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Muslim Demographics
I wish the Koran advocated violence, I'd convert to being a Muslim just so I could say killing retards like Tagmor was justified by sharia law...... :fear:
In other news, according to a recent study by some little extreme right wing religious zealots at fox news. (not unlike kthx or tagmor)
All muslims are extremists.
All muslims want to kill every non believer.
All muslims are suicide bombers.
All muslims condone rape and murder.
All muslims smell.
All muslims are dumb.
Regurgitate more rhetoric, please!
P.S. What happened to independant thought? :turned:Displaced> I get pussy every day
Displaced> I'm rich
Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
Thors> prolly
Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!
best comeback ever
Like I said the problem with the people of this faith that immigrate in mass to a country is that they don't learn to live with that countries traditions and origins and refuse to respond to that countries beliefs. Instead they choose to protest things that that the country they are living in consider alright and ok, they protest that countries religions and try to act like their mosque is its own foreign country, not held to the same laws, rules, and social constructs of the nation that the mosque is built in. Also notice that many of these articles mention the fact that many times violence is used, the fact is that a lot of countries are terrified of upsetting the Islamic faith that live in their countries in fear of extreme retribution and retaliation due to their extremist beliefs. Nobody can argue this, there are thousands of articles similar to the ones I just posted that point to a clear and obvious fear from governments when it comes to dealing with these people.Rabble Rabble Rabble
Originally posted by Ronn View PostI think from now on the only contribution you should make concerning religion is silence.
v not for you faggot ^
Ron Paul Link fyi ^sigpic
All good things must come to an end.
Originally posted by kthx View Posthttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamofascism
Like I said the problem with the people of this faith that immigrate in mass to a country is that they don't learn to live with that countries traditions and origins and refuse to respond to that countries beliefs. Instead they choose to protest things that that the country they are living in consider alright and ok, they protest that countries religions and try to act like their mosque is its own foreign country, not held to the same laws, rules, and social constructs of the nation that the mosque is built in. Also notice that many of these articles mention the fact that many times violence is used, the fact is that a lot of countries are terrified of upsetting the Islamic faith that live in their countries in fear of extreme retribution and retaliation due to their extremist beliefs. Nobody can argue this, there are thousands of articles similar to the ones I just posted that point to a clear and obvious fear from governments when it comes to dealing with these people.
it's from bill hickssigpic
All good things must come to an end.
Fuck it, I'm not going to quote anything TagMor, wall of text crits me too bad.
To get it straight you think Islam is violent because of out of context quotes and their leaders straight up condoning violence and rape against infidels?
So because their leaders say something, Islam is wrong?
The pope thing still intruiges me, and since I'm not that well read-up on it, why don't you explain it to me.
The pope is the closest man to God (in catholicism), am I right?
So when he goes "condoms are wrong, you sinful creature!" and actually claiming that condoms make the spreading of HIV and AIDS worse.
""It cannot be overcome by the distribution of condoms. On the contrary, they increase the problem"
Thumbs up for popey! So just because he is fucked up or says fucked up things, catholicism is bad or in denial?
The other things I don't get is why sin constantly is getting less sinful.
I mean if it says in the new or old testament that something is a sin, it's still a sin right? That is more of an actual question than an argument.
Originally posted by kthx View PostSo by this logic school and education is also a bad thing because a minority of teachers end up having sex with their students.
Some pretty ignorant arguments, Tagmor pretty much destroys people when it comes to religions so.
Look at what you wrote again
That comparison I made was to look at TagMors rhetoric with the muslim leaders.
So if the muslim leaders say something, Islam abides? Get out of here!
The same as with Christian leaders fucking underage boys, Christianity doesn't encourage it, just as school or education in itself does not encourage teachers having sexual affairs with students.
Originally posted by Galaxy Turbo View PostIt's not that it was an extreme misinterpretation, it was a small interpretation blown out of proportion. There's a large difference there. The covering of women in Islam is a different argument,
They were obviously defending the rape gang and degrading the victims, aswell as condoning such behaviour.
How can you possibly say it was blown out of proportion?
I can't possibly speak for the Muslims who currently live in the Middle East, but I can imagine that they feel victimised due to the "war on terror" and they are under attack.
Now this I'd have to disagree with. Do you really feel that the muslims in the middle east have the power to overthrow such imams and higher authorities? With extremist groups taking over, there is lots of oppression and not much the people can do about it without third-party intervention,
If rape and murder statistics in the Middle East are high, you can't conclude that rape and murder is condoned there. It isn't because the people approve of it, this is just what's happening now as a result of a system currently in place.
Agreed, though you forgot those who also ignore my posts.
I think I've been the only one so far giving the solid counter-arguments =D
For example: I argued that in Islamic nations, the muslim faith is practised in its uninhibited form. And in such countries, honour killings, rape, murder, pedophilia, and domestic violence are all an accepted part of their society.
To which you replied: "It isn't because the people approve of it, this is just what's happening now as a result of a system currently in place."
So the system forces men to beat and kill their wives? hmm...
Another of your techniques is to claim parts of my argument are "another topic, which we wont get into now".
Originally posted by gran guerrero View Postcause it takes a religious fanatic to argue with a religious fanatic
Originally posted by Displaced View PostRegurgitate more rhetoric, please!
P.S. What happened to independant thought?
Everything I have said in this thread is my own opinion which I have constructed through a non-biased study of Islam in the western world.
How about you try using independent thought to argue my points instead of resorting to naive attacks on my character?
Same for the rest of you ignorant fucks who attack my character and abandon logic in favour of a desire to be seen as politically correct.
It's pathetic.Last edited by TagMor; 05-10-2009, 02:14 AM.sigpic
Originally posted by TagMor View PostThe comments of "western women are like uncovered pieces of meat" and "it is these women's fault for being raped" were made to a muslim gathering immediately after a gang of muslim youths were sentenced to long prison terms for raping young Australian girls.
They were obviously defending the rape gang and degrading the victims, aswell as condoning such behaviour.
How can you possibly say it was blown out of proportion?
Originally posted by TagMor View PostQuite possibly, but the Quran only reinforces their belief that they are in a holy war between infidels and themselves.
Originally posted by TagMor View PostThese statements are coming from Islam's western leaders. They have no political power, and are merely figureheads who are chosen and followed by the western muslim communities.
Originally posted by TagMor View PostA system that is based on the Islamic religion.
Originally posted by TagMor View PostPlease show me which post I have ignored.
Originally posted by TagMor View PostOn the contrary your counter-arguments are flawed and try to gloss over my posts with vague and anecdotal responses.
For example: I argued that in Islamic nations, the muslim faith is practised in its uninhibited form. And in such countries, honour killings, rape, murder, pedophilia, and domestic violence are all an accepted part of their society.
To which you replied: "It isn't because the people approve of it, this is just what's happening now as a result of a system currently in place."
So the system forces men to beat and kill their wives? hmm...
Another of your techniques is to claim parts of my argument are "another topic, which we wont get into now".
Originally posted by TagMor View PostI am far from a religious fanatic, I am not sure if I would even call myself Christian. You dont have to be religious to be critical of Islam as it has the nature to impede on western society in general.
I actually quite respect your ability to argue your points to be honest, you're a strong debater.(Twerp and Duel Pasta)
5:dads revenge> they are both actually my virtual pet salamanders I have to feed them virtual flies 3 times a day
1: Pandagirl!> What do I say back to that
1: Pandagirl!> How about "lol"
1: winipcfg> despite "lol"'s versatility, I don't think that'd be good in the situation
If you can't beat them, eat them. ?go zombies3 - Chao <ER>
Ricko> mvp gets poppadums from weak's corner shop
1.) What is wrong with the world is epitomized in this thread.
2.) What is wrong with you people? The real demographic threat is aliens from outter space, I read somewhere on this forum that they are coming en masse very soon. Next thing you know aliens will be given the right to vote, will become embedded in our governments, will consume all the starting positions in the NBA, they will be found sitting in the first pew of our churchs, and they will be even be breeding with our women! They will even infiltrate TW by forming their own squads and winning league championships! What's next? My real fear is that they will come into the TW forum and have sigs bragging about their ability to own us by listing their many championships.