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Trench Wars server fund is in dire straits; donations requested

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  • #46
    I've been out of town for a few days and have slipped a bit on updates.

    Since last time, we've had one more $5 recurring commitment, and a whopping $500 one-time donation! Thank you so much.

    We're now at $144.42/mo, or 80% of the way to being completely sustained by regular donors. 6 more donors at just $5 a month ($4.37 after fees) will have us fully funded in perpetuity.
    "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
    -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment


    • #47
      Originally posted by Duster8 View Post
      Just sent $50 and I will double that if we go back to old map and ship settings for a month.
      newest levi and weasel are worse than OG
      1:Sir Spider> you gotta kinda drag it out of him a little bit
      1:Sir Spider> but once you do he just explodes
      1:Sir Spider> at least on me
      1:Sir Spider> homo


      • #48
        Originally posted by daresound View Post

        newest levi and weasel are worse than OG
        Yes I just mean one previous generation where lev was slow with blue bombs, weasel could cloak and stealth. Also as for the map, you could bomb the FR entrance from the side ears with the right shot.

        Can't log in again tonight. Hopefully, that can be fixed soon. Weird how it only happens in the evenings.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Duster8 View Post

          Can't log in again tonight. Hopefully, that can be fixed soon. Weird how it only happens in the evenings.
          and today this is the earliest one ive seen
          AKA Shaun


          • #50
            the game is unreachable AGAIN.... can we do something about this? pub is dying


            • #51
              Originally posted by mystic_pizza View Post
              the game is unreachable AGAIN.... can we do something about this? pub is dying
              No point shouting about it, its a free game and the work to keep it online is done out of people's free time.

              If you want to help restore the game then consider contributing, otherwise, pipe down.


              • #52
                whats up with the tw server? i got things setup to donate monthly and half the time i've tried to log in i've been unable to. don't really want to keep contributing if the game is gonna be unplayable unfortunately
                Trench Wars' favorite cheater


                • #53
                  How is the server worse after receiving donations

                  Explain like I'm 5:


                  • #54
                    After a recent update, we've had persistent issues with the server's interaction with the biller, resulting in the "endless stars" bug where players are unable to connect. After a lot of diagnosing, it's likely out of our hands and will need to be corrected on PriitK's end. He's been contacted, but he's notoriously difficult to reach and rarely responds to any message, making it exceedingly difficult to determine if he's read a message or performed an action. I'll contact him again soon with some new information and see if that nudges things forward.

                    If you're unable to login, chances are you'll be able to after 1-3 hours. There's a temporary fix for this issue (works every time but just needs manual resetting) while we wait to resolve it permanently.

                    It's pretty unfortunate that it hit exactly during the time we're doing a donation drive, but it's just coincidental.

                    Speaking of donations, a big thanks to the person who put in a one-time donation of $100! (9/21)

                    "You're a gentleman," they used to say to him. "You shouldn't have gone murdering people with a hatchet; that's no occupation for a gentleman."
                    -Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment

