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[TW MAFIA] Doom of Westeros

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  • Originally posted by the_paul View Post

    I don't know how to fit the fact that I'm realm aligned queen regent into this theory
    Could also be religious zealots


    • Originally posted by RoDNeY View Post

      You keep bringing up Willbys name claim acting like thats the reason why hes looking scummy when nobody has mentioned a damn thing about his name claim making him scum. What makes him scummy is his slip that i called out where he said he knows the alignment of "the king" and then when i pressured him on it after nobody picked up on it he completely folded and all of a sudden hes not town aligned at all and claims that he doesnt know the alignment of the king when just a few posts before he was saying the complete opposite.

      You are trying to misdirect the information here Paul and that is looking extremely incriminating.

      I am voting Willby because he slipped and then flailed once questioned and then backpedaled going back on everything he had said.
      You are trying to make it look like people are pushing Willby for a completely different reason and only in an attempt to make yourself look town. At this point its painfully obvious how much you are defending him. It reminds me of when you overly defended me when we were both scum a few games ago since our teammates were lurkers and it ended in both of us being lynched.
      I don't care if you vote Willby. This whole nonsense started because I said that his character name being the night king doesn't immediately mean he's scum. That's all I said. He could still be scum, but assuming villains in the show are scum in this is inaccurate, as I am proof of that. That was my only point, yet it still keeps coming up where people try to frame it like I'm hardcore defending \\willby. I couldn't care less, there's definitely questions about him. Right now my focus is on a successful lynch today, and finding someone I can trust to use my action on. All I'm trying to clear up is this inaccurate spin that I'm trying to protect Willby
      JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

      turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

      Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
      the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


      • I just had a long post written out and my laptop crashed because I had 2 fucking tabs open. Fuck this.

        Vote Jerome

        I need to get a vote in and I want to lynch all of you fucks so this will probably change
        JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

        turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

        Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
        the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


        • Originally posted by Exalt View Post

          So it's just a one day thing? So basically, for WillBy to win, multiple conditions HAVE to be met:

          1. You cannot die before you use your 1-shot, or he loses

          2. You have to pick someone before endgame. Abstaining all game makes him lose.

          3. Since the king obviously won't lynch themselves, they'd have to die to an NK on the exact same night you picked them.

          4. WillBy has only 1 chance for the 'king' to die, since you are a 1-shot.

          5. WillBy did not say he has an NK, so he is supposedly relying on scum to randomly NK the exact person you chose on the same night you chose them, hoping that no doctor or anything else prevents it from killing that person

          Am I following the logic here correctly? I realize you aren't WillBy, but I don't believe there's multiple 'kings' that you seem to. Either your role is legit and the king we are talking about is this one, or WillBy is full of shit. What are your thoughts about his claim?

          WillBy Care to elaborate? Do you have an NK ability too, or not? If not, then do you agree with the logic I just mentioned above is basically impossible odds, therefore you pretty much have no shot at victory? Especially now, if Paul picks a confirmed townie to be king, the doctor will likely protect that person, so scum won't be able to kill them. You have no shot at victory under the conditions you gave for your role. Do you agree with this sentiment?
          I think there is, because as queen regent, whoever I elect is king of the 7 kingdoms. I would think that the king Willby would looking for as the night king would have something to do with the king north of the wall? Or king of the north? Are there any other king titles I'm forgetting? I'm sure there are.

          Anyway, I know my action of naming a king who determines the day lynch is 1 shot. My role PM doesn't say anything about that person retaining the title of king or anything like that (obviously the day lynch thing is 1 shot), so I don't really know how to answer for that. My role PM does say that whoever I pick will be announced as king at the beginning of the day phase, so I wonder if we'll get more information at that point. It seems unlikely, but at this point everybody knows everything that I know about my role.
          JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

          turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

          Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
          the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


          • I feel like exalt/voth are trying to stretch VERY little actual information way too far here, we have some clear easy lynch choices (willby, claimed not-town) and with an SK dead our cop should have a great opportunity tonight (re: Cersei) to try and validate some shit lining this game up for an easy win.. people who are pushing to lynch not-willby idk what the fuck you're doing, he claimed not-town

            Originally posted by Turban
            everyone new(ish) player seems to be naive as fuck.


            • Sorry, voth was doing it before.. he's calmed down now.. t_p voting wierd... why the hell not just lynch willby, paul???

              Originally posted by Turban
              everyone new(ish) player seems to be naive as fuck.


              • Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                WillBy Care to elaborate? Do you have an NK ability too, or not? If not, then do you agree with the logic I just mentioned above is basically impossible odds, therefore you pretty much have no shot at victory? Especially now, if Paul picks a confirmed townie to be king, the doctor will likely protect that person, so scum won't be able to kill them. You have no shot at victory under the conditions you gave for your role. Do you agree with this sentiment?
                Also, to be clear, my action is a night action PM'd to Field. That person is announced as king at the beginning of the following day phase. I'm probably not going to publicly say who I picked, because you're exactly right about the Mafia being able to kill that person and make this whole thing pointless. Like I said, they could just kill me at night, but I wouldn't cry about that since that means one more night for town power roles to do work. Plus, as it is, Voth and Company are still likely to push to lynch me either today or tomorrow anyway. Like I originally said, marginally useful role.

                JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                • You admit you couldn't care less if we lynch willby, he claimed not-town... we will want to lynch him eventually because of that... doing it now prevents a misslynch

                  Originally posted by Turban
                  everyone new(ish) player seems to be naive as fuck.


                  • LOL.

                    Unvote Willby

                    i will explain later when I have time
                    7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

                    Duel Pasta> great
                    Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face

                    Tower> NATIONAL WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY

                    TWLB Champion Season 12
                    TWLJ Champion Season 11
                    TWLB All-Star Season 10
                    Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


                    • Originally posted by sdrawkcab View Post
                      Sorry, voth was doing it before.. he's calmed down now.. t_p voting wierd... why the hell not just lynch willby, paul???
                      Because he's basically claimed 3rd party survivor type role. If you believe his claim, he's not a threat to town at this point because he doesn't have a role that kills or roleblocks or anything like that. If you don't believe his claim, then I absolutely understand voting him, because the only reason he would lie is because he's scum.

                      Friendly reminder that the Voth wagon coming after me started because I participated in a "policy lynch". Anyone who criticized that, but votes for Willby while believing his claim because it's a "policy lynch" is absolutely scummy as fuck.

                      I don't know whether I believe Willby or not. If he's scum, claiming Night King was either brilliant or a Jessup level fuckhead move. If he's telling the truth, we know who he is and we can decide later once the scum team is sorted out what to do with him. That's how I see it anyway, so honestly I'm not overly concerned with Willby at this point. I'm more concerned with hearing from these lurking fuckheads that nobody seems to care about, and seeing if we can squeeze some activity out of them and sort out this "King" bullshit.
                      JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                      turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                      Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                      the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                      • Originally posted by sdrawkcab View Post
                        You admit you couldn't care less if we lynch willby, he claimed not-town... we will want to lynch him eventually because of that... doing it now prevents a misslynch
                        Lynching a complete non threat doesn't do anything for us IMO. He's harmless, and we've already gone down a policy lynch road that people tried to use as ammo against others. Why lynch a survivor when it is very probable that at least 1 scum is hiding among the lurkers?

                        Now if you don't believe his claim, then that's a completely different story, and a lynch that I could understand.
                        JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                        turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                        Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                        the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                        • Wait a minute. I can't open another tab or my computer will explode.

                          Didn't Voth claim Bran Stark? He ends up as king, so that's at least 1 king in this game as a character. I don't remember for sure that it was Voth, but I think it was
                          JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                          turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                          Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                          the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


                          • I'm gonna drop a bomb to get this game moving in the right direction, because it's floundering right now.

                            Under normal circumstances, I'd be lynching WillBy in a heartbeat, but after looking at my role and thinking about it some more, I somewhat believe them. I wouldn't if my role didn't say what it does, but under the circumstances, I think it's logical to belief both WillBy and Paul right now.

                            I'm going to do something I never do and and roleclaim, because I think it might actually help in this situation. It's not a complete full claim, because fuck you, but it's enough. Scum probably just got hard after reading this, but whatever.

                            I'm a Realm-Aligned Knight of the Kingsguard (Town ______ ). I'm not telling you what the _____ is, so fuck off. You can be sure it isn't Flathead Fuck Fuck Firefighter, Queen Reagent Who Fucks Brothers To Make Incest Kings, or Night King Survivor That Kills Incest Children Kings Even Though I Take Craster's Incest Children To Make White Walkers Like Me though.

                            I win when all threats to the Realm are eliminated. AND I was on the lynch train of someone specific. I asked Field if I win if I lynch this person and scum win, and he said no, so unlike WillBy, I'm not a third party survivor, and my role literally says Town. I asked if I win if this person gets NK'd before I can lynch them, and Field said he would then ignore the lynch wincon. It's pretty weird to me, because I have to somehow lynch this person AND win with town, or I lose even if town wins in the end. It's like being a VT with a much more difficult wincon.

                            There's one important kicker that should be said, just in case. Here's where the townies among you will almost certainly get fucked up after I inevitably die this game, since I just put a target on my back: my role and alignment will be obscured when I flip. I will simply flip as The Hound.

                            So yeah, there you have it. This is why I agreed with the name claiming. It's also why I want to lynch anyone that didn't name claim. Rodney said his role was partially a Lynchee, and since he refused to name claim, I'm wondering if he is the person I'm looking for. I'm positive the person I need to lynch is not town, so IF he is town, he isn't it. In that case, it means I'm looking for someone else, and it means there are multiple Lyncher/Lynchee roles in this game. Rodney said his role tells him that he is being hunted by someone, so my guess is that the person I'm looking for knows they are being hunted too. Since I basically gave out my character name already, I think it's likely that if they ever watched the show, they know I'm the one who is looking for them already. Erias voting me after saying he thought I was town could mean he's this person. He also hasn't name claimed.

                            So TL;DR: I'm looking for a specific scum player to lynch. I don't automatically win once i lynch them, since town also has to win, but I do not win if I don't lynch this player, even if town wins in the end. Everyone that name claimed already is pretty much off my list except for Backwards, because I don't really believe his 3rd stringer Alister Thorn claim. If Backwards isn't lying though, then Rodney or Erias are my next possible choices, followed by Jerome, Missa, and intertube. I think that's everyone that didn't name claim.

                            RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                            RaCka> mad impressive


                            • Originally posted by the_paul View Post

                              Lynching a complete non threat doesn't do anything for us IMO. He's harmless, and we've already gone down a policy lynch road that people tried to use as ammo against others. Why lynch a survivor when it is very probable that at least 1 scum is hiding among the lurkers?

                              Now if you don't believe his claim, then that's a completely different story, and a lynch that I could understand.
                              A survivor is NOT a non-threat, if town is losing the last day phase before the end of the game the survivor will side with scum... town doesn't know who's town and the scum team will act together and the survivor will just vote with scum to take a Win

                              Originally posted by Turban
                              everyone new(ish) player seems to be naive as fuck.


                              • Damn Field really fucked you if that's the case
                                JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

                                turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

                                Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
                                the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido

