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Israel / Lebanon Shit storm

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  • Originally posted by genocidal
    Don't get me wrong, I feel for Israel. I just think they're fucking up a fucked up situation. And it could be because they've been fucked with for too long and are too fucked up now to see any way out of a fucked up situation besides fucking shit up.

    I need a bigger vocabularly.

    did you ever thought that there is no one to speak with on the other side?

    6 "fucking" years israel did nothing after hizzbullah provoked over and over.
    you know that two months ago they tried to kidnap soldiers and failed?
    they shot anti-aircraft weapons and the falling killed an israeli kid?
    they shot down two soldiers who were fixing antenna?
    they bombed MANY times mountain Dov, and soldiers died and got injured there...
    and dont forget the attack and kidnaping of bodies of 3 soldiers, and israeli civlian...
    ironicly, Ariel sharon did prisoners exchange for the bodies and the cvilian...

    all those actions were before the last 10 days, those actions, and many more, were happened for the last 6 years since israel left south lebanon, without any doing by us.

    what happen 10 days ago with the kidnap of the 2 soldiers and KILLING of 8, was the straw that broke the camel back.

    btw, dont compare it to other wars like in afganistan.
    the small diffrenet between israel and US wars, is that Israel is OUR home, and if we wont fight and defend our land, we will really get wiped out to the sea.

    and it has nothing to do with god or religion in this case (tho it does overall).
    from humans to animals, when your home is attacked and you are pushed to the corner, you will fight back, and hard.


    • im just waiting till china finally decides its time to step up and take over the world.

      when that happens my name will be Chin Whoo who has a helio with myspace mobile. Don't call it a phone, and don't call them a phone company.
      All good things must come to an end.


      • Woah woah, there's a difference between 'defend your country' and 'invading their country'. Don't take me wrong, I'm not against Israel, but they've gone too far. It's okay to retaliate against acts of terrorism, but not to retaliate against innocent people. Have you been inside Lebanon? Obviously not. You already agreed it's a humanitarian crisis, but does your mind think the same? Are you the one who's seen the killing? Have you lost friends and family? Have you seen the little children getting blown up by enemy rockets and witnessing their bloody guts spilling out? Israel is opening their doors to a long term war, or another recurring war. 'Signs of Hezbollah support aren't weakening'.

        Where's the international aid? Where? I see Canadians being evacuated by the thousands (supporting the US, damn conservatives), the US siding with Israel and the UN almost supporting Israel, but not really doing anything. Who's helping the Lebanese? There might be a few red cross workers, but not much else. CNN has said it itself, if the US put pressure on a cease-fire, the cease-fire would be possible. But no. We need to build a new Middle East, something that has been said in Israel's past war with Lebanon, and something that's been said since the ages of Kings and Queens.

        On another note, Afghanistan can't be compared to this war for one reason: Al-Qaeda isn't completely/fully supported by the government.
        Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.


        • Originally posted by Hakaku
          It's okay to retaliate against acts of terrorism, but not to retaliate against innocent people.
          ROFL, ok ok, so if they're not allowed to invade lebanon by your set of moral rules on how a war should go down, and they're getting rockets fired at them from civilian neighborhoods, just what are they supposed to do about it? Your rules of war say you cant fire on civilians. And since they're not allowed to invade they cant see who the terrorists are and who the civilians are.

          What you libs REALLY dont understand is that when you really hate someone, as both those nations genuinely do, you dont fight fair. Now if Israel really wanted to end this they could start firing tons and tons of rockets at lebanese civilians on purpose, instead of areas theyre getting attacked from and military targets, like the airport as gen pointed out earlier. Common sense says that if you bomb enough civilians people will give in. Obviously that is not the preferred method but unless lebanon itself does something to stop israel from getting attacked from their own soil its their own fault. To prove the point about bombing civilians being effective I will bring up ww2. Japan was pretty happy to be at war with us until 2 of their cities disappeared of the face of the planet. Sure it wasnt pretty but imagine what world we'd be living in if that never happened. Sometimes people just need to be shown whos boss. Period.
          I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
          I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


          • Originally posted by Izor
            ROFL, ok ok, so if they're not allowed to invade lebanon by your set of moral rules on how a war should go down, and they're getting rockets fired at them from civilian neighborhoods, just what are they supposed to do about it? Your rules of war say you cant fire on civilians. And since they're not allowed to invade they cant see who the terrorists are and who the civilians are.

            What you libs REALLY dont understand is that when you really hate someone, as both those nations genuinely do, you dont fight fair. Now if Israel really wanted to end this they could start firing tons and tons of rockets at lebanese civilians on purpose, instead of areas theyre getting attacked from and military targets, like the airport as gen pointed out earlier. Common sense says that if you bomb enough civilians people will give in. Obviously that is not the preferred method but unless lebanon itself does something to stop israel from getting attacked from their own soil its their own fault. To prove the point about bombing civilians being effective I will bring up ww2. Japan was pretty happy to be at war with us until 2 of their cities disappeared of the face of the planet. Sure it wasnt pretty but imagine what world we'd be living in if that never happened. Sometimes people just need to be shown whos boss. Period.
            this is why your not a general but a guy who plays internet 2D spaceship games. learn the rules of war bitch.
            All good things must come to an end.


            • Originally posted by Izor
              ROFL, ok ok, so if they're not allowed to invade lebanon by your set of moral rules on how a war should go down, and they're getting rockets fired at them from civilian neighborhoods, just what are they supposed to do about it? Your rules of war say you cant fire on civilians. And since they're not allowed to invade they cant see who the terrorists are and who the civilians are.
              By my 'set of moral rules', it doesn't mean do nothing, let them attack Israel, while everyone has a cup of tea. Hezbollah is a terrorist controlling Southern Lebanon, that's fine, get rid of him. Israel's attacks at first were one thing, they targeted military things, etc. When they started bombing farm trackters (cbc news), there's something wrong. Israel's now got more than half a million people fleeing, where 100 000+ foreigners are also fleeing. They've cut off every access to supplies, emergency aid, food, etc. Lebanon's businesses have plumeted, and 100% of the civilians agree Israel's gone too far.

              Originally posted by Izor
              What you libs REALLY dont understand is that when you really hate someone, as both those nations genuinely do, you dont fight fair.
              You says I'm liberal? I disagree with conservatives, but that doesn't make me liberal. And those nations don't hate each other, they hate the conflict between each other and the leaders behind it (i.e. Hezbollah).

              Originally posted by Izor
              Now if Israel really wanted to end this they could start firing tons and tons of rockets at lebanese civilians on purpose, instead of areas theyre getting attacked from and military targets, like the airport as gen pointed out earlier. Common sense says that if you bomb enough civilians people will give in. Obviously that is not the preferred method but unless lebanon itself does something to stop israel from getting attacked from their own soil its their own fault. To prove the point about bombing civilians being effective I will bring up ww2. Japan was pretty happy to be at war with us until 2 of their cities disappeared of the face of the planet. Sure it wasnt pretty but imagine what world we'd be living in if that never happened. Sometimes people just need to be shown whos boss. Period.
              The reason Israel won't fire tons of rockets is mainly to be cautious about getting other countries involve (e.g. Syria) and because it would be considered genocide, forcing the UN against Israel. That's the difference between Japan and Lebanon. Japan had no one to support it, and the emperor feared for his people*, so it gave in. Lebanon has both Iran and Syria, and no one wants a real WW3.

              *Japan at the time was Imperial, meaning the Emperor controled the country. It only takes 1 person to stop the war, but in a government+terrorist organization, it takes weeks and maybe years. And by the way, Nagasaki wasn't a city, learn your history.
              Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.


              • harsh words wont make lebanon take responsibility since they havent for how long now? hurt their economy for a while? start making them feel very uncomfortable? now that works wonders.
                I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                • Originally posted by Hakaku
                  Woah woah, there's a difference between 'defend your country' and 'invading their country'. Don't take me wrong, I'm not against Israel, but they've gone too far. It's okay to retaliate against acts of terrorism, but not to retaliate against innocent people. Have you been inside Lebanon? Obviously not. You already agreed it's a humanitarian crisis, but does your mind think the same? Are you the one who's seen the killing? Have you lost friends and family? Have you seen the little children getting blown up by enemy rockets and witnessing their bloody guts spilling out? Israel is opening their doors to a long term war, or another recurring war. 'Signs of Hezbollah support aren't weakening'....

                  israel didnt invade lebanon yet, and as far as i know, we are not going to conqure them. we will do send forces to eliminte rocket launchers and terror cells only in south lebanon where rockets get fired... you can call it invasion, ill call it clearing the area.

                  You already agreed it's a humanitarian crisis, but does your mind think the same? Are you the one who's seen the killing? Have you lost friends and family? Have you seen the little children getting blown up by enemy rockets and witnessing their bloody guts spilling out?

                  ofcourse i see it, all what you wrote is happening in israel, did you know that by the way?


                  • The reason Israel won't fire tons of rockets is mainly to be cautious about getting other countries involve (e.g. Syria) and because it would be considered genocide, forcing the UN against Israel. That's the difference between Japan and Lebanon. Japan had no one to support it, and the emperor feared for his people*, so it gave in. Lebanon has both Iran and Syria, and no one wants a real WW3.
                    Hakaku, you talk bullshit...
                    please dont write things that you dont know.

                    the simple reason why we dont just destroying lebanon is because we dont want to harm civilians who has nothing to do with it. yes, many lebanese die, but this is a war, and we wont fight it with flowers and candies.

                    we dont fear from syria... and there is not going to be WW3...
                    learn history, israel was attacked by syria, egypt and jordan together in the past, and there wasnt WW3 when that happened.


                    • israel didnt invade lebanon yet, and as far as i know, we are not going to conqure them. we will do send forces to eliminte rocket launchers and terror cells only in south lebanon where rockets get fired... you can call it invasion, ill call it clearing the area.
                      You can continue to call it whatever you want, but when your soliders step foot across the border en masse with intent to subdue it's called an "invasion". You could turn right the fuck around and have the Hezbollah "clearing the area" of the Jewish religion when they cross the border and kill some of your people, but you would have quite a different view.

                      You already agreed it's a humanitarian crisis, but does your mind think the same? Are you the one who's seen the killing? Have you lost friends and family? Have you seen the little children getting blown up by enemy rockets and witnessing their bloody guts spilling out?
                      Losing friends and family should make peace an even more important goal for Israel, instead of just bombing everything in Lebanon into submission. In order for peace to be achieved, the cycle of death and hate has to end, and it never will until both sides put down the weapons and hate for a little bit and try to talk things out.

                      ofcourse i see it, all what you wrote is happening in israel, did you know that by the way?
                      No shit, but if you're going to just wave the Israel flag in the topic and lash out against anything non pro-Israel, than you aren't adding anything to the discussion. Instead of trying to defend every action that Israel takes, step out of your shoes for a minute and try to think how it would feel for a civillian in Lebanon right now.

                      Hakaku, you talk bullshit...
                      please dont write things that you dont know.

                      the simple reason why we dont just destroying lebanon is because we dont want to harm civilians who has nothing to do with it. yes, many lebanese die, but this is a war, and we wont fight it with flowers and candies.

                      we dont fear from syria... and there is not going to be WW3...
                      learn history, israel was attacked by syria, egypt and jordan together in the past, and there wasnt WW3 when that happened.
                      -If Israel didn't want to harm civilians that had nothing to do with Hezbollah, they would have stopped the bombing long before it reached the point it did. If you want to take the "this is war" route, then don't play the violin for your own countrymen's deaths. Yes, you read right. Don't try to use the deaths of your friends and family, or any Israeli if you simply brush off the hundreds dead or wounded Lebanonese by the bombings. The country that a person comes from does not diminish or enhance the impact of their death, no matter how much propaganda bullshit you might want to spew in this topic.

                      Both sides are losing people and both sides have fuck-sticks for government leaders, this shit has gotten far beyond what it needs to be and my own government are a bunch of assholes for not using their full weight to get a cease-fire going.

                      "we don't fear syria, we dont fear iran, blah blah blah"- This isn't a penis contest, shut the fuck up and stop trying to defend everything you view as a slight against your country.It wasn't a world war because Iran didn't have nukes at that point, wasn't threatening Israel with "severe retaliation", USA wasn't in the clusterfuck known as Iraq, tensions were not nearly as high and as many countries were not about to jump in. Fear is a rational need at times, I bet you a million dollars your government does fucking fear a world war 3, why? Because if one does indeed go down, if nukes do go off, everyone fucking loses. Not the Jewish people. not Lebanon, not the Islamic religion, not America, everyone.
                      My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                      • no one helped iran during the iraq-iran war, but everyone jumped to iraq's aid...look what that aid done to that country (post 1988)...

                        As much as you beligerant people consider 'nuke it' as a solution to your problems, I doubt any country would like to use the nuclear warhead after the destruction it made in Japan. Not only are you condemming your soul for killing off a chunk of the Earth, and genociding a complete race, you are condemming yourself of any good will relationship from every other country. Albert Einstein never wanted his genious for this shit. I miss those quality leaders that kept us from fucking ourselves over. We just got assholes in every government willing to destroy us(couple of exceptions here and there, but no standouts).
                        All good things must come to an end.


                        • Originally posted by Liquid Blue
                          You can continue to call it whatever you want, but when your soliders step foot across the border en masse with intent to subdue it's called an "invasion". You could turn right the fuck around and have the Hezbollah "clearing the area" of the Jewish religion when they cross the border and kill some of your people, but you would have quite a different view.

                          Losing friends and family should make peace an even more important goal for Israel, instead of just bombing everything in Lebanon into submission. In order for peace to be achieved, the cycle of death and hate has to end, and it never will until both sides put down the weapons and hate for a little bit and try to talk things out.

                          No shit, but if you're going to just wave the Israel flag in the topic and lash out against anything non pro-Israel, than you aren't adding anything to the discussion. Instead of trying to defend every action that Israel takes, step out of your shoes for a minute and try to think how it would feel for a civillian in Lebanon right now.

                          -If Israel didn't want to harm civilians that had nothing to do with Hezbollah, they would have stopped the bombing long before it reached the point it did. If you want to take the "this is war" route, then don't play the violin for your own countrymen's deaths. Yes, you read right. Don't try to use the deaths of your friends and family, or any Israeli if you simply brush off the hundreds dead or wounded Lebanonese by the bombings. The country that a person comes from does not diminish or enhance the impact of their death, no matter how much propaganda bullshit you might want to spew in this topic.

                          Both sides are losing people and both sides have fuck-sticks for government leaders, this shit has gotten far beyond what it needs to be and my own government are a bunch of assholes for not using their full weight to get a cease-fire going.

                          "we don't fear syria, we dont fear iran, blah blah blah"- This isn't a penis contest, shut the fuck up and stop trying to defend everything you view as a slight against your country.It wasn't a world war because Iran didn't have nukes at that point, wasn't threatening Israel with "severe retaliation", USA wasn't in the clusterfuck known as Iraq, tensions were not nearly as high and as many countries were not about to jump in. Fear is a rational need at times, I bet you a million dollars your government does fucking fear a world war 3, why? Because if one does indeed go down, if nukes do go off, everyone fucking loses. Not the Jewish people. not Lebanon, not the Islamic religion, not America, everyone.



                          • in other words LB. Well Put!
                            All good things must come to an end.


                            • Originally posted by gran guerrero
                              in other words LB. Well Put!
                              or dumb fuck...depend how you see it :grin: :wub: :fear:


                              • Why does shit get capitalised?
                                Originally posted by Facetious
                                edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)

