.


                  • #54
                    i like the current pointsystem, the only flaw is that there's a time limit while there should be a pointlimit. make it a race to 100k, first to 100k wins, then there's no way someone who is close to winning it will go hiding.

                    i don't like the current pointbase-system, it gives u 1 reward at 1 second a minute, so if a game would be a long flagroom fight in which 1 squad would get crushed most of the time, they still could get away with that 1 point if they get a bit lucky (or have a laggy shark/jav/wb).
                    Pointbase system would be good if there was a timer that would give a point every second that you hold the flag, but i'm not sure if that's possible yet.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Ephemeral
                      But this isn’t desirable by many players. Why? Because their egos demand that they be able to measure their individual performance. How come in this forum’s “League MVP” not a single mention was made about someone who bothered to show up for every game/every practice? How about people who will sit on the bench to let others play? How about those who work hard and give up time and effort for the team and/or the league? No. This doesn’t matter for shit around here.
                      If you played this like pointbase, MVP would be determined by the most kills, or best ratio. There's no way to stop people from rating, except to remove individual score/rating all together. And I don't see that happening anytime soon.

                      As for league MVP, if you don't play, you aren't, per definition, IN the league. You're just listed as a player in the rosters section. And as for people who does show up for every game/practice, I'm sure most, or at least some squads reward their members with playing time. I know we (Disoblige) do.

                      As for the people who work hard and give up time and effort for the team/squad/league/zone/whatever. I agree, a lot of people don't get the acknowledgement they deserve. But to say that it doesn't mean shit around here, you must be blind. People are encouraged and given pats on the back and friendly comments all the time. Too bad it has a tendency to drown in the endless waves of whining. But that's the way it is when you have incompetent people in charge
                      "Disoblige - It's not just a squad, it's a lifestyle" - BermuDa



                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Mantra-Slider
                        I dont really understand why you had to add that thing about non americans...
                        Sorry, you are right, I was 'venting'. Please excuse this rant, I was NOT trying to insult anyone but rather make a point about the people in the forum that seem to want to blame USA for many things.
                        It simply struck me as ironic that there appears not to be a trend, one way or the other, for selflessness, honor, nobility, and/or self-sacrificing based upon what country a person is from. This was a point that I shouldn’t have made in this thread, once again sorry.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Jonas
                          If you played this like pointbase, MVP would be determined by the most kills, or best ratio. There's no way to stop people from rating, except to remove individual score/rating all together. And I don't see that happening anytime soon.

                          As for league MVP, if you don't play, you aren't, per definition, IN the league. You're just listed as a player in the rosters section. And as for people who does show up for every game/practice, I'm sure most, or at least some squads reward their members with playing time. I know we (Disoblige) do.

                          As for the people who work hard and give up time and effort for the team/squad/league/zone/whatever. I agree, a lot of people don't get the acknowledgement they deserve. But to say that it doesn't mean shit around here, you must be blind. People are encouraged and given pats on the back and friendly comments all the time. Too bad it has a tendency to drown in the endless waves of whining. But that's the way it is when you have incompetent people in charge
                          Well, I'm not blind, just a guy who has played leagues for several years in Disoblige, Cripples and Shriek squads.
                          I don’t agree with your opinion about squads playing people who show the most loyalty. In fact, while on Disoblige, I remember being told that I would be played as terrier in rotation with Warportal. This was the plan until a ‘big’ game came up. Then squad policy was made ‘on the fly’. Even worse, the Disoblige captain didn’t have the balls to tell me of his decision so he let two of the poor co-captains tell me. Wait, it gets better. During the game, as I sat on the bench, I tried to be a team player and call out the flag bell to the team. Guess what? Captain flames me at end of game for being 2 seconds late on 2 of the bell rings. Frankly, Disoblige had/has some of the most decent human beings in it, better than most squads. So, no, I can’t agree with your statement that most squads reward team play, loyalty, and give out ‘pats on the back’.

                          Disclaimer: The current Disoblige management is not at fault in the above situation, we were all dealt the same cards by the captain at that time. I consider you (Jonas), Warp and Mantra as ‘good’ people and hope that you guys feel the same about me.


                          • #58
                            OK my understanding.

                            base should not be based on points, but time the flag is held.

                            for example.

                            Team 1 - 234242 seconds - Team 2 22222 seconds.

                            more seconds = win.

                            BaseBot> Vote for mvp !
                            BaseBot> RabbitRapist is MVP !

                            and there you have it, i win.



                            • #59
                              I do

                              (but I think you should cut down on the weed unless you have already )

                              Also I think we should leave that awful episode behind us cos its certainly not something Diso can feel proud about...
                              Originally posted by Tyson
                              There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
                              Originally posted by HeavenSent
                              Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
                              Originally posted by Izor
                              Women should never be working in the first place.


                              • #60
                                to vote for MVP might be cool, but I dont really see why... If squads have people who go for MVP only (the way it is now) they harm their own team more than their opponent. You and your team KNOW you are good even tho you dont get MVP... there is really NO ONE who gives a shit about MVP in a twlb game. in twbd maybe and in .?go base there are for sure... but in twlb, no fucking way.

                                There is a reason why we only have one bram in diso... you can only have one mvp hunter if you want a balanced team, the rest need to play smart. cover angels etc etc... (I think this goes for both twlb final teams, where some other teams with "rec whores*" that are out already...)

                                I like twlb the way it is now, but maybe there need to be stricter rules about certain things (2 refs minimum in every playoff game aswell maybe), and maybe more points than it is now if you kill with flag.

                                * read pallies. they are all a bunch of rec whores. REC WHORES!!! ELIM BASERS!!!!!! GTFO GTFO GTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially that sleepy weasel!!

                                Originally posted by Tyson
                                There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
                                Originally posted by HeavenSent
                                Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
                                Originally posted by Izor
                                Women should never be working in the first place.

