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  • For your love panda, I'm pretty sensitive too!
    All good things must come to an end.


    • Until you bring Judaism and tomatoes into the conversation
      All good things must come to an end.


      • Originally posted by TagMor View Post
        What do they say? Because I googled it and couldnt find wtf you are talking about and two batteries in one car is just stupid and you are stupid for making up such a stupid analogy.
        Two dead batteries can't start the car. Maybe you should spend less time on google.


        • Hey I'm just calling it like I see it ok you guys just need to be faster. Just a sensitive guy here

          Can you guys stop quoting tagmore, defeats the purpose of me having him on ignore here.
          JAMAL> didn't think there was a worse shark than midoent but the_paul takes it

          turban> claus is the type of person that would eat shit just so you would have to smell his breath

          Originally posted by Ilya;n1135707
          the_paul: the worst guy, needs to go back to school, bad at his job, guido


          • Wow this thread sure exploded over the weekend.... So much going on I don't even know where to try to make a comment on anything. Enough has been said I think; can't really keep beating a dead horse with the same comments and advice over and over again.....

            Panda - some things that people have yelled at you on this forum have merit; although the tact used in telling you this may not seem helpful. But, it is this forum so I'm sure you had to have expected this to an extent ..... I hope. lol.

            The one thing I have to comment on is how you are now "checking Asians off your list...." etc. Some people are just users of women and assholes no matter what color their skin is or where on this rock they may have happened to be born.

            To limit yourself to a relationship based upon such nonsense will only continue to bring these types of men and more pain to you. Even if you switched to women as you put it -- you'd probably find a lesbian who abuses your relationship. They do exist, I've heard my friends who are lesbians cry and be upset over a woman the same way you're upset about this loser. My point is, you'll end up missing the person that will be great for you if you don't open your mind and heart to all possibilities.

            Anyway, hope you figure things out; life is too great and short to be upset with people who don't deserve to have any emotion spent upon them.
            Fuck it.


            • I thought Asian girls were supposed to have the white guy fetish. Not vice versa.
              4:DEEZ NUTS> geio hopefully u smoke ur last cig right now
              4:Geio> yo wont ever happen again
              4:Geio> DEEZ?
              4:Geio> LOLOL
              4:DEEZ NUTS> LOL
              4:scoop> cant tell if deez was trying to be a good influence or telling him to die LOL
              4:spirit> LOL
              4:Geio> LOLOL THINK HE TOLD ME TO DIE
              4:Geio> FUCKING DICKHEAD


              • I cant understand why this thread exploded

                life isnt flowers, let the girl suck the doctor's cock. no1 gonna change her mind. she was born to do that. girls are born to pleasure us ,wash our clothes and cook for us.

                girls are stupid naturaly. just fuck them before someone else does it. give them some minutes of attention and they will give u their pussies and do whatever u want them to do

                be lame, put pressure on them.. show the girl that u are the guy thats gonna fuck her... show them money,power and they will open their legs for u and tell how much they love u... cheat on them.

                be lame on girls and they will fight for your cock.
                They LOVE to live illusions. Give them illusions and their pussies are gonna RAIN bcz its gonna be so wet.

                let they live their illusions, if they want to be illuded then let them be. Let them be stupid, blind. Don't lose your time explaining to them that they are wrong. Just fuck them, give them their illusions and enjoy their stupidness by fucking their pussies.

                thats it.

                Mega Newbie
                TWLD Season MVP - 3 times
                TWLD Captain/wb player Champion - Stray
                TWEL wb and spid Champion!
                TWLD final's chocker - 3 times
                TWLJ bencher Champion
                TWLB bencher Champion
                Inactive Player


                • Originally posted by Cornelius View Post
                  life isnt flowers, let the girl suck the doctor's cock.
                  there isn't enough room on my body for all the twforum quotes i am one day going to tattoo all over it

                  internet de la jerome

                  because the internet | hazardous


                  • make sure theres pics when u do
                    The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                    SSCJ Distension Owner
                    SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                    Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                    • Umm....

                      He was in Taiwan. I assume you were not. He was trying to dispose of his semen. He was not looking for love. Whether blue ball dye is taken care of by Jill or some cum dumpster in a club, you should not care. He was not trying to marry her. He didn't want to make babies with her (he's a doctor, he'd know the right hole). He didn't open his soul to her. He was just trying to open the relief valve. You found out so he must have told you. You're in a relationship with an adult. Congrats.

                      Settle down now


                      • Originally posted by Cornelius View Post
                        I cant understand why this thread exploded

                        life isnt flowers, let the girl suck the doctor's cock. no1 gonna change her mind. she was born to do that. girls are born to pleasure us ,wash our clothes and cook for us.

                        girls are stupid naturaly. just fuck them before someone else does it. give them some minutes of attention and they will give u their pussies and do whatever u want them to do

                        be lame, put pressure on them.. show the girl that u are the guy thats gonna fuck her... show them money,power and they will open their legs for u and tell how much they love u... cheat on them.

                        be lame on girls and they will fight for your cock.
                        They LOVE to live illusions. Give them illusions and their pussies are gonna RAIN bcz its gonna be so wet.

                        let they live their illusions, if they want to be illuded then let them be. Let them be stupid, blind. Don't lose your time explaining to them that they are wrong. Just fuck them, give them their illusions and enjoy their stupidness by fucking their pussies.

                        thats it.

                        Welcome to Brazil.
                        Last edited by Stayon; 02-08-2011, 04:48 AM.


                        • Panda should be on the Jersey Shore...being just another dumb broad.

                          Pretty sure this thread can official prove men are smarter than women.
                          4:Raazi> yeah i flash my badge and get nugs free drinks

                          1:Raazi> just found a pack of milk duds unda ma dick

                          1:Raazi> i wanna be a racist film reviewer
                          1:Raazi> wud be like "i didnt know samuel L jackson played multiple roles in the film planet of the apes"


                          • Originally posted by Rob Dougan View Post

                            He was in Taiwan. I assume you were not. He was trying to dispose of his semen. He was not looking for love. Whether blue ball dye is taken care of by Jill or some cum dumpster in a club, you should not care. He was not trying to marry her. He didn't want to make babies with her (he's a doctor, he'd know the right hole). He didn't open his soul to her. He was just trying to open the relief valve. You found out so he must have told you. You're in a relationship with an adult. Congrats.

                            Settle down now
                            what the hell? sup rob dougan
                            NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                            internet de la jerome

                            because the internet | hazardous


                            • Panda, dont be another one of those girls that I meet everyday in Miami going back to their boyfriends after they cheated on them.
                              Be smart sweety, you have so much ahead of you, you're a beautiful 21 year old, who many men, are willing to give up everything to make you smile baby, you just cant rush it.
                              Dont stress an asshole who's going to use you for your cooch, and tell you the sweet words to get you to feel bad and get back with him i.e Babe...I love you so much I would never do it again please give me another chance <---
                              Panda, believe me when I say, you will find someone else babygirl.
                              Just have patience, and dont sweat assholes who dont care about you, it isnt worth it hun.
                              Panda, we are all beautiful and soon enough you will find the right one, these are just lessons you learn so you dont make the same mistake in the future.
                              Have patience love, and please do me the favor and dont get back with him.
                              I love you

                              - Your Cuban Boii :wub:
                              SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2022
                              SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2021
                              SPIDER KILL RACE WINNER 2020

                              TWLB CHAMP x4 dicE
                              TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 10
                              TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 11
                              TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 15
                              TWLB FINALS MVP SEASON 16 /2017 TWDT SPIDER CHAMPION / MVP (MOST KILLS)


                              • Originally posted by Efhat View Post
                                Panda, dont be another one of those girls that I meet everyday in Miami going back to their boyfriends after they cheated on them.
                                Be smart sweety, you have so much ahead of you, you're a beautiful 21 year old, who many men, are willing to give up everything to make you smile baby, you just cant rush it.
                                Dont stress an asshole who's going to use you for your cooch, and tell you the sweet words to get you to feel bad and get back with him i.e Babe...I love you so much I would never do it again please give me another chance <---
                                Panda, believe me when I say, you will find someone else babygirl.
                                Just have patience, and dont sweat assholes who dont care about you, it isnt worth it hun.
                                Panda, we are all beautiful and soon enough you will find the right one, these are just lessons you learn so you dont make the same mistake in the future.
                                Have patience love, and please do me the favor and dont get back with him.
                                I love you

                                - Your Cuban Boii :wub:
                                Perfect example of when I said if some one shows sympathy to your retardation Panda they want to see you naked.
                                'why cant i just find sometione who lwill love me and wont hmake me lose weight or change the perosjn who i am' -Pandagirl!
                                'but im fucking hot im 12 years younger thanhim why is that noe tnougj??' -Pandagirl!
                                'i mean i was f cuking fit model for vistoria's secret what g8y wioujldn't wanthtatr? he worked asa plstic surgeon forawhile and he said i had aperfect boobs....' -Pandagirl!

                                LaSenza ⇐ left Epidemic Jun. 5, 2011 - 14:57

