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where did lunar crescens <smod> go??
Originally posted by ToneIt is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.Originally posted by the_paulGargle battery acid fuckfaceOriginally posted by Material GirlI tried downloading a soundcard
Ugh, no wonder I haven't seen a *LOL* in a while. Lunar was by far my favorite <ER> and the fact that I hadn't seen her very often in between when she quit and sometime around Christmas kind of dissapoints me. I think she was a huge loss to staff because she was always so helpful. She will be missed.
As for Guano, I don't need to know the guy to know that he's done a lot. Too bad he left too.Originally posted by turmiojeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.Originally posted by grandI've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...
Well I guess I should say some things about what happened...
I've been on staff for over 2.5 years now and I think I've been an SMod for around 1.5 years or so. Sometime last year, I went thorough a period of extended inactivity. I barely logged on to SS and when I did I remained AFK. I had almost quit the game due to increased schoolwork and such, however during one of my little visits to TW, I became friends with Lunar Crescens. I really enjoyed her company and chatting with her and we soon got to know eachother quite well (which is a rare thing for me over the internet). We were always LTing , playing other games taking calls and just making general mischief together. Basically, her friendship was the reason that I came back and started being more active. Anyways though, several weeks ago, something happened which made Lunar feel like she had to leave the game. After she left, I logged in but it just wasnt quite the same... It felt kind of empty. At the moment I really don't have any desire to log into the game so I guess thats why I'm stepping back. I am not bitter at all and I still love the staff and the zone. I have talked to DoCk> and he is letting me continue to do some botdev and some other behind the scenes work when I have time. In addition, I will most likely pop in periodically just to see how things are going
Well... Thats why I left...
As for Lunar... I won't go into the details but no matter what you hear, her reasons for quitting were valid. It wasn't so much a fight between staffers as it was how other staffers made her feel. Some people think her reasons for quitting were trivial, but if you knew her well along with her past experiences then you would know why she felt she had to leave.
Regarding what we did and if we will be a loss to staff...
I for one did a lot of nothing... Just a couple bots here and there... Some internal staff things... nothing too memorable.
Lunar on the other hand did a LOT of work behind the scenes in a very short time. Before you guys say that losing her is no big deal, you should know that she is one of the most dedicated staffers that I have had the pleasure of knowing. We all knew that if we tasked her with something to do, she would work hard to get it done quickly. If her time on upper staff was longer, her contributions would have become more apparent.
Well, I've had a great time in TW, but I guess this isn't really goodbye... its just me letting you all know why I wont be logging on nearly as much. Perhaps I will be back in full force someday but until then I'll just work on some bots here and there
Byebye!Last edited by Cpt.Guano!; 03-10-2005, 01:22 AM.
Cpt: Well said my friend, well said.Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:
My anime blog:
I kind of saw this coming. I knew Lunar back in pub long before she became known by many or became staff etc, and we were pretty good buddies.
Her deviation from the typical type of player to a more proper and mature one made it clear to me shortly after meeting her that one day she would make a great staff, and I even urged her to become one, though she was completely against it.
Ultimately though, as time passed (this was still a few years ago) I realized that her persona concealed a grand flaw which was typical of her type of person. She was too nice and proper, and never wanted to offend people. This forced her to be two-faced, and telling people lies to satisfy both parties. Me, her, and Sophie (Scents) used to be mutual friends but me and Sophie agreed in that regard. For this reason I broke off my relations with her and knew that whether or not she would venture into staff fields in the future , this issue would arise to cause problematics for people.
I'm not saying any of these recent events have anything to do with that, but I can tell that some of these issues people have with her stem from more or less the same grounds.Trench Wars' # 1 Solo WB
TWEL WB Season 1 '03 Champ
1st Annual WB Tournament '04 Champ
2nd Annual WB Tournament '05 Champ
Elim King '03-'11
Sirius> Raspi I want to explore this fetish of yours
Raspi> AAAHHH THE ZOMBIES ARE COMING!!!! sirius> finally... raspi> unhhhhhunhunh
Originally posted by Cpt.Guano!I had almost quit the game due to increased schoolwork and such, however during one of my little visits to TW, I became friends with Lunar Crescens. I really enjoyed her company and chatting with her and we soon got to know eachother quite well (which is a rare thing for me over the internet). We were always LTing , playing other games taking calls and just making general mischief together. Basically, her friendship was the reason that I came back and started being more active. Anyways though, several weeks ago, something happened which made Lunar feel like she had to leave the game. After she left, I logged in but it just wasnt quite the same... It felt kind of empty. At the moment I really don't have any desire to log into the game so I guess thats why I'm stepping back.
It's sad to see Lunar's potential greatness wasted because people wouldn't give her a chance...
Ok, I'd write more but the thing has already got me depressed. Like Epi said, Well said my friend, well said. I've seen you on a couple times already, but I hope we can start seeing you on a bit more man... it sucks not being able to type ?chat and see your name.
Ban Ikrit
Originally posted by MeloI consider lunar a big loss to staff... A lot seem to hate her because she was too **rational** in her cheater dealing and her hosting being horrible... but she was helping staff a lot with her new position... I personally had many projects in mind to realise with her so you guys can be more informed on tw's status...
I saw a comment about her not being experienced enough to be in charge of public relation... Its true that she was not as appreciated as KJW is but she was really integrated and cared a lot about our TW community (if we can call it like that). I could not see any other staffer than her doing the job. Its not guano who just told dock ''hey make her smod''... she was respected by upper staff and showed a lot of conviction.... The same reason qan was promoted not a long time ago...
As for guano, hes a damn big loss... Hope he reconsiderates and comes back! Even bigger loss, no one being able to be as cool and efficient as him...(ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...
Originally posted by KontrolzPlease, you couldn't see any other staffer than her doing the job of public relations, how about one of the best staffers this zone has ever seen...BH822, much nicer and more in touch with the actual people than lunar ever was.
Most helpful staff that I know?
No one has ever taken the time to help me like Spider (good ole eekster) did.
Up in Ya!!! is right up there though. He is great. And I think that Pure_Luck does a great job... he is a truly great staffer.
My point?
Good people come and go. KJW came and left. I'm sure there were many great ones before I even started. The fact is, people will come, and they will go, but look at what we have now. We have a lot of really great people on staff, and I'm sure that we always will. TW is growing, and not everyone new is an immature kid. Keep your heads up; TW will continue its forward path.3:PEGASiS> double u tee ef?
3:Spirit> ar oh ef el
MODERATOR WARNING: pegasis if I catch you hiding again I will ban you -Da Farmer!
MODERATOR WARNING: pegasis, If you do not stop killing your own team <yellow ships on radar> You will be banned from this zone!! Thank you. -YoMama!!!
Hal Wilker> hal likes pegasis to cumshot in his eye.
This really turned into a Lunar tribute thread after Cpt spoke.
But anyway, like everyone else has said without Lunar on there is really no point to TW. After a very crapy day you come onto SS and expect worse, but Lunar was always there to cheer you up with random trivial comedy. She's the cherry on the sundae, it's just not right without her.Thrashing> "That'll be 25.99, thank you for buying, please come again"
Thrashing> "LET'S FUCK!"
Thrashing> Like that, Ott?
Catgirl> rofl
Missy> o.O im so leaving this chat
Kim> hal, say fit of rage sucks ballz
fit of r> here, i'll do it for you
fit of r> I SUCK BALLS
Kim> loool
lunar was a great zh, i will attest to that.
i think that perhaps, this would have been the best position for her to stay.
i don't think that lunar was cut out to be a mod nor any kind of upper staff member ahead of that.
for whatever reason, lunar always struck me as having some kind of head in the clouds attitude. something along the lines of, "out of sight out of mind" and "everything that i believe to be right should be".
i found it quite ironic that she was named as a public relations representative (between staff and the general public) when i'm sure she had half of each on ignore for saying things that weren't on her approved list.
further, i think that her over-idealistic mindset was a bad fit for a policy maker in an un-ideal zone. let's face it, more than a few of the people who play aren't going to conform to what you tell them to do.
there is no reason that a good staff member cannot help the zone from a lower staff position. i mean fuck, what does ZH stand for anyways?
i hope this is a lesson for whoever it may be who makes such decisions that "like-a-bility" should not be a deciding factor in who gets to be a big shot in the zone. get some people who know what needs to be done, not some people who *giggle* alot and play as a levterr all day.Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
Philos> there is something about you
Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work
PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"
Originally posted by Randedl"everything that i believe to be right should be"
"The mark of a genius is the ability to Entertain a thought without accepting it" - Aristotle.
At least she listened to the other side of the argument, before telling them they were wrong :P
Originally posted by Randedli hope this is a lesson for whoever it may be who makes such decisions that "like-a-bility" should not be a deciding factor in who gets to be a big shot in the zone. get some people who know what needs to be done, not some people who *giggle* alot and play as a levterr all day
I'll relat it to the fact that i considerably dislike shade... simply for a single conversation i had with him in which he had prejudged me based on certain things. I dislike him, but i still think he's a good staffer.
Isn't the issue with like-ability that in order for a "game" to work, people have to have fun. If the staff is very likeable then you're more likely to enjoy a game.STARKITTY
A White Mage
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Rofl Randedl put it out like it is, amenAwesome> i'm 20.. and definately bigger than you... where do you live, if i ever take a vacation there i'll come beat you up 7:Ripper> hahah
7:destroy> he'll come to smash you with his keyboard
7:death row> lol keyboard. must be thug =(((
7:LofTy> Rofl Drow
Sika> 5:Rich> i went bowling with lofty irl
death row> just throw in a disclaimer: drunk lofty, cannot be responsible for drunk lofty's opinion.