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basing = dead

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  • basing = dead

    Post-?gobase basing didn't evolve - the opposite has happened. I hated lining and I was glad to get rid of it. Pushing out was always fun and the people I liked basing with used lining just as a last resort.

    The Cram = The lining.

    The same people who were hardcore "lining only" are now hardcore "cramming only". However cramming didn't kill basing just as lining didn't kill basing. The static players who prefer just to sit and shoot are the real murderers. And the 'cause for the mass production of these players is ?go base. Constant unbalanced non-quality games are being played without anyone even bothering to try something else. I guess it's just too easy to enter ?go base and play so people won't have to look for real challensive gameplay.

    -terrs: New terriers basicly have nothing to do so they're all just sitting ducks now.

    -sharks: Sharks are now just stuck babysitting the terr 100% of the time so the best sharks in the game aren't that dominant anymore.

    -spiders: Most of them are now too concentrated on the sitting and shooting that they don't see the big picture and fail to do the needed sacrifice at the correct time.

    How many of you would even bother trying in a 3vs8?
    Originally posted by Diakka
    Lets stop being lil bitches

  • #2

    5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
    5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
    5:royst> i wish it was calculus

    1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

    1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


    • #3
      hallejuah eeks is back
      To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
      brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


      • #4
        Few things: I definately agree with you on the spider, so many people camp and care only about their record, not about the flag, breaking crams, pushing in/out of holes, and getting the flag, not even winning the game! I think some more private arena basing games should be held where for example the staff would just say in an arena message: "Basing at it best, come now, you should know where" or something and we who know of the arena could just go into #secretbasingarena or whatever it would be :P Would work great until someone let out the secret and every knew it, aw maybe its not even that great of an idea, lol. However I do kind of like the constant new terrs that come into ?go base, because most "elite vetz0rz" that terr play similar to each other and its always fun to see peoples different styles and how successful or unsuccessful they are, just my opinion though

        You pasted at same time as me pv=nrt :P
        Gun remembers.


        • #5
          yo eeks that girl you showed me was hot :wub:
          TWLB Champions Season 8
          TWLJ Champions Season 8
          TWLB Champions Season 10
          TWLB Champions Season 11


          • #6
            Well, ?go base is inherently unorganized because of the way it is run, and cramming is the best way to get a bunch of unorganized players into a decent defensive position. Also, when playing a public scrimmage game like ?go base, people always want to look good, so they will think of themselves and their record first. This, of course, brings people to camping and all that.

            If you're looking for fun basing, join a good TWBD team. Of course, even the best teams aren't totally void of campers and rec hogs, but generally it's a lot better and a lot more fun. I rarely even play ?go base anymore because I find it very boring, but TWBD is always fun.

            Most of your complaints assume that the entire game is played in a cram position, which is virtually never true. I agree that terrs are probably the least important ship in cramming, but anywhere else terrs have plenty of oppertunity to flex their muscles and pull some great moves. Watch brookus or Pure_Luck in a good TWBD game some time. They are both awesome to watch and they pull things that definately change the course of the game.

            I also disagree with your point on the sharks. Of course your #1 priority is to defend your team's terrier, but there is ample oppertunity to pull some moves or even go for a terrkill, much like a decent terrier can do. Of course there isn't much a shark can do when cramming, but like the terr, you can have your own personal style and way of playing. I usually don't stroke my own ego like this on the forums, but watch me and jr5 playing together some time. Fucking carnage.

            Your point on spiders, though, I unfortunately have to agree with. The spiders on a team are arguably the most important part of the team, and when they all think of themselves first and not the team, you're not going to get anywhere. I see this happen even on my own squad; granted the games are mostly blowout games that we would win anyway, but there are many times when oppertunities are lost because the spiders decide to dodge a burst or hide behind a terr or something equally retarded as that.
            Last edited by Stabwound; 12-02-2004, 01:24 AM.


            • #7
              Exactly, if you're playing ?go base for a real, gripping game, you're not gonna get much. If you're interested in a real basing match, join a basing squad and you'll have all the fun you want in TWBDs.


              • #8
                I like the green ship
                it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                • #9
                  well i dunno. i think basing is doing ok. the lack of skill is due to the people who raised themselves on ?go base and refuse to do anything besides it to build skill. pubbing, playing other zones, and other leagues builds style and instinct. when you bring in newbs and bring them up on ?go base they just immitate what they see rather than build their own foundation.
                  Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
                  apt>yes u can wtf
                  apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
                  apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
                  apt>so i dont miss the toilet
                  Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
                  apt>ill show you pictures
                  apt>next time I masturbate


                  • #10
                    I don't see ?go base any different from ?go wbduel since they both really have the same purpose. Subarenas like those are for practicing TWD/TWL for everybody anyways.

                    Want quality games? Then make a ?chat=basefriikks or something and organize a game in #sadf or #mythrandir.
                    TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by a2m+
                      yo eeks that girl you showed me was hot :wub:
                      Is he still into this IRC gallery shit?
                      I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...


                      • #12
                        eeks is right
                        also 3/4 of the basing games i play really sucks
                        1:Pred_FNM <ER>> guys, yellow + green is really shitty for forumcolours :p
                        1:lnx> what's wrong with that combination
                        1:lnx> I wear yellow-green clothes :(
                        1:Pred_FNM <ER>> i dont mean in clothes, in forums..
                        1:lnx> kk
                        1:lnx> buy a black-white computer monitor if you don't like the colors foo


                        • #13
                          I'm not sure I agree with all of your points, Eeks, but I can see where you're coming from. This is coming from a new player (around 1 year, around 1300 hours of play), so I have never really experienced times before the cram. I try to be balanced in the ships, I enjoy playing all of them to a degree. I've only seriously played Trench Wars. I sometimes go to other zones because apart from it being fun I find Trench Wars easier after a little break in the faster zones. But anyway...

                          I'll just comment on Shark since that's the ship I play most.

                          I think I'm quite an aggressive Shark, I do try to "scare" the Spiders into protecting their Terrier because I aim to not only Repel the opposing team's fire, but push their ships back also, thusly creating more space for my team to maneuver. I do get quite a few TD's.

                          What I'm trying to get at is not "look at me, I'm good!", because I am very well aware that I have a lot to learn, but I think I'm improving. I like watching Sharks I consider very good at the ship (JAMAL, Stabwound and Windreaper off the top of my head) in order to learn. This is kind of how I play - My Spidering is an attempt at mashing some mix of Lunch3 and xvr together, for example, because I like the way they Spider. But anyway, my point is that as a member of this "new generation" of players, we are capable of learning, but since the level of play in this zone is apparently not what it used to be, perhaps it's taking longer than it used to.

                          As I said in another thread about newer players willing to learn, if only the vets were willing to teach, I'd love for any of the Sharks especially mentioned above to watch me play a game of base or whatever and tell me what I did right/wrong what I didn't do at all, what I should do, etc. Or taking me into a private arena and talking Shark strategies or something. Because I like learning. The thing is, the older generation of players seem far too stuck up to help us newer players at all.

                          Lunch3 wrote that Spider guide a while back, and I read it through, but until I got actual experience, it didn't actually click in my head what he was saying. Recently my Spidering has improved tenfold (I know I'm still not great ) because I realised a few things that Lunch basically said a long time ago and I only just realised myself what he was going on about. My point for this paragraph (Christ my posts are so mixed up) is that, as they say, experience is the best teacher. Though without a doubt being taught by other players is welcome and helpful.

                          In conclusion, instead of just saying "Ugh you new players suck. Back in the day, we used to...", HELP US! Say what's going wrong, what can be improved, how to be aggressive but not kamikaze and so on. If the vet players could be bothered to help out the new players this zone could easily improve. Get off your high horse and teach new players.

                          Grab some players you see Spidering in pub (rare I know) and offer to show them some techniques, anything. Just put some effort into this before you just start flailing in nostalgia and whining that we have nothing to offer. I'm sure I'm not the only one that is so keen to learn. Just help us out.
                          G[y]Ro> omfg
                          G[y]Ro> u nerds
                          G[y]Ro> NERDS
                          G[y]Ro> ALL OF U


                          • #14
                            Seemed like an interesting topic but then all these long answers popped up from somewhere
                            5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                            5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                            5: Da1andonly> =((
                            5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                            5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                            5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Rion.
                              As I said in another thread about newer players willing to learn, if only the vets were willing to teach, I'd love for any of the Sharks especially mentioned above to watch me play a game of base or whatever and tell me what I did right/wrong what I didn't do at all, what I should do, etc. Or taking me into a private arena and talking Shark strategies or something. Because I like learning. The thing is, the older generation of players seem far too stuck up to help us newer players at all.
                              I totally agree with you :wub:

                              Only problem is have you ever tried telling someone that they're playing badly and should "Blah blah play this way"
                              The majority of people i've ever tried to give advice will simply turn around and flame you or swap teams and hunt.
                              I think the problem isn't the quality of gamers it's the mentality.
                              The new players just don't want to know... <_<

                              Most of these "vets" are willing to teach so long as you prove you have at least basic social skills first. Talk with them they're nice (mostly).
                              A White Mage

                              Buy edu backlinks

