Sometime late Monday night somebody gained control of my TWD name and logged onto TWD site and demoted demonfaze to assistant captain, then promoted him back to captain, then demoted him back to assistant captain again. Then they changed the Syndicate squad profile (it's back to what it used to be now), putting up a pic of I.d. on our site and beneath it, inflammatory comments directed to I.d. and I, very similiar to Spastic's TWD profile. Then the perpetrator left Syndicate squad roster under my name.
That person I believe is Pure_Luck.
The night that this happened we were in a bd vs Spastic. Synd was destroying Spastic, I was playing, but my time was limited because there was a storm going on in Daly City, California (Bay Area) and power was out. (10,000 ppl were out of power in our city because of the storm, but the backup generator was running, giving me about 10 mins of power).I didn't realize it at the time but a tree behind my backyard fell and took out the power lines with it leaving our whole block without power. Here is a pic of my backyard I took from 2 days ago:
After I was subbed early on in the game, due to power loss, we went on to beat Spastic in the bd and there was a lot of chaos on Spastic chat following that loss. Server was axed, and along with him, I.d., someone that Pure_Luck has been trying to get off his squad for awhile now, due to her friendship with me. Then a bit later Pure_Luck pulled his stunt.
I wasn't around that night of course, didn't get power back till last night, but when Syndicate people started figuring out what happened and tried to get to the bottom of it, who else other than Pure_Luck who offered his "helping hand" to assist us. He supposedly had an IP check done and said that my IP was logged into TWD site at the time and that it was me, which was impossible because I had no power at the time.
One night while we were playing poker he even tried to get into my computer by making me install this program VNC Viewer. He was playing on Pokerstars a site which we frequently played poker on and said he wanted me to finish up his poker game for him so he could get some sleep. That program is what he uses to get into people's computers, i'm sure you all have heard about this before in another thread.
A lot of you may ask why would Pure_Luck do this and frame me, the answer is simple, just look at Spastic's TWD page and you'll see how obsessed he is with me. Most of it stems with the fact that i'm good friends with I.d. and he is jealous of that. Another is because he befriended me, let me on his chat, offered me staff, when I said no he then offered me to be a part of TWL Staff and I said ok to that, during all that time trying to get me to join his squad Spastic, but I never did.
To summarize things, after losing the 4-5th bd in a row to Syndicate, Pure_Luck lost his temper and axed two of his squadmates. In his dislike for me, used his powers to access my TWD account and proceeded to vandalize the Syndicate TWD site by putting up a picture of I.d., one of the people he just axed from his squad and making condescending comments about I.d. and I. Basically making it look exactly like the current Spastic page at the moment. Is it a coincidence that all this happened shortly after after I.d. got axed from Spastic and within an hour's time? It doesn't take a genius to put the two together.
And this is not the first time Pure_Luck has edited someone's TWD site because they were making fun of him on it. He has also edited Juice's TWD profile as well before.
I admit i'm no saint, after all I did put up the Syndicate profile showing Pure_Luck's immaturity and incompetence. I can't prove he did it, after all he is the most powerful person in the zone at the moment, he is a sysop and dean of staff, but I believe without a doubt he did it, who else would have reason to do it? All the explanations I mentioned previously point to Pure_Luck clearly. This is the guy that runs our zone. He's involed in petty fighting, editing other squad's TWD pages, and has played more games than anyone in TWD and yet we still have no leagues. With Dock> and Priitk not around who is going to hold him accountable for his actions?
That person I believe is Pure_Luck.
The night that this happened we were in a bd vs Spastic. Synd was destroying Spastic, I was playing, but my time was limited because there was a storm going on in Daly City, California (Bay Area) and power was out. (10,000 ppl were out of power in our city because of the storm, but the backup generator was running, giving me about 10 mins of power).I didn't realize it at the time but a tree behind my backyard fell and took out the power lines with it leaving our whole block without power. Here is a pic of my backyard I took from 2 days ago:

After I was subbed early on in the game, due to power loss, we went on to beat Spastic in the bd and there was a lot of chaos on Spastic chat following that loss. Server was axed, and along with him, I.d., someone that Pure_Luck has been trying to get off his squad for awhile now, due to her friendship with me. Then a bit later Pure_Luck pulled his stunt.
I wasn't around that night of course, didn't get power back till last night, but when Syndicate people started figuring out what happened and tried to get to the bottom of it, who else other than Pure_Luck who offered his "helping hand" to assist us. He supposedly had an IP check done and said that my IP was logged into TWD site at the time and that it was me, which was impossible because I had no power at the time.
One night while we were playing poker he even tried to get into my computer by making me install this program VNC Viewer. He was playing on Pokerstars a site which we frequently played poker on and said he wanted me to finish up his poker game for him so he could get some sleep. That program is what he uses to get into people's computers, i'm sure you all have heard about this before in another thread.
A lot of you may ask why would Pure_Luck do this and frame me, the answer is simple, just look at Spastic's TWD page and you'll see how obsessed he is with me. Most of it stems with the fact that i'm good friends with I.d. and he is jealous of that. Another is because he befriended me, let me on his chat, offered me staff, when I said no he then offered me to be a part of TWL Staff and I said ok to that, during all that time trying to get me to join his squad Spastic, but I never did.
To summarize things, after losing the 4-5th bd in a row to Syndicate, Pure_Luck lost his temper and axed two of his squadmates. In his dislike for me, used his powers to access my TWD account and proceeded to vandalize the Syndicate TWD site by putting up a picture of I.d., one of the people he just axed from his squad and making condescending comments about I.d. and I. Basically making it look exactly like the current Spastic page at the moment. Is it a coincidence that all this happened shortly after after I.d. got axed from Spastic and within an hour's time? It doesn't take a genius to put the two together.
And this is not the first time Pure_Luck has edited someone's TWD site because they were making fun of him on it. He has also edited Juice's TWD profile as well before.
I admit i'm no saint, after all I did put up the Syndicate profile showing Pure_Luck's immaturity and incompetence. I can't prove he did it, after all he is the most powerful person in the zone at the moment, he is a sysop and dean of staff, but I believe without a doubt he did it, who else would have reason to do it? All the explanations I mentioned previously point to Pure_Luck clearly. This is the guy that runs our zone. He's involed in petty fighting, editing other squad's TWD pages, and has played more games than anyone in TWD and yet we still have no leagues. With Dock> and Priitk not around who is going to hold him accountable for his actions?