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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • Jessup
    Exalt You are so good you allowed kassius scum jailor to live and allowed towns doctor who has been nothing but truthful the whole game out.. god u suck ass too so stfu jerk

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Shkreli-Manafort-Cohen-Shawshank.gif
Views:	77
Size:	42.5 KB
ID:	1344837

    I'm gonna play Sull'aria. End the day now and modkill PF/Mleo.
    Is this your summon Mjolnir moment?? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

    PS you can't mod kill 2 townies kthx if the phase ends early. That is unfair to them. kthx

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post
    Lol exalt. Well, I guess that's that.

    Sad I wasted my vote gamble on jessup this phase though
    Guess what my third ability is

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  • Exalt
    I won't be logging in anymore. I'm done with the stupidity here. I legit cannot deal with people so bad that they listen to obvious scum simply because they have zero game-solving abilities and no common sense. I'm surrounded by Beasts, Jessups, drunken Zeebus, fuil-retard Voth's, completely inactive people who never get modkilled, and WillBy/Kassius just doing whatever on the side. Game isn't fun when people are so dumb. Seriously, it's not even fun anymore with this shit going on. All that happens is the fun/decent players die early, and all that's left are the retarded and inactive ones. I wish I'd have been killed early like most games, because then I wouldn't have to keep playing this shit.

    I'm town and have been obvious town this entire game. If I was scum, I'd be steamrolling you all easily. Like I wouldn't even be trying and I'd win. That's how easy being scum is here, because of how dumb so many people are when town. Get fucking better at the game.

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  • WillBy
    Day actions be like

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  • WillBy
    Lol exalt. Well, I guess that's that.

    Sad I wasted my vote gamble on jessup this phase though

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  • Exalt

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Voth View Post

    Why PF? He's inactive and about to be modkilled. It's obvious that we hit scum if we lynch Jessup and Exalt.
    It's a question of town or not town. Do you think leo and PF are town? As far as I'm concerned, we're looking for one last scum, and I'm inclined to believe that he or she is in that pair. PF is maybe a bad suggestion, but do you think exalt is the more likely scum? Or is the strategy to just lynch everyone who isnt definitely town? I dont see the evidence for exalt being scum and I'm worried that I'll be next.

    Can we not just wait a day to lynch exalt? That way, if we are wrong about PF/leo, we have 6 players instead of 5? Idk what the big hurry is. Town doesn't need to play offense here. We just need to run out the clock.

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  • Exalt
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Shkreli-Manafort-Cohen-Shawshank.gif
Views:	77
Size:	42.5 KB
ID:	1344837

    I'm gonna play Sull'aria. End the day now and modkill PF/Mleo.

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by Voth View Post

    One of you is. I just don't know which. So let's double lynch you both and then we know where everything stands.
    See if exalt agrees to this like I have lol.. would I really agree to this if I was scum? Go ahead a lynch me but make sure it is kass or exalt along with me.. preferably kass but exalt shud flip scum too. If not voth and kass are scum and willby is still survivor/scum

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    I suppose I could go for a double lynch on myself with exalt or kass as other. You all should go for kassius though as he is scum jailor. The only reason I support this idea is I think Kthx may be a big enough asshole to give me insane , na?ve or paranoid doc. It is possible I killed field in theory sadly if I was insane in which case when I flip town you all will see I am in fact town doc as I have said I was and maybe listen to me. I still think I was redirected away from field but it is possible I killed him being insane or naive.

    I only have 2 shots left to answer your question Voth. I didn't use N1 and have used 2 of 4 I had.

    If I am insane though .. I could also target scum and kill them maybe lol that could be nice for town. I also have my day votes for town and won't be retarded like willby and try and vote out town power roles.

    You really should go for kass and me if you want a proper double lynch though..
    2 shots left and toh didnt use it N1 after claiming Doctor?

    People believe this crap? I'm seriously shocked at the stupidity here. This is worse than Paul literally being caught scum a few games back and none of you geniuses lynching him for it. Its seriously that bad. This shit is so ridiculously bad that I feel like I'm losing massive amounts of brain cells even reading it.

    Fuck you all. Scum can win if that's what you want. We had this game wrapped up after I solved it and you morons didnt just end it. I'm ending the day early.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post

    So now I'm scum with Jessup? What the fuck? Jesus Christ Voth is a terrible player now. Legitimately bad. If the rest of these people weren't bad as well, you'd be toast by now Voth.
    One of you is. I just don't know which. So let's double lynch you both and then we know where everything stands.

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Voth View Post

    Why PF? He's inactive and about to be modkilled. It's obvious that we hit scum if we lynch Jessup and Exalt.
    So now I'm scum with Jessup? What the fuck? Jesus Christ Voth is a terrible player now. Legitimately bad. If the rest of these people weren't bad as well, you'd be toast by now Voth.

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Zeebu View Post
    we could jsut straight up lynch exalt and see if thats the case. how has exalt's voting history looked? can you sell me on voting for exalt on his voting history? im trying to get some things done for work so i cant spend a lot of time on this at the moment.
    Sure, you could try. If you guys want to waste today, then I'll use it right now. If you want that, say it now, since I'm not gonna waste my time waiting until deadline for this shit. If bad players want to listen to Voth scum flailing like a moron for two more days trying to protect scum Jessup, then I'll just use it and stop letting you fuckers waste my time. I'm town and am obvious town. Voth is protecting obvious scum. There's no grand conspiracy here. Jessup lied and got caught. Voth protected Jessup all game long, plus he buddied with Scarlet all game long. Read through the game if you guys want to waste my time. This game should be over already.

    If kthx confirms he's going to modkill both mleo and PF, I'll use the action right now and hopefully we dont fuckingf lose due to giving scum 3 free NKs. If that's what bad townies want though, then let's do it.

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  • Zeebu
    we could jsut straight up lynch exalt and see if thats the case. how has exalt's voting history looked? can you sell me on voting for exalt on his voting history? im trying to get some things done for work so i cant spend a lot of time on this at the moment.

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