Originally posted by Voth
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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within
Originally posted by Exalt View Post
What action did you think Field did last night then? Can you explain that? Who do you think FIeld visited, and what did he do?
Also, why didn't Jessup protect Field, even though there's no strongman or RB or anything else?
Also, how did Scarlet die?
You've literally gone full-retard at this point. I have zero sympathy anymore for you. Your play has been dogshit this year. You've fallen off a cliff and hit Jessup territory
I have no explanation for field dying despite Jessup protection. None.
I have no idea if field visited anyone at all and even less so what he might have done. The powers and roles in this game seem very x-shot to me.
I'll ignore all the other bullshit. You sound like scum Willby last game constantly sneering that voth lost his touch and shouldn't be trusted. Just another classic scum move to add to the list.
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Voth The biggest reason I know you and Jessup are scumbuddies is that the evidence I laid out here would have town Jessup all over you right now, yet she hasn't mentioned you as scum whatsoever today. She's paranoid of literally everyone except you now. You've done nothing differently from any other day, so what gives? You saved her on D1 even and she didn't TR you, yet now that there's evidence showing you might be scum, she believes everything you say.
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Originally posted by Voth View Post
Classic scum statement. You got this item from a dead player. Something that can NEVER be confirmed until you use it or you die. No one disputed it? I did. Me and field were tied as close to knowing your neighbor is town as you can get in a mafia game when you're both town. He wouldn't have been a dumbass and given a vest to you, who was 50/50 at best in any good players mind (and field is really good). So no, I dispute it, I don't buy it, and your total 100% flip out here is indication I'm right. So pretty much what you are really saying here is nope, what I said happened did in fact happen, and it is 100% fact because I say it is, and because of my factual statement that refutes your theory, the theory is entirely refuted and nu. Except townies don't play like that. They don't know what's going on and it is their job as the majority to figure it out. You are talking in absolutes. Townies never talk in absolutes because we just don't know. You're displaying classic scum behavior - glazing over anything that doesn't fit the narrative you want and just filling posts with combativeness and absolutism.
Nice try, but just like Scarlet - do it in a game full of Jessups or the next time I have a 1 week old screaming in my face all night.
Also, why didn't Jessup protect Field, even though there's no strongman or RB or anything else?
Also, how did Scarlet die?
You've literally gone full-retard at this point. I have zero sympathy anymore for you. Your play has been dogshit this year. You've fallen off a cliff and hit Jessup territory
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Nothing to add at this point, other than agreeing with Exalt. Let's get Jessup done and we can move on.
Thanks for explaining my N1 result though, Exalt. Now I know where I got the cop role from at least.
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Theory is entirely refuted and null*
Bad feeling here that we might lose the game due to inactive townies. If Exalt is scum, so is Kassius.
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Originally posted by Exalt View Post
I got a BP vest last night from Field, meaning he visited me. Nobody seems to dispute this. It is a fact, therefore it ruins your PGO excuse. This can be proven too through game mechanics, making you now caught scum as well. Hook, line, and sinker.
If people think I'm lying, there is one easy way to prove it. I can use my Sall'aria ability and stop the lynch today if really necessary. Then you'd have to ask yourself, how in the fuck would this game be balanced if I was scum and could do that AND was BP? I'd be legitimately unkillable as scum, which would be 100% busted and make this game not even worth the time to play. You'd literally be insulting Kthx to believe he'd do that.
So then, you now have to ask yourself, do you feel lucky punk?
Nice try, but just like Scarlet - do it in a game full of Jessups or the next time I have a 1 week old screaming in my face all night.
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If anyone has doubts, I repeat:
Lynch me today, and then double-lynch Voth/Jessup tomorrow. They don't have the numbers to win even if we do this. I'm near certain I just caught the last scum team.
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Jessup is caught scum and I've proven it. There is no logical way to deny the fact that Jessup slipped by claiming she protected Field, yet Field died anyway. A scum PGO is literally almost NEVER a thing, and I've never seen that role happen in any game in my entire history of playing mafia. I've never seen anyone flip that role in all of TW Mafia history either. It's as stupid of a claim as Jessup claiming Naive Doctor.
Voth refusing to admit it, combined with him literally trying to save Jessup now twice (he saved her on D1 by lynching the watcher instead at the last second) shows all it needs to, combined with his buddy-buddy of Scarlet literally since both of your first posts in the game. You've been doing scum theater with Scarlet all game long, same with Halp and Jessup.
Based on the number of players left, I actually think lynching me might be the best option. I won't even use my ability to stop it. Once I flip town and you see my role name, you'll laugh as everyone then double-lynches Voth/Jessup to win the game the following day.
Anyone want to do this actually? I'm legit down for that. Lynch me today, and then double-lynch Voth/Jessup tommorrow. They don't have the numbers to win if we do this.
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Unvote kassius, the definite scum jailor
VOTE EXALT, The probable scum warden
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Originally posted by Voth View PostOkay. Make my day bitch.
If people think I'm lying, there is one easy way to prove it. I can use my Sall'aria ability and stop the lynch today if really necessary. Then you'd have to ask yourself, how in the fuck would this game be balanced if I was scum and could do that AND was BP? I'd be legitimately unkillable as scum, which would be 100% busted and make this game not even worth the time to play. You'd literally be insulting Kthx to believe he'd do that.
So then, you now have to ask yourself, do you feel lucky punk?
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Originally posted by Exalt View Post
This guy is 100% scum. Easy fucking bait lol.
GG Voth. You tried man. You got fucked by Scarlet dying, since Halp was MIA and Jessup is real life Simple Jack, but them's the breaks. You probably would've won if Scarlet didn't get yeeted by Kassius though.
My vote won't change. The rest of you can make your own decisions, but you own them. Fields flip confirmed me and anyone suggesting (or in this case, actually accusing me at this point of being scum) is just scum themselves.
I hope to god we have enough active townies to make Exalt use his ability (if it exists) or just end him here.
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Originally posted by Jessup View Post
I assume field PGO him .. The real question is how did FIELD die.. scarlet could have been vigi'd perhaps or PGO killed by field. I'm unsure honestly and also unsure of how paranoid gun owner works if multiple people visit one. Itsn't the assasin the one killed or would every die who visits a paranoid gun owner?
All I know is I protected field, got success and field still died :\
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Originally posted by Exalt View Post
This guy is 100% scum. Easy fucking bait lol.
GG Voth. You tried man. You got fucked by Scarlet dying, since Halp was MIA and Jessup is real life Simple Jack, but them's the breaks. You probably would've won if Scarlet didn't get yeeted by Kassius though.
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