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fuck me in the ass

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  • #46
    False soup, I have the drink tally to prove it.

    Most of it was liquor not beer - I think I only had beer at maybe 2 of the bars?

    (ph)>12 is just right

    In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
    1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
    1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
    1:Chao <ER>> at all
    1:Mantra-Slider> chao
    1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
    Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
    Chao <ER> - hero


    • #47
      Originally posted by Epinephrine View Post
      I've never seen anyone in crutches for a broken little toe, and I see a lot of broken toes.
      I don't know...considering how much Da1 weighs..thats a whole lot of weight to be putting on his little toes


      • #48
        Originally posted by soup View Post
        Lol what a lie "20 drinks in", so typical. Only americans are able and allowed to say this because there isn't much difference between their beer and water.

        If I gave you 20 stella's you'd be down on the ground vomitiing, I bet you can only handle 6-9.
        mmmm I'd take 20 stellas from you any day bb
        TWDT Head Op Seasons 2, 3, and 4
        TWL Season 14 & 17 Head Op
        Season 13 TWLD Champion, Seasons 13 & 14 LJ Champion

        Winston Churchill: "That is the sort of nonsense up with which we will not put!"

        Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.
        - John F. Kennedy

        A sadist is a masochist who follows the Golden Rule.
        Originally posted by kthx
        Umm.. Alexander the Great was the leader of the Roman empire, not the Greek empire guy.


        • #49
          i got pretty hammered off of 10 stellas in the airport from london to germany

          was really queezy on the plane ride, especially sitting next to the lady who was eating fucking sushi
          All good things must come to an end.


          • #50
            a friend of mine ran over his foot with a lawnmower and it cut through his shoe and jammed and broke his toe

            i told him he was lucky he didn't get it cut off

            this uppset him as he didn't feel lucky having a broken toe and needed new shoes

            i thought i was being nice instead of telling him he was idiot for running over his own foot with a lawnmower

            true story
            In my world,
            I am King



            • #51
              I think new orleans has a magical ability to up your drinking ability, mainly during mardi gras, we were awake for about 18 hours and I never didn't have a beer in my hand. helps that literally everyone is drinking and there is greasy food everywhere

              but 20 drinks in ohio? that's just a shitty hangover for absolutely no reason (other than to forget you are in Ohio)

              internet de la jerome

              because the internet | hazardous


              • #52
                Originally posted by Pressure Drop View Post
                a friend of mine ran over his foot with a lawnmower and it cut through his shoe and jammed and broke his toe

                i told him he was lucky he didn't get it cut off

                this uppset him as he didn't feel lucky having a broken toe and needed new shoes

                i thought i was being nice instead of telling him he was idiot for running over his own foot with a lawnmower

                true story
                im trying to figure this out, he must have been wearing some pretty nice shoes. did the blade just catch the shoe and pull it (and his toe) backwards really fast?

                internet de la jerome

                because the internet | hazardous


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                  im trying to figure this out, he must have been wearing some pretty nice shoes. did the blade just catch the shoe and pull it (and his toe) backwards really fast?
                  i'm not sure myself, he showed me the shoe and it was a canvas shoe with a dent and a slashed rip in it

                  i think it was was cheap crap lawnmower and the shoe caught the blade and the canvas took most of the force out of the blade and wrapped round it blunting it a bit and that hit the toe breaking it (and it was cut a little too but not to the bone)

                  i knew a guy in school who ran over his foot with a lawnmower and cut off most of his big toe, until that point he was a promising running athlete and that put an end to that. but he wasn't my friend so fuck him
                  In my world,
                  I am King



                  • #54
                    I wanna play:

                    Broke my leg jumping out of a tree onto a trampoline and getting stuck in the springs unable to control my rebound.

                    Broke my finger on a slip n' slide when my ring finger got stuck in a hole in the tarp and the rest of me kept sliding and slipping.

                    Lost my thumbnail after taking a baseball to my right hand. It grew back twice as thick as a normal thumbnail and it breaks nail-clippers unless I use the ones meant for toenails...

                    Had to have reconstructive surgery on the middle finger of my left hand after a baseball drove the nail backwards into the flesh of my finger. I was awake for the surgery, which began with a 5 inch needle jammed down my fingertip.

                    Broke three fingers in my right hand after getting it stomped with metal spikes sliding into second. Pitched in the tournament final later that day (I'm left handed), and had to bunt each time I was at bat.

                    Broke my ankle playing ultimate frisbee and had to work hopping around on one leg for about a week due to no insurance.

                    Lost my front teeth when an overlarge water ski popped off my foot in some choppy water and came up to hit me in the face (the ski was about 30 years old and made of solid wood).

                    none of these ever really kept me out of school or work... Especially any of the broken toes/finger that i neglected to share because they didn't have good accompanying stories. like kicking a table.


                    • #55
                      Apparently you shouldn't be playing
                      duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

                      Mattey> put me in corch

                      zidane> go kf urself pork


                      • #56
                        I once broke my wrist and had a 25 ish strong lookin fella (i was 15 ish at the time) pull on ropes attached to my thumb by another older fellow who would hold my wrist and push and pull it to the sides. Im not entirely sure how long it lasted but it hurt like hell.

                        I.e. my most painful experience so far
                        (Children)>hunted for life
                        (zhou)>ofc u hear things cus ur still a virgin
                        :zhou:i dont wanna go deaf bro


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                          I think new orleans has a magical ability to up your drinking ability, mainly during mardi gras, we were awake for about 18 hours and I never didn't have a beer in my hand. helps that literally everyone is drinking and there is greasy food everywhere

                          but 20 drinks in ohio? that's just a shitty hangover for absolutely no reason (other than to forget you are in Ohio)
                          It was senior crawl! It starts whenever the fuck you want on the last day of finals - some people start at 10am, but I waited until 2pm. Imagine the entire senior class (and the 21 year old juniors) of Ohio State all along one street visiting all the bars. Thousands of people, all wearing white shirts so we can draw on each other. The cops shut down the road sometimes because there are so many people. It's an absolute fucking blast.

                          Also, I wasn't hungover the next day - no idea how I managed that. I was late to work though, but my manager went to OSU and knew it was senior crawl so he expected me to be late (if I even showed up).

                          (ph)>12 is just right

                          In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
                          1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
                          1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
                          1:Chao <ER>> at all
                          1:Mantra-Slider> chao
                          1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
                          Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
                          Chao <ER> - hero


                          • #58
                            Had to pull out one of these (below) out of my hand once...scar still clearly visible D:


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Pandagirl! View Post
                              Judging by most of my posts I'd say that this is pretty obvious.

                              Although I was 20 drinks in at the time, and that's not an exaggeration. I was keeping a drink tally on my shirt in Sharpie. I got up to 23 but I think I forgot to put the last 2 on my shirt.
                              Yah but I don't log on and post drunken topics about my boyfriend fucking some asian hooker in thailand. I do stupid shit when I'm drunk like steal, pick fights, drive recklessly and break shit but I've never broken any body parts so... you're a crazier drunk than me. Lets start a thread up on drunk stories.


                              • #60
                                broke my 5th metacarpal in both hands punching ppl

