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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • kthx
    Phase will be ending in close to 12 hours from now (7pm central), I'll give an updated vote count in a few hours.

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  • Exalt
    I also feel like Voth and Scarlett are two sides of the same coin, but cant get along since they don't like not being in sole possession of the coin. It would be like if a Kthx clone existed, with both Kthx's trying to be the only forum highlander remaining.

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  • scarlet
    m_leonhard you never moved your vote off of willby. Is he who you want lynched?

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    I don't want to preempt it too much since it's our best test of willby's (and exalt's) alignment, but if I'm understanding it right the argument for scum!beast is:
    Beast is lazily trying to squeeze out an easy lynch on willby after willby set it up (i.e. he fell for willby's gambit and outed himself as lazy scum)
    Exalt is this pretty much right?
    I dont know if WillBy set it up, but I think beast and mleo hopped on that wagon a little too quickly, while not giving any great reasoning for it besides sheeping me. Jessup almost did, but she worked her way through it by asking questions, which I'd think would be common sense for town to do.

    I mean I could be wrong and Beast is just being Beast, but I dont particularly think it's a great loss if I am wrong.

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  • Kassius
    Ok looks like my mobile post I thought I posted an hour ago caught up with the forum.. lol.

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  • Kassius
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    I dont see a problem with scarlett. You guys prefer the stuff from the endgame last game instead? If you dont wanna read theie posts, then dont read them. Vehicle voting just because they dont like reading is bad. Mleo agreeing while throwing out a possibility of joining that lynch to guage the crowd is worse. Scummy worse actually. If we are going to double lynch, beast and mleo are good options.
    On the basis of trial by past helpfulness, beast's last 2 games leave a bad taste in the mouth as town. Also, 3 or 4 games in a row now as town for him? I'd be willing to switch off Willby to vote Beast.

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  • scarlet
    Originally posted by Voth View Post
    But you also spun a ton of shit I said to fit that narrative which I did not, in fact, say at all.
    Nah, it was all spun out shit that you did actually say.
    I never denied doing it though, which is why I asked if you were doing something similar.

    Rather than an intentional method, it seems to me like you're just responding to your memory of the posts rather than the posts themselves. Maybe you should use quotes more liberally, hah

    The deepest circle of hell is reserved for people who post from their phone

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  • Kassius
    I think Scarlet would benefit from fishing less, and analysing more. There's plenty to go around already imo.

    Voth I'd suggest that you don't need to react so much, have some faith that the rest of us can see what's going on.

    Back to the matter at hand.

    Unvote Willby

    Vote Beast

    I agree with the logic from Exalt and Scarlet here on being caught out jumping on the Willby train (that I apparently started according to the vote record!). And my own summary from the previous page highlighting law of averages/usefulness to town.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    I didn't actually. I said that the two people who were fingered by a PR D2 were already on the peoples scum lists and would have been lynched anyway.
    There are degrees of confidence in scum reads. For example, you were scummier D1 than willby was. Obviously D2 willby/voth were scummier than D1 willby/voth, in no small part due to the_paul's watcher results and (see, this part here isn't mechanical and has nothing to do with voting records) the poor attempts at fakeclaims you both tried
    Why do you do this shit?

    My first question to you in this game was 'will you continue to completely misconstrue the things people say in order to lynch them, even if you're town?', but I guess I was in the wrong, since you don't seem to be trying to lynch me. I guess I should have asked
    'Will you continue to completely misconstrue the things people say, regardless of your alignment?'
    That's funny, I think my biggest issue with you as I've shouted from the rooftop this game and last, is that you constantly twist words and spin statements to fit whatever narrative you have in your mind. Last game you thought I was scum - great, you were right. But you also spun a ton of shit I said to fit that narrative which I did not, in fact, say at all.

    And no, I'm not trying to lynch you right now, because I don't have any read on you at the moment. I was surprised you flipped town last game because you were playing so anti-town; and I feel the same way this game so far, which means you either are town again or you're decent enough at playing like an insufferable anti-town prick every game to not let anyone get a good read on you. Either way, I can't in good conscience vote for someone on D1 that I have no read on.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes View Post
    I've yet to form an opinion on those players, but I'd support a Double Lynch.
    So while I get my ass chewed out by the chihuahua Jessup who can't stop looking at the shiniest object in the room and the guy who apparently found scum again D1 with his backwards logic and desire to blindly kill two players on Day 1, this asshole chimes in with no opinion on any players. BUT WAIT GUYS, not only does he have no opinion on any players, but using that super strong mafia brain to not have any reads whatsoever, he thinks a double lynch is an awesome. But it's too painstaking to even offer a reason why a moronic idea like a D1 double lynch without one single read on a player is a good idea.

    At least Scarlet has the common courtesy to have insufferable diarrhea of the mouth while he peddles bullshit strategies.

    Fuck this.

    unvote Jessup
    vote Sherlock Holmes

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  • scarlet
    Originally posted by Voth View Post
    Did that guy seriously just compare a D1 double lynch with NO INFORMATION WHATSOEVER to last game when on D2 (note: not D1, isn't that interesting?) the town watcher came out that he saw two people visit the same town player...who died?
    I didn't actually. I said that the two people who were fingered by a PR D2 were already on the peoples scum lists and would have been lynched anyway.
    There are degrees of confidence in scum reads. For example, you were scummier D1 than willby was. Obviously D2 willby/voth were scummier than D1 willby/voth, in no small part due to the_paul's watcher results and (see, this part here isn't mechanical and has nothing to do with voting records) the poor attempts at fakeclaims you both tried
    Why do you do this shit?

    My first question to you in this game was 'will you continue to completely misconstrue the things people say in order to lynch them, even if you're town?', but I guess I was in the wrong, since you don't seem to be trying to lynch me. I guess I should have asked
    'Will you continue to completely misconstrue the things people say, regardless of your alignment?'

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  • scarlet
    I don't want to preempt it too much since it's our best test of willby's (and exalt's) alignment, but if I'm understanding it right the argument for scum!beast is:
    Beast is lazily trying to squeeze out an easy lynch on willby after willby set it up (i.e. he fell for willby's gambit and outed himself as lazy scum)
    Exalt is this pretty much right?

    Last game everyone advocating on behalf of the dumbest shit that was obviously a bad idea and which only scum would ever possibly suggest were all actually scum (vehicle, voth, to a lesser extent willby), so I almost don't want to give anyone the benefit of the doubt for it this time.
    My case on voth and m_leonhard is pretty much the same except voth is actually active in the game and interacting with other people, whereas leon is basically just activelurking and taking shots at me for daring to suggest that we lynch scum instead of do.

    Unvote Voth
    Vote m_leonhard

    Yeah, I'm fine with leaving the voth lynch until day2+
    He's making a commitment to interact with other players so I'll actually have more information about him later (or a broken promise to drive an easy lynch over) rather than the lazy shit I'm seeing out of e.g. vehicle that won't tell me anything about him

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post

    Not true actually. Pretty sure I had pegged 3/4ths of your scum team by D1. How did that happen without information? Magic?

    The reason D2 worked well was because Paul thought maybe I was onto something and watched me. Turns out, it was correct. Then when WillBy flipped red, PF went back and saw I had posted Vehicle was scum too, and she got him lynched.

    The 'no information' part of the game only came on D4 once PF was wagoned for 0 reason.
    I could be wrong, but I think Paul said he watched you because you're perpetually targeted Night 1, just to be fair.

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  • Voth
    Did that guy seriously just compare a D1 double lynch with NO INFORMATION WHATSOEVER to last game when on D2 (note: not D1, isn't that interesting?) the town watcher came out that he saw two people visit the same town player...who died?

    Yeah, I can't. If any of you want to subscribe to this lunatic's bullshit, be my guest and by all means, lynch me because 1+1=5 apparently. Like I said earlier, I'm jumping off before this crazy-go-round makes me blow a fucking gasket.

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by m_leonhard View Post
    No. Lunching two people on day one is a terrible idea. Why? Because were stabbing in the dark.

    Know why we lynched town D1 last game? Because town had NO information.
    Not true actually. Pretty sure I had pegged 3/4ths of your scum team by D1. How did that happen without information? Magic?

    The reason D2 worked well was because Paul thought maybe I was onto something and watched me. Turns out, it was correct. Then when WillBy flipped red, PF went back and saw I had posted Vehicle was scum too, and she got him lynched.

    The 'no information' part of the game only came on D4 once PF was wagoned for 0 reason.

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