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Israel / Lebanon Shit storm

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  • Originally posted by FarScape
    btw liquid blue, look who you are supporting

    and hakuku, watch on what flag they step on, if its hard for you to see, maybe that will help:

    And you probably forgot what happened in europe just few months ago, ill remind you:

    ignorance is bliss, but please liquid and hakuku, not everybody gotta see how you suffer from it/

    So when I disagree with your ignorant, biased close-minded rantings on the internet, I'm supporting terrorism?

    I'll keep things simple for you since you probably start foaming at the mouth if you see the words "idiotic" and "Israel" in the same sentence.

    Everyone in this situation, is acting or at least was acting like a total fuck-up from the 12th, to today. Everyone. Bush, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Israel, everyone. Now I know it's easier to paint things in Black and White and just assume I'm "rooting for the bad guys" since I don't agree with you, but the real world doesn't act like that.

    Do you have any idea why I posted those pictures? Why I posted them after your little quote? It was to show you that "the bad guys" aren't the only ones doing idiotic things, people in your country are doing stupid shit as well.

    "But they've been shooting rockets at us and killing our civilians!! It's totally ok for little girls in our country to be used in spreading propaganda, because we're the victims here."

    You know what I hate about this? Everyone is always passing on blame, no one ever steps up and admits they fucked up, and tries to rectify things from the get-go. It's always someone else, and that person needs to be taught a lesson, let's go kill some civilians and show the world we're the right ones. But you've probably stopped reading by now and are already on the reply page spewing more nationalistic, heart-warming rhetoric meant to put your war-torn country on an even higher pedastal. Go for it, I'm going to go play some double dash at a friends house.

    My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


    • Originally posted by Liquid Blue
      Go for it, I'm going to go play some double dash at a friends house.
      Smash Brothers is better.

      I'm Fucking Psyched
      Originally posted by Tone
      Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


      • Double Dash is not an official or real Mario Kart.

        p.s.- fuck that unbalanced as all hell shit "lololol look at me i'm two lightweights/babyweights on a super accel cart even if you hit me i don't lose a fucking dick's worth of speed" WAY TO GO NINTENDO


        • hakuku and liquid,
          im not offended directly from your post, i DO desperate to see how people see things, and write things, that dont even know.

          liquid what you say is that WAR is a bad thing, everybody in both side are being idiots for supporting war and killing, without too blame anyone or who started.
          but you need to understand that sometimes, using force, after the sad and bad things about it, there might be come a better time...
          its proven in history, so your "lets talk and solve the problems" isnt working, atleast not for long terms.

          USA is completely right when saying that, if lebanon and israel want peace, they should agree on something that will be forever, or long enough, and not speaking with terrorist group who can attack and do whatever they want, when they feel right too.

          as for my desperation for you... as i said, i ask for proofs and you give me links you find in google...
          i live here 20 years, i know a bit better then you and liquid, about islamic redical groups, the way they think, why they are fighting for, and what they are doing.
          you can say im brainwashed from my media, and you think you are right cause CNN and BBC are "neutral", so know thats complete bullshit.

          hizbullah are terror group, not because i said, because israel and USA said.
          if you dont believe them, you can catch up all terror groups symptoms in hizbullah actions and agenda.
          the fact you come here and justify the reasons hizbullah exist and fighting, just show of a big ignorance in what are islamic redical groups are, and the area conflict understanding.


          • (graphic images, don't click if you don't have a strong stomach)

            It shows what the US media isn't.
            (some of the pics may have been shown earlier in this thread)


            • Can we (the US and Canada) start working on that hydrogen power already so that middle-east battles concern us just a little less?
              5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
              5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
              5:royst> i wish it was calculus

              1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

              1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


              • Originally posted by Zingy
                (graphic images, don't click if you don't have a strong stomach)

                It shows what the US media isn't.
                (some of the pics may have been shown earlier in this thread)
                I literally laughed at this link. What do you expect a war to look like? If it makes you feel any better about whats happening over there, terrorist groups are doing the same thing to Israel, and should they ever capture a civilian, will torture them for a while before publicly beheading them.

                Heres one for you Zingy: What that link wont show you: Hezbollah militants setting up camp in those neighborhoods to fire off some rockets into Israel. lol, how can you feel any sympathy those people should know to get the hell out of there.

                Originally posted by Liquid Blue
                So when I disagree with your ignorant, biased close-minded rantings
                Do you realize how stupid you look calling someone ignorant who lives in Israel and has to put up with this shit? Biased obviously, but who are you to call him ignorant? Because you watch a fair and balanced Fox News channel you automatically know all the answers to the world?

                Come on now, the worst oppresion you have ever had to face is a couple of NSMB ytmnd's. You dont have to live worrying that some terrorist rocket aimed at an Israeli town isnt going to be slamming through your window tomorrow morning.
                I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                • images, videos and words will never change the mind set of people like izor and farscape. Let it go.
                  All good things must come to an end.


                  • but they'll change yours? no matter how stubborn you are you always seem to think that you're willing to be flexible
                    I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                    I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                    • they never changed my mind set, i think the same way. You can't change me to think like you.
                      All good things must come to an end.


                      • Originally posted by Farscape
                        hakuku and liquid,
                        im not offended directly from your post, i DO desperate to see how people see things, and write things, that dont even know.

                        liquid what you say is that WAR is a bad thing, everybody in both side are being idiots for supporting war and killing, without too blame anyone or who started.
                        but you need to understand that sometimes, using force, after the sad and bad things about it, there might be come a better time...
                        its proven in history, so your "lets talk and solve the problems" isnt working, atleast not for long terms.
                        And do you realize why? Two major reasons, greed and ambition. People want to make money and gain power/be respected, and alot of them try to do it via war or killing innocent people. Talking won't work if people refuse to compromise, which is what they really need to do in terms of the Israel and Lebanon situation. It's understandable to want to protect your country and not worry about rocket attacks, but going all out and literally destroying the social structure and economy of a country is not a way to gain peace.

                        Originally posted by Farscape
                        USA is completely right when saying that, if lebanon and israel want peace, they should agree on something that will be forever, or long enough, and not speaking with terrorist group who can attack and do whatever they want, when they feel right too.
                        I agree but I still think my country's government should have gone in alot sooner to start the peace talks until waiting over a week to saunter on down to Lebanon. Lasting peace is what we all want, and to do that everyone has to agree on terms- which will require compromise from all parties.

                        Originally posted by Izdumb
                        Do you realize how stupid you look calling someone ignorant who lives in Israel and has to put up with this shit?
                        It doesn't matter where a person lives if they refuse to look at all the facts and things from more than one angle, you are ignorant if you're going to ignore a viewpoint just because you disagree with it.

                        Biased obviously, but who are you to call him ignorant? Because you watch a fair and balanced Fox News channel you automatically know all the answers to the world?
                        This might come as a shocker to you, but everyone doesn't watch Fox News to get their info. Even though it would be easier for you to bring in Fox out of nowhere again and start some lib/conservative debate, read before you assume where I gather my info. If you're still confused about the whole ignorant question, read my first answer over again.

                        Come on now, the worst oppresion you have ever had to face is a couple of NSMB ytmnd's. You dont have to live worrying that some terrorist rocket aimed at an Israeli town isnt going to be slamming through your window tomorrow morning.
                        You have no military experience whatsoever and yet you were suggesting leveling a few cities to "send the message that terrorism is not acceptable", so who are you to tell me to think about it if I lived in an Israeli town? You disregarded the amount of lives that would be lost to send your idiotic "message" and then turn around in the same topic and talk about what someone in Israel has to live with, and to think about their situation or the amount of "oppression" they've faced? Just because it's simpler for you to assume a person's political viewpoint, past experiences and news source preference when in a discussion topic, doesn't mean it's the smartest formula to follow.
                        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                        • Originally posted by Izor
                          What do you expect a war to look like? If it makes you feel any better about whats happening over there, terrorist groups are doing the same thing to Israel, and should they ever capture a civilian, will torture them for a while before publicly beheading them.
                          Izor, its obvious that Lebanon did not recieve a proportional response.

                          Yes Israel has killed maybe 100 hundred militants so far in this campaign.

                          But they have also killed 350 lebanese civilians.

                          Meanwhile 17 israeli civilians have died as a result of hizbollah, in the same timespan as the 350 lebanese have died as a result of the israeli actions.

                          Do the math, even if hizbollah is firing off these hundreds of rockets that they apparently are, obviously they are not causing as much harm as the israeli 500lb bombs are causing in downtown lebanon.

                          More casualties information here:

                          I understand this can be a subjective issue, and I don't expect everyone to have the same views regarding it.

                          Ultimately, Israel is the country with the 9+ billion military budget and the ear of the united states.

                          Also, keep in mind Israel has been attacking the lebanese military (which are completely uninvolved in this), meanwhile the lebanese military (which has only 1/16th of israel's military budget) has stood aside watching.

                          Edit: I'm not saying Isarel should not stop hizbollah. I'm just saying they are doing it in a very ignorant manner. They don't care since they know the U.S. will back them no matter what.
                          Last edited by Zingy; 07-25-2006, 01:25 AM.
                          CAPS LOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL


                          • My parents have been to Israel, I've studied World Religions & Cultures, so don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about. At the beginning of this entire war, I sided with Israel because it was absurd, but as time went on, I realized that Israel's gone too far. You could easily spare many lives, but I guess you'd rather be stuck in another long-term war. Bah, you might have history, you might have technology, but you don't realize that since all of this, you've only increased Hezbollah support in Lebanon, Syria and Iran.

                            The reason why I used google was to point out the different riots relating to AL-Qaeda, while Hezbollah there's basically nothing. If you really need specific examples here they are:
                            1. (al-qaeda, see bottom)
                            2. 0 articles of riots in the name of Hezbollah in Europe

                            And btw, I never said CNN was neutral. It's american news, so obviously it isn't because it focuses on problems and concerns relating the general pop of the US. And I've never cited BBC news before the above link.
                            Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.


                            • Originally posted by Doc Flabby
                              ... The word evil is overused etc etc
                              Sorry, not to bring you bad taste in your mouth and no offence. But, I think you need to open your eyes, if you don't see any evil in this world. There is evil and sin behind every single corner. Even in a "safe and secure" country. Or perhaps you don't see what is evil, like in china they forcefully farm organs from people. There are so many examples, som many things that can be listed, that it would fill this forums with pages and pages, of pure injustice and evil, most of all sin. I don't think the list would ever be finished in your or my lifetime.

                              "My parents have been to Israel, I've studied World Religions & Cultures, so don't tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about".

                              Totally different thing, to live your life in Israel and adept to the culture and living the belief. Its basically the same as saying, I've studied cars and how to drive a car. But yet I have never driven one single car. Sure, I know about the cars and how to handle em alright. Sorry for ranting, but I've been soo irritated over several things these past weeks. Two different things to have knowledge of something, but lacking the experience to give the whole. So basically to understand this situation, you'd need to be at many places at the same time. In EU, FN, USA etc etc, being a citizen of lebanon, a soldier of lebanon, a citizen of Israel, soldier of Israel, etc etc. You get my point, I hope you do, since you are smart boy.

                              Of course, you can listen and read media, believing the media that it is 100% true what they say, thinking that they know the fullview of the whole situation.
                              Last edited by 1ight; 07-25-2006, 03:36 AM.
                              Endless space, endless exploration.


                              • Originally posted by Liquid Blue
                                Lasting peace is what we all want
                                lol, the stupidity of this statement is also amazing. If everyone wanted peace wars wouldnt exist jackass.

                                Originally posted by Liquid Blue
                                This might come as a shocker to you, but everyone doesn't watch Fox News to get their info.
                                This might come as a shocker to you, but I was making the point that to you and me its just another article in the news, and despite what you want to think you wont know near as much about this was as someone whos living in it. Even if you know the political moves as well as you want, you dont know what it's like to be a citizen of Israel, getting randomly bombed for who knows how long until now they finally decide to eliminate the threat.

                                Originally posted by Liquid Blue
                                You have no military experience whatsoever
                                You were in the military? Thats cool I guess, I just dont know many military people that share your views. Also talk to me in 6 months after I'm done boot camp, ty.

                                Originally posted by Liquid Blue
                                you were suggesting leveling a few cities to "send the message that terrorism is not acceptable", so who are you to tell me to think about it if I lived in an Israeli town?
                                At the risk of sounding childish: they started it. You cant just bomb a country and then hide behind innocent people (who most likely hate israel anyway). The real political villains here are Lebanon, for not coming in and removing Hezbollah. If they would do that, the civilians and militants all would stop dying, and peace would be restored. None of you seem to mention this when you criticize Israel.

                                Originally posted by Zingy
                                I'm not saying Isarel should not stop hizbollah.
                                In effect yes you are, you are laying down a set of 'moral guidelines for warfare' that is impossible to apply to this situation while still being effective in dealing with guerillas.

                                Originally posted by Hakaku
                                My parents have been to Israel, I've studied World Religions & Cultures
                                Clearly this makes you an expert. Especially since World Religions & Cultures, on top of being something you pretty much are forced to take in high school, is totally relevant here. Woooo! You know the principles of Islam and Judaism! Better listen to what you have to say.

                                Originally posted by Hakaku
                                You could easily spare many lives
                                Yes, a cease-fire right now would in the short term save many lives, until these assholes regrow their egos and weapon supplies and decide to continue their jihad. I sometimes dont understand why I bother with people who cant understand that occasionally violence is quite necessary, especially in an instance like right now. Whining about Israel bombing the shit out of Lebanon is sorta like whining about a 6th grader beating up a 3rd grader that just kicked him in the nuts. Of course its not a fair fight, but in both cases they would like to see themselves not get attacked again.

                                and imo lebanese civilians are fair game at this point, since as opposed to aiming bombs at military targets the militants just shoot em and hope they hit something. Why should Israel have its citizens aimed at without being able to retalliate in kind? Granted, they still havent; They're aiming at military targets like bridges and airports, and trying to cut off supplies into Lebanon. Civilians of course get in the way of these attacks, but thats life
                                I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                                I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan

