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Israel / Lebanon Shit storm

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  • Originally posted by Izor
    More important question: who cares about africa? The only positive thing to come from that region is HIV. (sorry, I know. That joke is old. I'll use a better one next time ) Anyway theyre too busy having tribal wars to get involved with the rest of the world so just let them figure out their own problem.
    You see that thin ice under your feet? Tread lightly bitch.
    Originally posted by Jeenyuss
    sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


    • Originally posted by Izor
      More important question: who cares about africa? The only positive thing to come from that region is HIV. (sorry, I know. That joke is old. I'll use a better one next time ) Anyway theyre too busy having tribal wars to get involved with the rest of the world so just let them figure out their own problem.
      I dont care to be honest. But a few billions dollers would be enough to buy the whole fucking continant and put it to some good use. But if like many people you dont give a fuck about africa, why not just not spend the money and pay less tax, helps the economy everyone has more money, or put the money into better schools, or maybe better some solar power plants so you dont have to breath in so much shit or some kinda thing like that something useful, its just wasted on anti terrorism.
      Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

      Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
      Kitty> true

      I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN - The Offical Flabby Website


      • Unfortunately, "buying the whole area" wont make the inhabitants any smarter, or make them stop fighting each other. It will just mean that OUR tents are getting ripped up every time one tribe fights another

        Even if that billion dollars only kills one terrorist, its way more productive than spending on africa
        I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
        I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


        • It's really funny that we're debating this on a forum right now while people in the middle east are dying.

          How lucky we are.
          Originally posted by Tone
          Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


          • Originally posted by Squeezer
            It's really funny that we're debating this on a forum right now while people in the middle east are dying.
            We're doing more about it than our Government is!

            I actually have no idea what our Gov't is doing to help or aid this situation, so I'll stfu.
            Originally posted by Jeenyuss
            sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


            • well its not really funny that innocent israeli civilians are dying.

              anyway i didnt realize we were still arguing. someone said that our money spent fighting terror is better spent on the aids infested black hole (pardon the pun) known as africa, which is sort of a thread killer. Other than that, I sorta got bored for the time being arguing with people who can only express their liberal points of view online, because people would kick the shit out them irl if they said it. haha
              Last edited by Izor; 07-24-2006, 07:30 PM.
              I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
              I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


              • Originally posted by Izor
                well its not really funny that innocent israeli civilians are dying.

                anyway i didnt realize we were still arguing. someone said that our money spent fighting terror is better spent on the aids infested black hole (pardon the pun) known as africa, which is sort of a thread killer. Other than that, I sorta got bored for the time being arguing with people who can only express their liberal points of view online, because would kick the shit out them irl if they said it. haha
                If we put the money we put into Iraq into African benefits, it wouldn't be the "AIDS infested black hole" you speak of. Iraq is still in shambles in a democratic sense, I don't actually think we could much better than what they had.
                Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                • too off topic and retarded to warrant a reply.
                  I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                  I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                  • Originally posted by Squeezer
                    It's really funny that we're debating this on a forum right now while people in the middle east are dying.

                    How lucky we are.
                    Yeah, we should just ignore it.
                    Originally posted by Izor
                    I sorta got bored for the time being arguing with people who can only express their liberal points of view online, because would kick the shit out them irl if they said it. haha
                    Do you exist in my world?


                    • Originally posted by Hakaku
                      Sad. If people learned both sides of the coin, they'd know that:
                      1. Hezbollah declares things as an act of war and not of terrorism
                      2. Hezbollah does not support Al-Qaeda, nor did he support 9/11 (he condemned it). In fact, Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah are sworn ennemies.
                      3. Hezbollah doesn't run around burning the american flag.
                      4. Hezbollah didn't riot in Europe.
                      5. Hezbollah doesn't take videos of cutting peoples heads off very slowly and have the viewers watch the person die of bleeding and suffication, a really horrible way to kill someone
                      6. Hezbollah doesn't hiijack planes and fly them into things
                      7. Hezbollah doesn't whipe their ass with their left hands
                      8. Lebanese don't consider themselves arabs, since they aren't of arab decent.


                      what a sad reply...

                      1) ill pounch your face and rape your mother and ill call it part of my ideas to make the world better, WHO THE FUCK CARE HOW THEY CALL THEIR ATTACKS ON CIVILIANS AND SOLDIERS?!
                      and before you will start with your smartassing reply of "you call your bombing defense" so lets stick with the fact, that we got attacked, and we are still getting attacked. goverment, even yours, will do everything to protecet her own citizens. dont even argue about it.

                      2) can you prove this fact you are telling about? hezbullah is acused in serval suicide bombing around the world againts USA and Israel, you are talking shit. learn facts before you say "facts". IRAN who call to destroy israel support hezbullah.

                      3) they burn israel flags. yet, i never saw in israel, people who burn lebanon flag or any other arab nation flag. probably because we have brain in our box, and probably beacuse israel doesnt want to BURN the counties around her. funny how people dont get it that israel want peace with all the nations around her, and when we get attacked and we try to defened ourself, we are too blame for using force. how can someone explain this dumbness...

                      4) he was talking about muslims generally. nor al qauida was riot in europe, but some of their supporters sure did.

                      5) but they do take pictures of how they kill soldiers and fire rockets. probably who care when people die by other means of cutting their heads.

                      6) but they send suicide bombers, put explosive charges, send rockets into civilians without any israel move. lets wait and let them send airplane into some building in tel aviv, yeah smart move smart ass...

                      7) who cares

                      8) its not about arabs, its about REDICAL ISLAMIC BELIEF!!!!!!!

                      now please, you better shut up before talking from your safe home over the sea, cause you seriously dont know shit. go learn something before you show everyone how retard you are.

                      and liquid blue, two things:

                      1) those bombs are artilery, they are shot in south lebanon on hezbullah directly. not harming civilians. and even if it hurt civilians, its not AIMED on them. btw, a UN senior who was in the area said that hezbullah is using lebanese as human shield to fire near them, like terror groups does.
                      UNDERSTAND WHY CIVILIANS DIE?! god...

                      "Our penis is bigger because I said so, all muslims should fear us and they'll eventually destroy Europe! Just you wait! Syria fears us though, you don't believe me? You want to take this outside? I'm tough man, my country's tough, we don't mess around!
                      yes, our penis is bigger, and know what? probably our brain too, considiring yours.
                      keep living in your dream world you living in, and when you will learn something about deterring countries who seek to attack you, come back and talk, mean while... i dont even know why i need to answer your illusions and stupidity, ill stop now.
                      Last edited by FarScape; 07-24-2006, 06:25 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Izor
                        I sorta got bored for the time being arguing with people who can only express their liberal points of view online, because would kick the shit out them irl if they said it. haha
                        It's great that conservatives revert to "oh, you don't like that? Well... I'll beat the shit out of you!" way of solving things. Yeah. Constructive.
                        Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                        • btw liquid blue, look who you are supporting

                          and hakuku, watch on what flag they step on, if its hard for you to see, maybe that will help:

                          And you probably forgot what happened in europe just few months ago, ill remind you:

                          ignorance is bliss, but please liquid and hakuku, not everybody gotta see how you suffer from it/
                          Last edited by FarScape; 07-24-2006, 06:55 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Izor
                            well its not really funny that innocent israeli civilians are dying.

                            anyway i didnt realize we were still arguing. someone said that our money spent fighting terror is better spent on the aids infested black hole (pardon the pun) known as africa, which is sort of a thread killer. Other than that, I sorta got bored for the time being arguing with people who can only express their liberal points of view online, because people would kick the shit out them irl if they said it. haha
                            I didn't mean funny as in hilarity ensues, I mean't funny in a very cynical way.

                            We should be doing more (as Sam hinted at)
                            Originally posted by Tone
                            Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                            • Originally posted by FarScape
                              what a sad reply...

                              1) ill pounch your face and rape your mother and ill call it part of my ideas to make the world better, WHO THE FUCK CARE HOW THEY CALL THEIR ATTACKS ON CIVILIANS AND SOLDIERS?!
                              and before you will start with your smartassing reply of "you call your bombing defense" so lets stick with the fact, that we got attacked, and we are still getting attacked. goverment, even yours, will do everything to protecet her own citizens. dont even argue about it.

                              2) can you prove this fact you are telling about? hezbullah is acused in serval suicide bombing around the world againts USA and Israel, you are talking shit. learn facts before you say "facts". IRAN who call to destroy israel support hezbullah.

                              3) they burn israel flags. yet, i never saw in israel, people who burn lebanon flag or any other arab nation flag. probably because we have brain in our box, and probably beacuse israel doesnt want to BURN the counties around her. funny how people dont get it that israel want peace with all the nations around her, and when we get attacked and we try to defened ourself, we are too blame for using force. how can someone explain this dumbness...

                              4) he was talking about muslims generally. nor al qauida was riot in europe, but some of their supporters sure did.

                              5) but they do take pictures of how they kill soldiers and fire rockets. probably who care when people die by other means of cutting their heads.

                              6) but they send suicide bombers, put explosive charges, send rockets into civilians without any israel move. lets wait and let them send airplane into some building in tel aviv, yeah smart move smart ass...

                              7) who cares

                              8) its not about arabs, its about REDICAL ISLAMIC BELIEF!!!!!!!

                              now please, you better shut up before talking from your safe home over the sea, cause you seriously dont know shit. go learn something before you show everyone how retard you are.
                              1. I don't get the relevance of that reply. And wtf do you see me say "you call your bombing defense"?
                              3. I said they don't burn AMERICAN FLAGS. Don't get off subject.
                              4. Al-Qaeda and riots
                              Hezbollah and riots
                              5. Find me a video where he does this. Maybe some people have killed them that way, but find me a video first.
                              6. Until you can prove that they hijack airplanes, then your argument has no value.
                              7. Agreed, that was just momentum.
                              8. Alright, then let's stick with radical islamic people.

                              You can be all offended as you want, but no one really cares about you swearing. You aren't making yourself more appealing to me, so why bother? And that link about the freedom of speach? How is that related to Hezbollah?

                              PS: those images don't work.
                              Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.


                              • And then for those who care, there is a difference between AL-Qaeda and Hezbollah.
                                Originally posted by Claimed Links to al-Qaeda
                                Amongst the first public claims of a link between Hezbollah and
                                al-Qaeda was a Washington Post article(11) in June 2002 which claimed that Hezbollah and al-Qaeda are increasingly cooperating in explosives training, money laundering, weapons smuggling and document forging.

                                It stated that the relationship first came to light in 2000 when a former US soldier, who pleaded guilty to conspiring with Osama bin Laden to bomb the US embassies in Africa, alleged that Imad Mughniyah, Hezbollah and bin Laden met in Sudan to plan the bombings.

                                Notwithstanding their religious differences (Hezbollah being Shiite and al-Qaeda being Sunni) the two groups are said by some to be united by their shared anti-US and Israeli objectives. Iran is reported to have attempted to restrict contact between the two groups so as to avoid being targeted by the US in its war on terrorism.

                                Hezbollah has denied it has links to al-Qaeda, and denounced the claims as propaganda spread by US intelligence to influence world opinion against Hezbollah.

                                It has been reported that Mughniyah established strong links with
                                al-Qaeda in the late 1990s, but that Hezbollah would never openly admit to a relationship with
                                al-Qaeda, particularly now, because that would embarrass Syria and jeopardise Syria's support.(12)

                                Pravda reported that an October 2002 meeting in Bosnia involving several Islamic extremist groups, including Hezbollah and al-Qaeda, resolved to consolidate various Islamic movements in the fight against the US.(13) Such meetings have been interpreted as an attempt by al-Qaeda to encourage other groups into a global IslamWest war. US authorities have also claimed that a meeting took place in Lebanon in March 2002 between
                                al-Qaeda, HAMAS and Hezbollah.(14)

                                It has also been suggested that Hezbollah and al-Qaeda use the same contacts in West Africa to trade in illegal diamonds.(15)

                                Although Hezbollah would make a powerful ally for al-Qaeda, some(16) do not agree they would join forces so easily. Both the US and Israel have strong motives for wanting revenge on Hezbollah and could be supporting each other to achieve this end, with the added bonus for the US of implicating 'rogue states' Iran and Syria. Claims of a relationship between the two groups are reportedly 'viewed with scepticism by non-US intelligence and diplomatic sources in the region'.(17)
                                Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

