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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post

    Very much this. Though I'd like to think that doing my best to confirm zeebu as town is, in fact, a pro-town move.

    What Voth should have received via pm, in addition to any other night results, is that zeebu passed you a note through the bars of your cell saying that zeebu is a prisoner. Once again, I cant be 100% but also cant justify this meaning anything other than that he is town.
    What in the actual fuck.

    That is exactly the wording I got from Kthx which I held back out of respect for the game. So what are you two getting at? Why did zeebu say it gave me Willbys alignment and then walk it back and now you chime in to walk it back further?

    God, fuck this game. I can't help but think I'm surrounded by Beasts and Jessups and inactive dickheads who shouldn't have signed up if they didn't have time.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Zeebu View Post
    Stopped reading here. Willby is not confirmed town by kthx. My ability is for kthx to confirm I am town to a person of my choice. It’s innocent child but pm’d to who I choose instead of to the thread in general.

    im still ok with willby being town but just wanted to say he hasn’t been confirmed by kthx.

    i haven’t read beyond this quote yet so I’ll continue
    Very much this. Though I'd like to think that doing my best to confirm zeebu as town is, in fact, a pro-town move.

    What Voth should have received via pm, in addition to any other night results, is that zeebu passed you a note through the bars of your cell saying that zeebu is a prisoner. Once again, I cant be 100% but also cant justify this meaning anything other than that he is town.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Zeebu View Post
    Stopped reading here. Willby is not confirmed town by kthx. My ability is for kthx to confirm I am town to a person of my choice. It’s innocent child but pm’d to who I choose instead of to the thread in general.

    im still ok with willby being town but just wanted to say he hasn’t been confirmed by kthx.

    i haven’t read beyond this quote yet so I’ll continue
    You said on more than one occasion that what I was sent applied to Willby.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Zeebu View Post
    Stopped reading here. Willby is not confirmed town by kthx. My ability is for kthx to confirm I am town to a person of my choice. It’s innocent child but pm’d to who I choose instead of to the thread in general.

    im still ok with willby being town but just wanted to say he hasn’t been confirmed by kthx.

    i haven’t read beyond this quote yet so I’ll continue

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  • Zeebu
    It was a 2 shot, used both. Willby and voth. Ok now I’ll go back and read

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  • Zeebu
    Originally posted by Voth View Post
    So here's what I know.

    Zeebu passed me a note last night which pretty much confirms someone as town unless Kthx is playing the sickest joke in history. Zeebu says the note is about Willby, so Willby is confirmed town. I assume that confirms zeebu as well because why would an anti-town player confirm a townie to a confirmed townie? Makes no sense.

    That said, Jessup looks awfully guilty, but Exalt and Kassius are a grouped together entity in my mind since early on when Exalt was displaying what I would call nicely "selective" reasoning with regards to Kassius and the whole issue with Willby. Exalt does not make me feel like pro-town Exalt normally does. I'm not comfortable with him or Kassius and both of them have made me scum radar go off in various ways. I'm not sure how to make heads or tails of this with everything against Jessup too because unless they decided to bus their least common denominator, I don't have any explanation.

    Willby, zeebu, unless Kthx is pulling a sick joke, you're town with me. So let's figure this out.
    Stopped reading here. Willby is not confirmed town by kthx. My ability is for kthx to confirm I am town to a person of my choice. It’s innocent child but pm’d to who I choose instead of to the thread in general.

    im still ok with willby being town but just wanted to say he hasn’t been confirmed by kthx.

    i haven’t read beyond this quote yet so I’ll continue

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by kthx View Post
    Phase change will be Monday night at around 9pm(central) if PF and Mleo haven't posted yet I will MK them with the lynch.
    Thanks, and I know they put you in an impossible situation here. But I can't help but feel that they have put the game in a really shitty spot.

    I know you can't go any further and respect that.

    One is town, one is scum, like I said a long time ago. Which is which I have no idea - they both are brutally nonexistent.

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  • kthx
    Phase change will be Monday night at around 9pm(central) if PF and Mleo haven't posted yet I will MK them with the lynch.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post

    Breathe, my man. You shouldn't modkill mid phase anyways
    When I have a second, I'll find the exact date they both posted last. I have no doubt they both are far beyond a fair shake. Just die at this point. If they are both town I can't count on them to show up and vote... so why? Why leave them?

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Voth View Post
    The fact that PF and MLeo still have not chimed in is literally bullshit.

    kthx modkill?
    Breathe, my man. You shouldn't modkill mid phase anyways

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  • Voth
    The fact that PF and MLeo still have not chimed in is literally bullshit.

    kthx modkill?

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  • Voth
    Utter bullshit. I pushed for Halp D2. I even said Scarlet was my vote for D3 before the results of N2 came out.

    So I'm scum? Because I lynched an inactive newbie no one knows D1 and Vehicle because he was scummy and no one would vote Halp with me D2? Fuck off already. Scum know this is the turning point and that's why there is a fight here.

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  • Voth
    Selective quoting and even more selective responding. If you're town, why do you make it so easy to completely not trust one word you say?

    The PGO thing is a total long shot but it was coming up
    way before I even made mention of it, just not in the exact same application. Why was it coming up then?

    What is your thoughts on what happened last night phase Exalt? Who killed who? How did it all shake out? I'm fascinated to hear if you're willing to respond.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post

    You were scum that game though
    And so was he.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Voth View Post
    I'll ignore all the other bullshit. You sound like scum Willby last game constantly sneering that voth lost his touch and shouldn't be trusted. Just another classic scum move to add to the list.
    You were scum that game though

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