The saddest irony is that the US actually paid the Taliban 50 million dollars in 2001 to take out Saddam.......... Err, OHHH right that was the "poppies".
I really does not like this Iraqs war. I do not get it why USA attacked to Iraq without grtting permission from UN. That is good if they get Saddam off. There are good and sad things in this war, and sad think is there dies many babys etc.
Originally posted by Golden--Knight United We Stand...Divided We Fall
Now less than a year and a half later, many in our country seem to be surprised. Some even question why we're doing this. I will not debate the "should we or shouldn't we" question. I just know that we have to UNITE. That means unite behind the people we elected to lead us in good times and bad. Perhaps the reason we were so vulnerable that fateful September day was due to a lack of being strong. Fear of reprisal is a huge motivator when dealing with cowards like Osama bin Laden.
I mean you write pretty decently, and you are entitled to your beliefs and all that bull shit, but we didn't elect George W. Bush. Weeks prior to the election date in Florida, Jeb Bush ordered an investigation into over 100,000 people in the state, the vast majority of whom were black and registered democrats, and deemed them unable to vote due to prior fellonies these voters committed. After another independant investigation it was found that only something like 15% of those people had ever committed a crime that was worthy of losing the right to vote. However, it took a while for this story to be printed in America, much after the official recount was completed. Al Gore was cheated. I am not saying he would be a much better president since the democrats and republicans are basically the same party now a days, but I am just saying we didn't elect George Bush. My source for this is Greg Palast's book, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Truth About Corporate Cons, Globalization and High-Finance Fraudsters. It's a pretty good book, for the most part, if you are into this kind of shit.
I like how kuwait is complaining that we are being too careful about not killing civilians. They want us to go ahead and be less careful.
and no one has seriously answered the question-if they do find chemical weapons or they are used, does the war become justified? also does this prove the ineptness of the UN to enforce world will?
To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart
In my opinion, Bush decided to give a lame reason to bomb Iraq. We gave them the weapons to help them in war a few years ago right? Now, Bush wanted to take those weapons back...INDIAN GIVER! Since Suddam declined, Bush now "has a reason to bomb Iraq" and kill Suddam. Bush should be impeached...asshole didn't even listen to the peacemakers. IMPEACH!!!
You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?
5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
5:royst> i wish it was calculus
1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something
1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead
fuck you. heres stuff from another board i visit i thought was good.
Today for lunch i went to a Subway off base. (not sure if all of you out there are familiar with subway, but it's a fast food place that serves considerably healtheir food). I'm in the Air Force, and i work the day shift, so i was in my BDUs (battle dress uniform....the camo one troops wear). I went to the back of the line, naturally. I saw two small children (around age 4 or 5 at most) who were staring at me. It was a neat feeling, i could tell they wanted to talk to me, but they were too shy or something. One of them asked if i was in the Army and i said "yes i am, sort of" knowing full well a 5 year old wouldn't understand the differences between the services. Anyway, they were really nice to me. Before i left, their mother came up to me and said "Thank you". She didn't say anything more than that, but i knew what she was saying it for, since it wasn't the first time i've been told thanks.
This was a pretty common event, but it got me to thinking. There are plenty of countries where the civilians would be scared to death if someone from their nation's military walked into a resturant they were in. Mothers and fathers would keep their kids from looking, and much less, talking to them. And thanking them wouldn't even be a thought.
It also got me to thinking about the people in Iraq. Where the Iraqi's are actually using civilians as human shields. I just fail to understand that. I enlisted to protect these people, and to die for that cause if necessary. I fail to see how a soldier (or whatever the case) of a nation could use one of it's citizens as a human shield. Those kids, that lady, hell......the people behind the counter, i couldn't weigh my life over theirs. I'd honestly rather die defending them and their rights, than live knowing one of them died in my place.
Anyway, i know this isn't really a debate, but it makes for some interesting thought provoking conversation. I just think that any nation that is that proud of their military, and their military puts their lives on the line instead of the citizens...........well that's a good country in my book. I just find it sad that in most of the countries, the people fear their own military.
ya know something Doc its been a really long day for me today.
ive been watching the news and i seen something that hasnt pissed me off this much since the 9/11 disaster.
it now seems that the IraqI Army is shooting American POW's
now you know something, its not bothering me so much that its soldiers that are dieing, its that America has to be the "bigger man" in these situations.
im so fucking mad i really dont think i have enough hatefull words in my vocabulary to express myself clearly. but im gonna try.
this is an open statment to ANYONE that is even a little bit anti American or anti War.
first fuck you all very much.
when you go to bed tonight you better get down on your knees, no make that your stomach and pray for hours to what ever God you believe in that America will allways stand for freedom and the values that we show with ever action in situations like these.
you better than God that we arent like the Soviet Union of old, or the China of today, or like Hitlers Germany. you better thank God that we DONT abuse our power like we could. you better thank God that we show great courage and morality in times of the greatest provication. you better than God that we think before we act and dont just blindly lash out at any handy target.
if Sadam thinks that killing POW's will in any way help him, hes dead wrong. the only thing that will do is to make our resolve to crush him and his army even more firm.
before this war started and even for a while after it , i will admit to having some "questions" about things. im a pretty independant person and i tend to mull stuff over myself and dont really buy the "party" line hook line and sinker. more than a few times ive really asked myself about G.W. motivations about this war. i agree 100% with the fact that Sadam has and is trying to make more WMD's. there really is no doubt in my mind this is true. there is also no doubt in my mind that hes an evil man and a tyrant and deserves to be removed for that reason alone. but what i allways had tickling the back of my mind is the question , is G.W. really the best person to be leading America in this War?
but today any doubt i might have had about this situation went right the fuck out the window. any simpathy i might have had for the protesters in countrys like France and Germany is really gone. any empathy for the few people here in the states that are protesting is gone.
i wonder if these assholes ever once think about the fact when there spewing there anti-America bullshit, that we arent just lining up the Iraqi POW's we have now and guning them down in cold blood, i wonder if it ever dawns on them that its pretty amazing that instead of just Carpet bombing every city in Iraq that we are sending in real people to clean out the bad guys one by one. i wonder if it ever sink into that lump of shit they call a brain that if America WAS the bullies that they say we are, if G.W. is the new Hitler , then we sure as fuck are screwing around about 10,000 times more than we need to in destroying the Iraqi army.
just the fact that there is a ground war at all should be enough to quiet the idiots. what we COULD have done is just sent in the bombers and leveled the whole country. and if we were at all close to the tyrants that most of these asshats say we are that is EXACTALY what we should have done. we should have spec opps teams using chemical weapons on the citys, we should be poisoning there food supplys, we should be using napalm on the civilians. sending in food and water and supplys? fuck that, we should be shiping in barbwire and machine guns for all the POW camps then round up ever civilian we can get our hands on and stick them out in the middle of the fucking desert on the bare ground and feed them just enough bread and water to let them live in the most miserable conditions possable. we should be plucking all the Iraqis solders familys that we can get our hands on and tying them to the top of our tanks as we ride into battle.
instead what we do is not to make actual war on the country, we act like police, we are there to disarm the Iraqi army and remove Sadam. period we are doing just exactaly what we said we were going to do. we dont use our overwhelming power to totaly crush every ounce of resistance. instead we kill those that fight , and fucking feed and care for those that dont. has any of you protesters ever heard of a country invading another country and taking in food and water and medicin? have any of you ever seen an Army put its own units at risk of death just to make sure the enemy population is fed and as healthy as possable?
GOD im fucking pissed. i cant even write any more. all you fuckers that say America is abusing our power, you all better just hope and Pray we dont ever REALLY abuse our power. or your all fucked.
Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
apt>yes u can wtf
apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
apt>so i dont miss the toilet
Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
apt>ill show you pictures
apt>next time I masturbate
Shut up. Complaining about the President of the United States on the Internet isn't gonna do anything to him. The fact of the matter is that Bush is the US president, you have no say as to what he does, and we're already over there fighting. If you don't like it, too bad! STFU and deal with it!