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TW Mafia: Sweet Vengeance

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  • Originally posted by sdrawkcab View Post
    RoDNeY if I die, and kthx dies

    if kthx is venge and wants to kill field, and if I'm venge and want to kill voth, if one or both of voth or field is scum is it a scum win, town win, or draw?

    if kthx is venge, and kills me, and field and voth are both left alive and only 1 is scum, if both are venge, is it a draw?
    Hypotehtically Vengeful modifiers would work as long as the game is NOT in LyLo..
    Big Chill


    • kthx Kthx who are you venge killing

      vote backwards

      Originally posted by Turban
      everyone new(ish) player seems to be naive as fuck.


      • Also: it's infuriating playing with you guys.. field if you're town too dumb as fuck for not lynching voth.. kthx appears to atleast understand it should be between me and voth...

        Originally posted by Turban
        everyone new(ish) player seems to be naive as fuck.


        • No, fuck it

          vote voth

          That's my final vote unless someone moves theirs

          Originally posted by Turban
          everyone new(ish) player seems to be naive as fuck.


          • FINAL VOTE COUNT

            Kthx - Field, Voth
            Sdrawcab - Kthx
            Voth - Sdrawcab

            This is the final vote count i will be running with. Kthx will be lynched. I will phase change momentarily. I'm at work and need to find a little time.
            Big Chill


            • Welp sorry if I blew it townies. But the fake cop protecting his godfather with a result is the most logical play I could think of.
              Rabble Rabble Rabble


              • Originally posted by kthx View Post
                Welp sorry if I blew it townies. But the fake cop protecting his godfather with a result is the most logical play I could think of.

                Originally posted by Turban
                everyone new(ish) player seems to be naive as fuck.


                • And no nk, u think field is a gf just to be vengeproof?

                  Originally posted by Turban
                  everyone new(ish) player seems to be naive as fuck.


                  • Phase Change

                    Beaten and weathered the towns folk took a shot in the dark, Kthx was their sacrifice. He was a Vengeful Townie.

                    MAFIA WINS

                    Field - Supersaint Mafioso
                    Voth - Vengeful Mafioso
                    Willby - Vengeful Mafioso

                    Ok so this last phase needs a little clarification. Kthx wants to shoot backwards and then they would both die and both are the last two town remaining but no vengeful kill as it doesn't matter game is over regardless.
                    Everyone is confused and for rightful reason. I fell asleep while waiting for the results to phase change last night and when i woke up hours later in the night i got up and ran over and rushed a phase change just so people didnt have to wait. In reality it should have been game over and that is my fault. No matter how you look at it this phase without a night phase there is no possible way for town to win, this phase was more or less to give the mafia a chance to win by lynch and rule with majority vote. The mafia wincon is to have majority vote, the town wincon is to eliminate all threats to town. As long as mafia is alive the town cannot win. Therefore in a stalemate tie situation Mafia wins.

                    This is why this phase was decided to be rushed as it really should have never happened but i didnt want to cause a stir and would just let it play out to see if mafia could manage to walk away with convincing Kthx or Backwards to vote with them. Which did not happen.

                    I will have a full post game writeup later today when i get out of the gym after work because there was a lot that happened in this game that i would like to bring up. Before i do that i would like to let all of you know that Ixt almost won you all the game but was less than a minute too late with his vote. Ill go into more detail about that in the writeup just wanted to let it be known...


                    Big Chill


                    • Psh, if we lynched Voth d3 like I pushed for we woulda fucking won too... also, see no gf? Lol

                      Originally posted by Turban
                      everyone new(ish) player seems to be naive as fuck.


                      • Well fuck
                        Rabble Rabble Rabble


                        • Guess it didn't matter either way but I overthought that a lot and was too focused on a game setup that wasnt correct.
                          Rabble Rabble Rabble


                          • I knew the game was lost after I died. When Voth refused to vote WillBy the day I was pushing hard for his lynch (and WillBy flipped red), I knew he was scum. Field would've lasted the longest imo, but that was due to Voth saving him with the fake cop claim. Killing me was obviously an easy way to 'verify' his fake results, but with people like Kthx voting only townies, and every lynched townie shooting other townies, I knew the game was over.

                            Anyway, gg scum. You guys played well.
                            RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                            RaCka> mad impressive


                            • Originally posted by kthx View Post
                              Guess it didn't matter either way but I overthought that a lot and was too focused on a game setup that wasnt correct.
                              yeah im not sure who exactly started saying this was a lynch the godfather vengeful setup from mafia scum wiki but it certainly distracted some people for a few days on a setup that wasnt real
                              Big Chill


                              • Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                                I knew the game was lost after I died. When Voth refused to vote WillBy the day I was pushing hard for his lynch (and WillBy flipped red), I knew he was scum. Field would've lasted the longest imo, but that was due to Voth saving him with the fake cop claim. Killing me was obviously an easy way to 'verify' his fake results, but with people like Kthx voting only townies, and every lynched townie shooting other townies, I knew the game was over.

                                Anyway, gg scum. You guys played well.
                                Exalt was probably the first (and maybe only) person to pinpoint the setup and he did so early on by saying it was just a bunch of vengeful townies against vengeful mafia with no night kills. Nobody really listened to him though lol
                                Big Chill

