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  • #76
    maybe build it around the weekend events that are comming up?
    Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
    Philos> there is something about you
    Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

    PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


    • #77
      There will be 300 people getting picked. So if we have over that(which we will by like an estimated 40 or so) the captains will pick the teams and the extras will go on a waivers list. These players can be picked up for a team if others drop out or are inactive or by captains choice. Also, what u think about trades? let me know (the trade would have to be approved by 75 percent of the captains or something). Thanks diakka for major help with applicants. Also thanks randedl for ideas.


      • #78
        PL, I think the names would look more organized if they were placed under squad categories, don't you think? When I think of a squad, names automatically come to mind. Only if you have time of course, it makes searching for names quicker.
        Failure teaches success.
        . â–²
        ▲ ▲


        • #79
          Just name a team after the captain...

          Team Pure_Luck

          Just a question, how will the team captains be selected? (sorry if this is a repeat question, i thought this was a basing thing until someone corrected me so i haven't been following this post too much)


          • #80
            Originally posted by Pure_Luck
            There will be 300 people getting picked. So if we have over that(which we will by like an estimated 40 or so) the captains will pick the teams and the extras will go on a waivers list. These players can be picked up for a team if others drop out or are inactive or by captains choice. Also, what u think about trades? let me know (the trade would have to be approved by 75 percent of the captains or something). Thanks diakka for major help with applicants. Also thanks randedl for ideas.
            A Trade market would be a good idea, and also setting specific salary caps for all players, and budgets for the teams (or spending limits for the captains).
            The player with the biggest nuts.

            - destroy


            • #81
              just allow some sort of trading, and pure_luck, check your ?messages


              • #82
                The Trading would have to be watched over by say the "commisioner" aka Pure_Luck. U cant have someone trading AznTangboi00432 for Blood.


                • #83
                  I'll be picking the captains pretty soon.


                  • #84
                    I'll have Cig Smoke for a pickle.

                    btw the pink background for the names ROCKS. Way to set the mood!

                    Careful u guyz dont take up too much work. These ideas about trading n stuff i hear might cause for a lot of complications. Keep it simple.


                    • #85
                      Have we suggested a time for the draft yet? I one that is final? :-)?


                      • #86
                        I agree that nobody whos a 1 league type of player should cap unless they do know what they're doing. I like the commish idea too so no unfair trades.
                        The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

                        Originally posted by Richard Creager
                        All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by warportal
                          btw the pink background for the names ROCKS. Way to set the mood!

                          Weee, already 2-3 guys saying good things about the pink o_O

                          EDIT: Added a few ultra-cool, mind dazzling features to the site to help out all you lazy surfers! Also, over a 100 names have been added.
                          Last edited by Miku19; 01-29-2004, 06:57 PM.
                          6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                          Originally posted by Dreamwin
                          3 league vet


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by warportal
                            btw the pink background for the names ROCKS.
                            You're such a fag.


                            • #89
                              Suggestion: once the teams are picked have predicters of the matches.

                              If you do this ill be ur first volunteer
                              TWDT Head Op Seasons 2, 3, and 4
                              TWL Season 14 & 17 Head Op
                              Season 13 TWLD Champion, Seasons 13 & 14 LJ Champion

                              Winston Churchill: "That is the sort of nonsense up with which we will not put!"

                              Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.
                              - John F. Kennedy

                              A sadist is a masochist who follows the Golden Rule.
                              Originally posted by kthx
                              Umm.. Alexander the Great was the leader of the Roman empire, not the Greek empire guy.


                              • #90
                                I like the idea of having a tradingsystem, but I think it would take too much time to imply it in this season. Maybe next season if this season works out fine.

                                My idea of tradingsystem:
                                Their should be a controlled trademarket. Not just supervized by a player, but use a system like the TWL-manager. Give players points for their performance, the first few picks start of with a higher level. And then make a rule like; trades can only have a point difference of 10%. Any other system would make it easy for players that 'don't like their team because it isn't on top' to act like complete assholes so they will get traded sooner or later.

                                Also this system would be great if this will be something that will continue.
                                The team with the least 'total points' would be the first to assign/draft new players. And the league should stay very healthy. Also it should be do-able to work something out so players can decide to leave their team after a season, and hope another team assigns them, without that their previous team suffers from it (according to how many points the leaving player had, rank them on the drafting list.) A vote for a new captain every season would be nice too. :P

                                But to be able to keep this league going when the next TWL starts up, it would be smart to make a different system in which teams can get to play as much as they want (except when they're in the top 4?) at any given day. A bit like TWD, but make sure the squads in the top 4 can't just go sit and watch the other squads fight it out. And then after a month or two, we get a small play-off for the top 4-8 (how many teams are there?) squads.

                                Last edited by Dabram; 01-29-2004, 07:31 PM.

