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Trench Wars... has changed.

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  • #16
    trench wars..not what it used to?!?!?!?

    OH GOD..NO!!!!!!!!!

    Step back with the emoness son, there were those before you.

    to max b: 4 reps for world domination

    4:BigKing> xD
    4:Best> i'm leaving chat
    4:BigKing> what did i do???
    4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
    4:BigKing> ???? why though
    4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
    4:BigKing> xD


    • #17
      i like javs
      do or die


      • #18
        I guess I'll ask now if anybody knows what I'm parodying...


        • #19
          The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

          SSCJ Distension Owner
          SSCU Trench Wars Developer

          Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


          • #20
            Yeah, fuck DISTENSION

            Whoever made that stupid thing/game/... should be banned for life.

            Please remove it.

            It ruined TW.


            • #21
              Originally posted by soupero View Post
              Yeah, fuck DISTENSION

              Whoever made that stupid thing/game/...

              Please remove it.

              It ruined TW.
              First time i agree with soup :O

              1:Wah!!>OH OH OH OH OH OH OOOHH
              1:Wah!!>I dont worry cause
              1:soild <ZH>>EVERYHTINGS GONNA BE ARLIGFHT
              1:Wah!!>people keep on talking
              1:soild>they can say what they like
              1:Wah!!>ALL I know is:
              1:soild>EVERYTHINGS GONNA BE ALRIGHT


              • #22
                Originally posted by soupero View Post
                Yeah, fuck DISTENSION

                Whoever made that stupid thing/game/... should be banned for life.

                Please remove it.

                It ruined TW.
                Put the chains on me.

                Also, state your argument... because as far as how I enjoy the zone, once pub kicked the virtual bucket, the zone was already done for. One man's ruin is another's salvation.

                Here's one idea: put Distension up permanently, but only allow 20 people to play it at once. People only jump in when there's a slot, and in the meantime enjoy other parts of the zone while they wait for their happy time. Solution solved.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by gdugwyler View Post
                  Put the chains on me.

                  Also, state your argument... because as far as how I enjoy the zone, once pub kicked the virtual bucket, the zone was already done for. One man's ruin is another's salvation.

                  Here's one idea: put Distension up permanently, but only allow 20 people to play it at once. People only jump in when there's a slot, and in the meantime enjoy other parts of the zone while they wait for their happy time. Solution solved.
                  But dugwyler, what if I dont want to play zombies hosted by charis <ER> for the 187th time this week?
                  Cheese!> 13 in base is enough for a 7v7


                  • #24
                    who is charis?? and why dont they host events that havent been over-hosted for YEARS?


                    • #25
                      Distension isn't killing a damn thing

                      This game has been dying for years

                      Look at the population graphs

                      It's 2D in a 3D world
                      Vehicle> ?help Will the division's be decided as well today?
                      Message has been sent to online moderators
                      2:BLeeN> veh yes
                      2:Vehicle> (Overstrand)>no
                      2:BLeeN> ok then no
                      :Overstrand:2:Bleen> veh yes
                      (Overstrand)>oh...then yes


                      • #26
                        It's 2D in a 3D world
                        Really, though, isn't there something comforting about a 2D game? It's so much easier to pay attention to... you can see everything that you need to all at once, rather than having to focus on different angles. There's nothing wrong with 3D games, but 3D everything is just goddamn boring... a good example: look what they did to Fallout 3. It's an okay game, sure... but it's hardly tactically interesting. You're actually inside the world rather than controlling little figures in it. With figure control, you're divorced from the action, and also from moral repercussions; slaughtering everyone in a town for sport can be a real joy, and as you maneuver your pieces you can plan out how you'll make it all work. Instead you're left with a good FPS that's no more tactically interesting than Wolfenstein 3D. The sad part is, that's what everyone'd prefer. I can't play a videogame longer than 10 hours anymore without getting intensely bored with it. For most, it's about 5 minutes.

                        SS, and in particular, TW, is different. I'm still able to play it and enjoy this game in spurts after 10 years. What I wanted to do with Distension is to take a game I loved and give myself and others a reason to play it for more than 20 minutes at a time. Events are great, but really are just a distraction from pub. Elim and leagues are fine, but you don't get much casual playtime in. To be frank, Distension is for people who think pub is the best part of the zone -- the heart, as I do -- but have gotten a bit bored of it and want to deal with something more complex and lasting. This does take away people who would otherwise just be idly playing events or engaging in DDs because there's nothing else better to do than to try to get in to TWL. (No real disrespect to those who want to get into TWL, but I've just never seen the appeal.) It's geared toward part of the population that's been leaving our zone more and more, and picking up those who are interested in leagues and so forth because it's enjoyable. It's a style of play that, while not without pressure, is casual enough that you can play it for long periods of time and enjoy it throughout. That's the idea. I don't think you can really say that about more intense, competition-oriented parts of the zone such as elim, tourny, or leagues. It's just a place for people to go and enjoy themselves for a few hours, and I really think it is getting back to the heart of what our zone is all about: just having a good time.

                        Having a rank 40 internet jav is not really the point. I've tried to make it so that there's not an absolutely massive difference between the early players and the late (it used to be much, much worse!), but unfortunately that's not always worked out. I'm taking steps to make it easier for new players to compete: those who haven't played much that day have an advantage over others in terms of getting a slot first; I'll be adjusting the high RP cap so that new players earn more for killing high-rankers; I'll also give bonuses to those who didn't get a chance to play much the day before, or in the last week. While it won't always work perfectly (some players will always have an advantage) new players will eventually have an easier time of it.

                        As for taking over other parts of the zone, those waiting in line will soon have the option of going elsewhere while they wait for their slot. Furthermore, anyone coming in between rounds with low playtime will soon be able to bump players currently in the game, making it easier than ever for new players to get a shot at the action. This will upset the people who haven't played much, but that can be remedied by keeping the game going a little longer... which, eventually, will lead to Distension becoming less of a novelty and more of a mainstay, allowing players to step away from it and check out other parts of the zone while they wait for others to get a shot at playing...


                        • #27
                          Listen as much as people appreciate the work you did on Distension you as the game creator are pushing this way too zealously. Keeping the game on longer isn't going to make things better, or having a queue where you can leave the arena and go play other games while waiting to get in isn't going to make things better. If anything hosts will be even more pissed off and competition in other events will just dwindle even further as people leave to take slots who were playing the event.

                          There is a rift in TW between people who think Distension is the savior of this game, and people who think that Distension is killing this game. I thought about ways to make it more of a middle ground, having in-game distension based squads, getting more rp for being a part of the squad, getting more rp for being an assistant/cap of a squad, having squad duels where each squad is on one of the teams in distension and having the winner be the squad with the most kills after 10 minutes. At least this way it gets newer players involved in the intricacies of being involved in a squad in TW.

                          However the move I have thought about I see that this isn't going to be an actual possibility. Soon we are really going to have to sit down as a zone and discuss what is better for the game. Either we pull out all the stops and literally let Distension become the primary focus of this game, or we pull the plug on it and give it a limited amount of time to be hosted during the week, such as a maximum of two hours a day non peak times. Whenever distension is on, hosting is down, wbduel, base, javduel, and all these other events population is down. TWL/TWD style events can't peacefully coincide with Distension as it is hosted now.

                          Now like I said before I understand how many hours, and how much work have gone into this game but you are being oblivious to the fact that much more time, energy, and effort has been devoted into making sure TWL/TWD and similar events are THE primary events in TW. You can sit here and go by pure numbers if you would like.. maybe more people do log on to play distension and maybe the zones numbers are up, but at the price of taking away the reason why some of this zones longest playing members, and most respected and revered players log on.. to play TWD style games. Don't think this isn't happening either, if you take a listen to the populace who plays elims and wbduels they will tell you they hate it when Distension is on. And I personally would have to agree with them as someone who thinks that TWL should be TW's main draw and concern.

                          Distension can't and shouldn't be the reason people play this game, if it comes down to it and Distension is the only reason people log on then I know my time, and many other players time on this game has come to an end. It wouldn't even be TW anymore if this happened, and I personally would rather see this zone die out completely as it is, than to be twisted and mutated into something it isn't to make it last another few short years.

                          -- Wark.
                          Rabble Rabble Rabble


                          • #28
                            lol I didn't read any of those books you two just wrote, but allow me to say that distension has its good and bads. And to say that it is all bad is completely bitchslapping dugwyler. I mean think of how long it took to make it.
                            4:BigKing> xD
                            4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                            4:BigKing> what did i do???
                            4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                            4:BigKing> ???? why though
                            4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                            4:BigKing> xD


                            • #29
                              How long did elim, wbduel, javduel, base, twd, twl, publics, 1000's of hosted events take the make, you could say gdugwyler is bitch slapping those hundreds of players in the face.
                              Rabble Rabble Rabble


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by kthx View Post
                                Now like I said before I understand how many hours, and how much work have gone into this game but you are being oblivious to the fact that much more time, energy, and effort has been devoted into making sure TWL/TWD and similar events are THE primary events in TW.
                                wark's point.

                                kill dist, because twl is better, even if less ppl are interested.
                                because he said so.

                                also wark, distension has probably taken longer to make then all the other automated events combined.
                                The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                                SSCJ Distension Owner
                                SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                                Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.

