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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post

    How did Scarlet die then?
    I assume field PGO him .. The real question is how did FIELD die.. scarlet could have been vigi'd perhaps or PGO killed by field. I'm unsure honestly and also unsure of how paranoid gun owner works if multiple people visit one. Itsn't the assasin the one killed or would every die who visits a paranoid gun owner?

    All I know is I protected field, got success and field still died :\

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Voth View Post
    Fine. Use it then. I won't let that alleged ability sit around for phases on end so you can use it when the game is at a breaking point.

    unvote Jessup
    vote Exalt

    And I would strongly encourage everyone else to
    do the same. Is Exalt scum? Not sure. Maybe. But either way, the power needs to go if it exists. Maybe he will sing a different tune if the deck is stacked on him.

    This guy is literally putting his eggs in the basket of a confirmed townie being Jessup level brain dead scum. Okay. Make my day bitch.
    This guy is 100% scum. Easy fucking bait lol.

    GG Voth. You tried man. You got fucked by Scarlet dying, since Halp was MIA and Jessup is real life Simple Jack, but them's the breaks. You probably would've won if Scarlet didn't get yeeted by Kassius though.

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  • Exalt
    I just thought of something actually.


    You said N1 you rolled cop, not jailer, correct? I disputed this, because you said 'Jessup was put in Solitary' and that was my role, so I thought you had to have copied mine. I also thought 'okay, then someone had to have jailed Jessup using the same name as my role, even though mine is Self-Target Only, not to mention that there has to be a cop out there who hasn't said a damn thing the entire game'. Then I just remembered... Field had a 1 shot cop role. He investigated Voth, so the cop thing makes some sense.

    Well, here's where it gets interesting. Jessup said she protected NOBODY on N1, not even herself after claiming Doctor on D1 before Voth unvoted and saved her. That's a ridiculous thing to do as a doctor, because a scum NK would have been on Jessup if she was truly the town doctor. Common sense, right? I mean, we lynched the Watcher due to Voth saving Jessup. Jessup was jailed, yet not a single person has claimed to be jailed except by you?

    What if Jessup is scum and had the Solitary ability herself? My ability is a self-target only thing. I can't use it on anyone else. I bet Jessup had that ability and used it, and scum strongmanned Paul. That would explain why Scarlet was so adamant against Paul possibly dying to recruiting scum. The Solitary ability doesn't just stop kills, but also any actions from working on that person, meaning you got no results back as a cop. Again, it is a self-target only thing in my role PM, so I assume it's likely the same for Jessup.

    So then, Jessup placed herself in Solitary on N1, refused to acknowledge she was jailed at all, and instead conveniently claimed she protected nobody, not even herself. Does anyone in this game truly believe Jessup wouldn't be self-protecting herself on N1? Anyone at all?

    Then on N2, instead of protecting anyone else like a doctor would, Jessup protects herself and claims to have stopped the kill, even though scum still had Strongman Halp in the game. Does anyone truly believe this? Scarlet was jailed by you this time (was she put in solitary?), and so there once again was no NK.

    N3, Jessup claims to have protected someone else finally, and conveniently, that person died. She didn't claim to be jailed, didn't claim to be roleblocked, there is no strongman left, etc. People like Voth stop using logic and go Simple Jack full-retard mode trying to explain away how Field visited a scum PGO, you didn't kill Scarlet (while not giving an alternative as to why scarlet died), etc.

    I think Voth is actually scum. He saved scum Jessup D1, which I think will be proven after Jessup gets lynched today. Only him and Scarlet were claiming to be willing to move to Halp with me on D1, yet Voth and Scarlet immediately jumped onto Vehicle when I gave him as an alternative lynch over WillBy like ravenous wolves who didn't truly want to yeet Halp. Scarlet bussed Halp hard on D3, so it stands to reason that any other scum would have done so as well. Now on D4, when Jessup is all but caught, Voth goes into full-defense mode for her, trying all he can to stop that lynch from happening and accusing you and me of being scum instead. He claims he is cleared by Field, yet Halp/Scarlet flipped strongman/goon, so no Godfather has flipped yet. It's also mighty convenient that both Field and Voth 'investigated' each other. We know Field was legit town, but why would both of them have cop actions? That doesn't make much sense to me.

    Once Jessup flips scum, if this game isn't over, Voth is the 4th scum. I'm calling it now.

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  • Voth
    Fine. Use it then. I won't let that alleged ability sit around for phases on end so you can use it when the game is at a breaking point.

    unvote Jessup
    vote Exalt

    And I would strongly encourage everyone else to
    do the same. Is Exalt scum? Not sure. Maybe. But either way, the power needs to go if it exists. Maybe he will sing a different tune if the deck is stacked on him.

    This guy is literally putting his eggs in the basket of a confirmed townie being Jessup level brain dead scum. Okay. Make my day bitch.

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    PS ..voth question kass more and not exalt.. Exalt is purposely distracting focus away from KASSIUS. KASS MUST go or town will probably lose. Kassius is jailor.

    How did Scarlet die then?

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  • Jessup
    PS ..voth question kass more and not exalt.. Exalt is purposely distracting focus away from KASSIUS. KASS MUST go or town will probably lose. Kassius is jailor.


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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by Beast View Post
    So I got a note from zeebu, that came with an array of weapinry and bullet proof vests that told me to kill the third party kassius/jessup yada, yada.
    beast can you please explain this post?? is this bs or a joke or??

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Voth View Post

    Unless it's a scum PGO, which was my only point. But thanks for just ignoring that and responding angrily about what a town PGO would clearly do (on day 1, not now) if they aren't an idiot.

    Please. Don't even try. You even proposing that I'm anything but 100% confirmed town is pretty off the rails. Everyone knows I am. Your rage posts don't get to me in the slightest, but they do remind me of scum Exalt in the past. But also town Exalt when perhaps unfairly called out. Part of the game, and you know that - so why so testy? Town voth has to cover all of his bases in perhaps the most important lynch of the game while two players are completely (seriously Kthx, modkill?) missing in action.
    A scum PGO? Did Jessup hack your account dude? You claiming to believe Naive Doctor now too? When have you ever seen a scum PGO before on this site or any others?

    I'm not being testy. I'm simply being brutally honest. Your brain is gone right now, so I'm calling you out on it. Occam's razor makes Jessup obvious scum, yet you've tried to think of every possible ridiculous scenario in which she isn't. The best you've come up with is scum PGO? That doesn't explain your scumread on Kassius then, because how did Scarlet die then? Did she visit this unicorn scum PGO too? How did I get a BP Vest last night if Field didn't visit me?

    Vote for me if you want to test it, since you think Jessup isn't scum. I don't care. Like I said, I'm legitimately unkillable now unless there's a second strongman out there somehow. I'm lynching Jessup today whether you like it or not. She's obvious scum and has been flailing wildly. I'm simply taking note that you might need to die next if the game isn't over after she flips scum. You are NOT clear and never have been. You've been buddy-buddy with Scarlet all game long, Scarlet bussed Halp so it stands to reason you would too if scum, and assuming Jessup isn't a Mafia Godfather, then Field's investigation on you means nothing if one hasn't flipped yet.

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  • Jessup
    lol k exalt. u got me I'm scum... NOT!!...

    I told everyone I protected field and got success yet he died so I must have been redirected or am naive but according to you I have said nothing to explain myself when I have explained myself consistently EVERY time.

    I told everyone KAssius is town jailor multiple times so even if I die Town has some idea what to do after this utter stupid town train on me.

    Now you are threatening Voth?? Field proved voth is town.. got a FULL ROLE REVEAL. The only way voth isn't is if voth is godfather/warden but the halp vote shud put that possibility to rest.
    You are being scum.. lol love how you left a bread crumb to cover ur butt too in the slight chance town listens to me about kass being scum jailor, You did one little line saying some things dont add up with kass but it is obvious to me you know what kass is.

    I'm too fatigued to look up the halp voting count but am pretty sure both u and kass were late to jump in on it.. that vote shud support my theory.
    Kass shud go today and exalt should go tomorrow imo town. The only thing saving exalt is the one vote semi early on halp but wud make since for godfather/warden to blend in..

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    Actually Voth, I don't care what you do, because you can't get rid of me. I'm literally unkillable now thanks to Field. That's probably why he sent it to me. I don't really care why he would send a vest to me and not to you. Take that up with him post-game. All I know is that Jessup is scum, and if the game isn't over after she flips red, we might have to lynch you next.
    I see where you're going. You have a lynch stop ability and you're also not able to be nightkilled because the scum team will always wonder if you used the vest. Except your stop lynch power (if true) is a total pro-scum power, not pro-town at all. It's not pro-town to let one person decide to let the day phase be a complete waste - that is pro-scum. And your alleged gift from field makes no sense. Field knew I was confirmed town and he wouldn't take a risk.

    So what's left? More rage posts? Lay them on me. You're only making it harder for me to lynch the guy I want out of the game most.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post

    Are you fucking serious? A PGO would just claim by now to say what happened.

    Voth, are you scumbuddies with Jessup? No wonder you made some elaborate bullshit as to why you wouldn't fight with Scarlet this game. You're not using your brain at all. You have some fucking Jessup logic going on right now. You think Field visited a PGO, but then who the fuck did scum kill then?
    Unless it's a scum PGO, which was my only point. But thanks for just ignoring that and responding angrily about what a town PGO would clearly do (on day 1, not now) if they aren't an idiot.

    Please. Don't even try. You even proposing that I'm anything but 100% confirmed town is pretty off the rails. Everyone knows I am. Your rage posts don't get to me in the slightest, but they do remind me of scum Exalt in the past. But also town Exalt when perhaps unfairly called out. Part of the game, and you know that - so why so testy? Town voth has to cover all of his bases in perhaps the most important lynch of the game while two players are completely (seriously Kthx, modkill?) missing in action.

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    I know field flipped smuggler but it was all these x shots that were different he had.. x shot PGO was probably used or part of his role in a passive way certain nights or something to this effect. Seems like this game has tons of xshot's in it
    Great, so if Field was a PGO and you visited him, then why aren't you dead?

    Flailing all around between you and Voth. Must be game over at this point.

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  • Beast
    So I got a note from zeebu, that came with an array of weapinry and bullet proof vests that told me to kill the third party kassius/jessup yada, yada.

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  • Exalt
    And for the record, I did think of the one scenario in which Kassius is lying about killing Scarlet. It would mean Field had a 1-shot PGO ability, and so both Field and Scarlet would die if she tried to NK him. Thing is, Jessup claimed to protect Field, meaning Field wouldn't have died regardless of what Scarlet (who flipped Mafia Goon) did if this were in fact the truth. ALSO, Jessup would have fucking died to Field's PGO too, therefore no matter how you slice it, Jessup's story doesn't make sense. There's literally not a single valid explanation except that she is scum.

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Voth View Post
    So here's what I know.

    Zeebu passed me a note last night which pretty much confirms someone as town unless Kthx is playing the sickest joke in history. Zeebu says the note is about Willby, so Willby is confirmed town. I assume that confirms zeebu as well because why would an anti-town player confirm a townie to a confirmed townie? Makes no sense.

    That said, Jessup looks awfully guilty, but Exalt and Kassius are a grouped together entity in my mind since early on when Exalt was displaying what I would call nicely "selective" reasoning with regards to Kassius and the whole issue with Willby. Exalt does not make me feel like pro-town Exalt normally does. I'm not comfortable with him or Kassius and both of them have made me scum radar go off in various ways. I'm not sure how to make heads or tails of this with everything against Jessup too because unless they decided to bus their least common denominator, I don't have any explanation.

    Willby, zeebu, unless Kthx is pulling a sick joke, you're town with me. So let's figure this out.
    Why would I be the very first person to try to lynch Halp on D1, telling others to join and only moving to Vehicle to save WillBy (because they wouldn't move off him), threatening to use my Sull'aria (lynch stop) ability to protect you when the wagons were between you and Halp D3, one of the only people in this game actually trying to solve it, and literally the only one to make a legit case today if I was scum? Your 'gut' feelings aren't great today it seems.

    I also explained my reasoning for believing Kassius since D2. He claimed Jessup was put into Solitary, which is the exact fucking name of my ability. He didn't say she was jailed. He didn't say anything else that's common. He said 'Solitary'. I immediately knew he wasn't full of shit when he used that specific wording. He could still be scum, so I'm not saying he's clear, but I believe him when he said he probably killed Scarlet, considering I got a BP vest last night from Field and nobody here claimed vigi shot.

    But hey, keep on trusting those gut reads of yours when I'm over here solving the game for you, presenting actual cases on people while you cosplay as Jessup's brain.

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