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ITT Sarien "finishes" his AK-47 Build

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  • #76
    There isn't an alligator hunting season.. you Canadians are so weird.

    It's like me saying there should be some sort of spigot control so you fucking Canadians can't harvest your maple syrup from the trees all because a few people use the spigots to kill people by beating them over the head with a bag of them or something. How is shooting alligators any worse than drilling into maple trees, not that I go around shooting alligators...
    Rabble Rabble Rabble


    • #77
      Originally posted by kthx View Post
      It is amazing how much of a complete and utter pussy you are. First off if you knew anything you would understand that the hunting of animals during certain seasons (such as deer season for instance) is actually helping the deer populations to stay alive and not over populate the area. Since you sound like a liberal and I assume you are also some sort of save the earth homo you should know by heart the problems that become from when a species is too densely populated in an area. It means mass starvation eventually, and it becomes a problem. So hunting season actually is a pretty humane way to prevent the animals from breeding to the point of harming themselves.

      Also you assume that limiting the amount of guns that people legally buy is going to help the problem of guns being used to kill people when in fact that is just another ignorant assumption. Most people that go buy guns are planning to use them for legal reasons such as hunting, protecting their homes from criminals, or just to take out to the firing range. By limiting the legal purchase of most kinds of guns you are taking guns off the street that people want to use for legal reasons, and leaving people defenseless against the people who purchase guns illegally for illegal reasons. It doesn't help anyone but the criminals, look at Demolition man for instance, nobody has guns anymore, and everyone is a huge fucking vagina so the one guy who doesn't mind using guns illegally nearly takes over the city by himself. Is that what you fucking want Squeezer, do you really want Wesley Snipes to appear in your town and whip all your fucking pussy asses because you are afraid to arm yourselves? Right. I thought not, now get some brains and grow some balls.
      haha :grin: no. you're pretty funny

      So you believe people will be responsible with guns and I don't. Personally I know plenty of people that hunt and use everything they kill. Since guns are legal any way, I don't have a problem with that, but still is that really productive? It's simply killing for sport when there is already a readily available supply of meat. But I've had some good deer steaks that my roommate killed and butchered, so I really can't complain that much.

      I'm just saying, without guns a lot fewer people would harm each other and we would see far fewer deaths in civil crime. Unfortunately you're right about the fact that if we abolish the second amendment then black markets will come in, so we're pretty much screwed.

      I still don't see a practicality to owning a firearm and that's where we disagree.
      Originally posted by Tone
      Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


      • #78
        Exactly, I go hunting and deer meat is good, especially if you happen to own or know someone who owns a humidifier. I mean if you are only arguing the fact that you don't see the benefits of owning and knowing how to operate a firearm then I guess we don't have any real argument here even if I do see the need to own one for the protection of my household. I live near downtown Houston and there is crime here, shit does happen, either way I feel better knowing that I have the upper hand should anyone decide to try to bust into my apartment where me and my girlfriend live at 3am.
        Rabble Rabble Rabble


        • #79
          Originally posted by kthx View Post
          There isn't an alligator hunting season.. you Canadians are so weird.

          It's like me saying there should be some sort of spigot control so you fucking Canadians can't harvest your maple syrup from the trees all because a few people use the spigots to kill people by beating them over the head with a bag of them or something. How is shooting alligators any worse than drilling into maple trees, not that I go around shooting alligators...

          1:waven> i promised myself that the only way id ever roid
          1:waven> is if im going to prison
          1:waven> no one gonna try to rape me


          • #80
            Originally posted by kthx View Post
            There isn't an alligator hunting season.. you Canadians are so weird.

            It's like me saying there should be some sort of spigot control so you fucking Canadians can't harvest your maple syrup from the trees all because a few people use the spigots to kill people by beating them over the head with a bag of them or something. How is shooting alligators any worse than drilling into maple trees, not that I go around shooting alligators...
            That doesn't even make any sense.

            For the record:
            Originally posted by jerome
            2) ever tried to shoot an alligator with a .22? the fact that the bullet ricochets off its skin would make using a less powerful weapon pretty dangerous.
            Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

            My anime blog:


            • #81
              Ok. Important Point by Point.

              Originally posted by Squeezer
              Sar, your bullet size comparison is hardly a fair defense for assault rifles.
              Ah, but you're mistaken on the angle. The comparison was used to point out that the specific rounds mentioned (7.62x51 NATO, and 7.62x39) are NOT too large to use for hunting. .30-06 has been around for a freaky long time, and was a sporting cartridge. The civilian version of 7.62 NATO in fact is called .308 and was designed as a sporting cartridge. Also I pointed out that there are rifles labeled as assault weapons that are in fact considered too small to hunt larger game with (the AR-15, for instance).

              Originally posted by Squeezer
              That's all good and well, but there's this young, overly passionate guy that you may have heard of named Seung-Hui Cho.
              From your own link:
              Cho was able to pass both background checks and successfully complete both handgun purchases after he presented to the gun dealers his U.S. permanent residency card, his Virginia driver's permit to prove legal age and length of Virginia residence and a checkbook showing his Virginia address, in addition to waiting the required 30-day period between each gun purchase. He was successful at completing both handgun purchases, even though he had failed to disclose information on the background questionnaire about his mental health that required court-ordered outpatient treatment at a mental health facility.
              He slipped through the cracks in a system that already checks for that. Was it someone's big fuckup that ended in tragedy? Absolutely. Was there some gaping hole that lets rampaging killers march around buying truckloads of weapons? No.

              Originally posted by kthx
              There isn't an alligator hunting season.
              Possibly sarcasm, but there USED to not be one. But now that the population has rebounded since the 70's there kind of is. I saw Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana (hence Jerome), Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina in that list without looking too hard.

              Originally posted by kthx
              I live near downtown Houston and there is crime here, shit does happen, either way I feel better knowing that I have the upper hand should anyone decide to try to bust into my apartment where me and my girlfriend live at 3am.
              And that's all the reason you should need. What people don't tend to get, is that once a person, an animal, a space alien, a foreign invader, WHATEVER it is, intends to cause you bodily harm, then their protection of same goes out the window. If a bear intends to eat you, that bear has just given up its own right to stay safe. If a person intends to rape you, just exactly the same. His rights to personal safety in commission of that act are gone. Your inviolate right to defend yourself from bodily harm, trumps everything else on the planet. That's why "Self Defense" is a legal status. If you can legally buy weapons, behave responsibly, with the sole motive of self defense, who on earth are you hurting, exactly?

              Originally posted by Squeezer
              It's simply killing for sport when there is already a readily available supply of meat.
              This is wrong. Here's one reason why. Another is Game Management Programs. If you've ever seen overabundant deer to the point that they are no longer beautiful animals but raggety looking starving scarecrows, you'll understand that one pretty quick.

              Originally posted by Money
              yo i use a 12 guage on deer. anyone who thinks an assault rifle does soooooooo much damage, check out what a shotgun will do. IT DOES WAY MORE DAMAGE, just lacks range.
              Yep, 12 gauge deer slugs are fierce. But give a try to firing 3.5" magnum shotgun shells (Normal is 2.75" long). Fire one of those just once, and nothing will ever seem to kick hard again. The one I fired was something like 66ft/lb @ 23mph. It hurt. My personal shotgun is a 1968 High Standard (Made in TX!) Riot Gun. It's a police shotgun, RIOT18-7. 18" barrel, 6+1 capacity. It was used in service by a police captain in the 60s and 70s, and after he retired he kept it, and I ended up buying it. It's just like the one on top in this picture. Except that I put sling swivels on it and attached a black Vietnam Era M-16 sling to it.
              "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

              Reinstate Me.


              • #82
                Ok so there is an alligator hunting season, but that is because of over population of the species, and they taste good fried. But you get my point sorta.
                Rabble Rabble Rabble


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
                  Why would anyone even WANT to shoot an alligator? There's gotta be more 'fun' things to do then going around shooting things, seriously. America is so weird.
                  same reason one of u hockey hosers would WANT to shoot a moose eh?


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by kthx View Post
                    How can you never have seen a gun? By the time I was eight I had my first BB Gun, a Red Rider before moving up to some serious pellet gun action by the time I was 11-12, I owned a shotgun by the time I was 16, and now that I am 24 I own several guns which I take out to a shooting range about once a month or so.

                    You can be a pussy all you want but to be honest with you, if someone breaks into my house they won't be leaving if I am home. I don't have a child right now but me and my girlfriend live together, and it is my responsibility to make sure she is safe, hence guns. On top of this it is also the responsibility of every American to own and know how to operate a hand gun, it is one of our greatest freedoms.
                    Because this is EUROPE.

                    We aren't into guns, not gun CRAZY.

                    LOL and that's such a stupid comment ''OMG I got a GF and it's my responsibility to protect her'' just say you want to fuck that bastard up that comes into your house. I would do the same.

                    But then, that you should be able to know how to use a gun etc. that's just bullshit.


                    • #85
                      Right, I forgot that criminals don't have guns in Europia, the magical land of sunshine and mother fucking rainbows. Give me a break douche.
                      Rabble Rabble Rabble


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Squeezer View Post
                        I get using guns in the old world, but they seem arcane today, especially in the face of technology that can annihilate a country without concern for an individual.
                        This is bad logic.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Sarien View Post
                          He slipped through the cracks in a system that already checks for that. Was it someone's big fuckup that ended in tragedy? Absolutely. Was there some gaping hole that lets rampaging killers march around buying truckloads of weapons? No.
                          Not to mention the loophole he exploited was immediately closed by the Governor, so it's not like he could even do it today.
                          USA WORLD CHAMPS


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
                            Why would anyone even WANT to shoot an alligator? There's gotta be more 'fun' things to do then going around shooting things, seriously. America is so weird.
                            One guy from America says something and all of a sudden all 299,999,999 of the others get implicated as well. Seriously epi, thought you were smart enough to not say the same stupid generalization that has already been said 5 times in this thread.

                            Kthx is right, if you make guns illegal, the black market will go HELL YES and feel much safer about robbing houses and stores cuz while they will always have guns, their victims never will, and they will know that and exploit it. Just the possibility of my house having a gun owner keeps many criminals away. And I know that you may think that we are outside of history somehow, but if you look closely, you'll notice that evil dictators like Stalin and Mao like to disarm the population first, become evil ruler second.


                            • #89
                              I am too lazy to find the post now but I remember earlier in the thread someone mentioned guns as being out dated because governments now have weapons capable of destroying entire cities. But when you think about this logically guns are pretty much the exact same thing as a government with a nuclear weapon. Since I doubt any of the big nations will ever use a nuclear weapon against any nation for fear of retribution and the knowledge that the other country would just do the same thing back. Guns are basically the same thing, most sensible people have guns and know how to fire guns not to pose a threat to others but to stop a threat against themselves, owning a gun and knowing how to shoot a gun is the same as owning nuclear warheads and having the capability to launch them against another country, it is just in case someone is stupid enough to do something you can defend yourself.
                              Rabble Rabble Rabble


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
                                Why would anyone even WANT to shoot an alligator? There's gotta be more 'fun' things to do then going around shooting things, seriously. America is so weird.
                                i didn't "want" to. i "had" to. the company that purchases our livestock doesn't pay us for mutilated cows. which brings me to something squeezer said: no, people still do need guns in this day and age. unless you'd prefer using tactical nukes against alligators... which really, i wouldn't mind!

                                people forget that no matter what technology we have... your food still comes from places like my ranch. and is protected by my guns.
                                NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                                internet de la jerome

                                because the internet | hazardous

