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  • #91
    Originally posted by Zeebu View Post
    dank, the more you talk, the more thankful i am that you do not make any decisions on running the zone
    well don't be, because from what i've gathered, a good many don't think so differently from me.

    i'm actually glad you've been derailed to attacking me instead of distension, maybe i've actually done some damage control.
    .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
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    • #92
      Originally posted by DankNuggets View Post
      You feel you need to camp, because you're still under the impression that W:L matters, or that you have to play it like a ?go base game. I'm not going to argue basing theory or any crap like that, but I have a similar level spider, and I do not camp. Quite frankly, I feel that you're being selfish by doing that, and don't care about helping your team do things like kill enemy terrs or capture the flag. Not that killing enemies isn't helping, but to say that's the only thing you can do is just stupid.

      Basically you're just playing not to enjoy the game, but to have the highest ranked ship. What can I say, maybe you are doing it wrong. But hey, if the reason why you log into this game isn't to do things like level up, then why play distension? It's not the only part of TW, why not help some of these other people find dds or play some ?go base. Somebody's got to wait there until there's enough people.

      If all you want is elimination style play, or level teams with ship restricions, then you're not going to enjoy distension, I'm sorry. I'm glad you've given it enough time to make an educated decision though, something that not a lot of detracters are willing to do.

      ship doesn't explode after one hit? i'd suggest playing something other than wb... it's nothing like chaos zone, but if you want people to leave TW, keep showing them the door.
      Afterall, we know as a fact that research shows it's easier to just get new people to come to the zone than to keep the people you have. Proven axiom of business. [/sarcasm]
      I am not sure if you were able to comprehend my point. Allow me to elaborate.

      The reason why camping is the most used tactic I do is because my ship is extremely slow and powerless. Camping is the fastest way to receive kills which in turn gives me experience for levels.

      I suppose I play(ed) it for the sole reason of having a high rank. I am competitive in this game. I do not feel the need to discuss this further.

      The whole thing about chaos zone is that it differs in ship settings, as Distension is with TW settings. You can throw in whichever zone you like, everything servers under the same point I try to make.


      • #93
        Originally posted by DankNuggets View Post
        well don't be, because from what i've gathered, a good many don't think so differently from me.

        i'm actually glad you've been derailed to attacking me instead of distension, maybe i've actually done some damage control.
        im attacking you now because youve resorted to trying to change the zone i have 10 years invested in. you are trying to change the very basics of the zone i have been a part of for 10 years... and then youre telling me to "get with the times" or some bullshit.

        can you tell me this:
        is there a reason you dont want distension to be removed from TW altogether? if it can do what youre saying, it has a big enough following to make it a zone. by all means please do that. dont make this sort of change to the zone that ive been a part of for so long

        1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


        • #94
          Originally posted by Jones View Post
          I am not sure if you were able to comprehend my point. Allow me to elaborate.

          The reason why camping is the most used tactic I do is because my ship is extremely slow and powerless. Camping is the fastest way to receive kills which in turn gives me experience for levels.

          I suppose I play(ed) it for the sole reason of having a high rank. I am competitive in this game. I do not feel the need to discuss this further.

          The whole thing about chaos zone is that it differs in ship settings, as Distension is with TW settings. You can throw in whichever zone you like, everything servers under the same point I try to make.
          i comprehended it, but to be sure, I'm not attacking it per se. I think you acknowldged that I comprehended it by agreeing that we play it for different reasons, and you don't need to defend them to me. I think they're a valid reason to play, but that type of play doesn't lend itself to distension.

          Ship speed is really easy to upgrade, and there's no reason to be "slow" at rank 11.

          Once again I'm not attacking you for camping, but realize that that's not the most rewarding way to play distension, it makes into a straight RP grind.

          I understand the point about Chaos Zone having different settings, but I think it's unfair to compare the experience, as I hope you will agree they're not the same at all (or with the other zones).
          .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
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          • #95
            Originally posted by DankNuggets View Post
            I understand the point about Chaos Zone having different settings, but I think it's unfair to compare the experience, as I hope you will agree they're not the same at all (or with the other zones).
            this is why we should all give distension the respect it deserves and give it its own zone.

            1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


            • #96
              DankNuggets is spectating this forum 24/7 in case someone engaged distension. I must assume this is an arena of his life.

              In conclusion DankNuggets is stupid.
              2:blood> i think vt is a terrible player to be honest
              2:vt> what makes you think i am terrible
              2:blood> irrefutable empirical evidence


              • #97
                Originally posted by Zeebu View Post
                im attacking you now because youve resorted to trying to change the zone i have 10 years invested in. you are trying to change the very basics of the zone i have been a part of for 10 years... and then youre telling me to "get with the times" or some bullshit.

                can you tell me this:
                is there a reason you dont want distension to be removed from TW altogether? if it can do what youre saying, it has a big enough following to make it a zone. by all means please do that. dont make this sort of change to the zone that ive been a part of for so long
                1st off: congratulations, you've reached rock bottom if all your argument consists of is "don't change the game i've been playing for 10 years". You've managed to change the situation from us coexisting peacefully, to us changing the game (which changes quite frequently, i'm not sure which changes you think are OK, and which aren't). This isn't the only situation, and I now think you guys are escalating this more than I am. Remember what I've been pushing for the entire time, it tends to get lost:

                "Distension ran 24/7 as an arena visable in the esc+a list. The arena limit would be 50, allowing 40 people to play, and 10 to wait in the queue or just watch. Players would be limited to 2 hours (or 3 or 4 or w/e) of playing time in distension per day."

                If asking for one arena that at max could hold 50 people is changing YOUR game too much, then I think you are mistaken. How is that changing the basics of the game. Quit putting other people's suggestions with mine, and then attacking them like I came up with them. If you have the same convictions against the what I've suggested in red above, then we've reached a point where we've drawn a line in the sand that neither one of us is going to cross. I think that's pretty damn fair, and I'm not going to concede the playing time of people who like what I like, just to get one more forum user to cross to my side of the line.

                2nd: Yes there's a reason that I don't want it to be it's own zone. There's a few. The first one being that I don't want to see TW lose any more players. Say what you want about it's amazing ability to keep people coming back, but you can't deny that making distension it's own zone would seriously impact TW's population. It could lower it to the point where purepub never runs, nor base, nor elim. Also, it would be bad for distension, as it would eventually loose players (like all zones, TW included) and then both zones would have lost players for nothing.

                Don't advocate for Trenchwars as a zone, by suggesting to remove a consistant 40-60 from it. Hopefully you aren't serious.
                .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
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                • #98
                  Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
                  If you want to work on growth of the zone (and not just the Distension playerbase), then you and roxxkat should put your heads together and focus on fixing pub, while staff works on making Distension stable.
                  why the fuck would we waste our time improving something when idiots like you will constantly bitch about it?

                  sound familiar?
                  The above text is a personal opinion of an individual and is not representative of the statements or opinions of Trench Wars or Trench Wars staff.

                  SSCJ Distension Owner
                  SSCU Trench Wars Developer

                  Last edited by Shaddowknight; Today at 05:49 AM. Reason: Much racism. So hate. Such ban. Wow.


                  • #99
                    Make it its own zone, people might leave for a week or two but they would get bored with it.

                    Shouldn't be hard to do a help call in EG with

                    It might have already been done actually.

                    They might even know how popular it is and that a bunch of TW newbies would go over there if they did it 24/7.

                    Who knows, the world is a crazy place.
                    Rabble Rabble Rabble


                    • Originally posted by kthx View Post
                      Make it its own zone, people might leave for a week or two but they would get bored with it.

                      Shouldn't be hard to do a help call in EG with

                      It might have already been done actually.

                      They might even know how popular it is and that a bunch of TW newbies would go over there if they did it 24/7.

                      Who knows, the world is a crazy place.
                      I'm no expert, but i thought they used ASSS instead of twcore.
                      Also, please keep trying to split everyone up, it just reaffirms my belief that you won't be content until this zone consists of 4 TWLD squads planning times to come online and dd and do nothing else.
                      .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                      .ffffff|ff __fffff|


                      • Originally posted by Dank
                        FTR, I don't want it on sundays and never have. you say you're just explaining why people don't want it on sundays, but HMS is pretty much the only person who wants it on sundays, and that's out of the principle of sticking to a schedule more than "getting 2 more hours of rpg points for my spaceship".
                        I'm explaining why it shouldn't interfere with TWL period and the most recent example is the sunday issue. It's not like I'm just saying it over and over to be a broken record, it's because I keep seeing " TWL Players are only mad because Distension is popular and TWL is old and boring" , or variations of that. I'm trying to repeatedly say that no, it's not because X number of people like Distension or anything like that, it's because the event still has bugs and TWL has been around longer, so TWL shouldn't have it's schedule changed because certain people want to play Distension.

                        If Distension is the only reason you log into TW, and you've repeatedly said that, then what's the point of you even acting like it's a bad thing that Wark and others are taking issue simply because they favor TWL more? You're doing the exact same thing, from the opposite side. The only reason you care is because of Distension, you don't really care about TWL. They care about TWL, and not Distension. Why act like they're being selfish when you're doing the same thing? You get dramatic about Distension and yet get upset when Wark pulls a quote supporting his opinion about TWL being a driving force in TW? Why?

                        It just seems silly for you to get so up in arms and mad at wark or Zeebu when you're doing the exact same thing you're slamming them for.

                        And believe me LB, I don't think it's anything more than a fun way to play continuum. Evidenced by the fact that I haven't played since Friday. Not just because of the shitty schedule, but because there are other things to do. Please don't belittle my attempts to defend this game by making me out to be some sort of hopelessly addicted distenion(whateveryouwanttocallpeoplewhoplayit), because that's really a low blow more up wark's alley. I'd assume you'd defend anything you felt was getting a bad rep too.
                        Chief, chill the fuck out. I'm not wark or HTF, I don't need to go out of my way to rile people up and I don't go out of my way to slam them needlessly. Even if I don't like the person, if we agree on something I agree with them, it's that simple. If we don't we don't, and as long as they stay civil I stay civil. I'm not trying to page you as a desperate distension player, I just see you freaking out over the game over and over and acting like anyone who disagrees with you is attacking you- it just seems bizarre to me.

                        So I'm not trying to belittle you or ruin your day, chill homie. I'm just discussing the game and trying to give my input on how it can be helped.

                        Originally posted by nub
                        why the fuck would we waste our time improving something when idiots like you will constantly bitch about it?

                        sound familiar?
                        this is exactly why I said before that you're a useless tool that jacks off to distension. You care so much about it and snap at anyone remotely in disagreement that it's the best thing ever, and continue to pump out useless posts. You aren't even on the level of nub, and it's the weak attitude that you have that has helped stall this game for so long.
                        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                        • less talk, more cowbell.
                          4:BigKing> xD
                          4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                          4:BigKing> what did i do???
                          4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                          4:BigKing> ???? why though
                          4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                          4:BigKing> xD


                          • Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
                            I'm explaining why it shouldn't interfere with TWL period and the most recent example is the sunday issue. It's not like I'm just saying it over and over to be a broken record, it's because I keep seeing " TWL Players are only mad because Distension is popular and TWL is old and boring" , or variations of that. I'm trying to repeatedly say that no, it's not because X number of people like Distension or anything like that, it's because the event still has bugs and TWL has been around longer, so TWL shouldn't have it's schedule changed because certain people want to play Distension.
                            Ok, so you're ONLY point then is that it shouldn't interfere with TWL? In that case, what would be the problem with running it 24/6? Why not suggest something like that instead of being the broken record you claim not to be. Believe me, this like the 4th or 5th time I've tried to explain to you that we are in agreement with it not being hosted on Sunday, but everytime I get some reply like the one above. Just say you agree with me if that's the case, instead of responding to me like you don't.

                            And FTR, most of the people so against distenson don't seem to share your belief that of "it's not because X number of people like Distension or anything like that, it's because the event still has bugs and TWL has been around longer, so TWL shouldn't have it's schedule changed because certain people want to play Distension."

                            If that was the case, the discussion would have ended with "No distension during TWL." Nowhere has it EVER been suggested to change the TWL schedule. Who told you this? Where have you read this? This is a blatant example of why I'm constantly posting damage control. You post a statement like this as if it's actually being considered. Now I have to come on and perform some sort of retraction so 10 other idiots don't quote it as truth.

                            Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
                            If Distension is the only reason you log into TW, and you've repeatedly said that, then what's the point of you even acting like it's a bad thing that Wark and others are taking issue simply because they favor TWL more? You're doing the exact same thing, from the opposite side. The only reason you care is because of Distension, you don't really care about TWL. They care about TWL, and not Distension. Why act like they're being selfish when you're doing the same thing? You get dramatic about Distension and yet get upset when Wark pulls a quote supporting his opinion about TWL being a driving force in TW? Why?

                            It just seems silly for you to get so up in arms and mad at wark or Zeebu when you're doing the exact same thing you're slamming them for.
                            It's a bad thing because they want to limit distension. I DO NOT WANT TO LIMIT TWL, GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL. This is EXACTLY why it's NOT the same thing. In fact, they've succeeded in limiting it so that I can't play it at all, or at best 2 hrs saturday morning.

                            I don't want TWL to die, I've advocated for more involvement actually. It's no secret that I do not wish to participate in TWL as it is currently run. If it was change to a format we discussed several months ago (i'm not going into it here) then I'd be all for it. You seem to be missing the sentence I've thrown into most of my posts: I see no reason they can't coexist. If you see a reason, I see a solution to the problem.

                            They are being selfish. They've explicitly said they do not wish distension to be played at all, that is selfish. Where have I suggested "the opposite" by suggesting that TWL not be played at all. This is ludicris. You're calling me selfish when I want to compromise so that THEY AREN'T AFFECTED AT ALL, and I'm allowed my measely 2 hrs a day or w/e they eventually go with. It's not the same thing at all, I'm not doing the same thing. I hope you can see this now. I'm not constantly calling for the end of TWL or the restrictions of it. Whether or not I think it's as important to me (not the zone) is irrelevant, because I'm still advocating for it even though I don't play it or enjoy it.

                            Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
                            Chief, chill the fuck out. I'm not wark or HTF, I don't need to go out of my way to rile people up and I don't go out of my way to slam them needlessly. Even if I don't like the person, if we agree on something I agree with them, it's that simple. If we don't we don't, and as long as they stay civil I stay civil. I'm not trying to page you as a desperate distension player, I just see you freaking out over the game over and over and acting like anyone who disagrees with you is attacking you- it just seems bizarre to me.
                            so now I'm freaking out. I'm glad I've got someone who knows me to realize that I've actually freaked out. Because here I thought I was defending something that's being vilified and oppressed because I enjoy it. Really, it's not freaking out, it's called standing up for what you believe in. I won't freak out at all. If they decide to cancel distension permanently, then I might freak out, but most likely I'll just quit and go back to normal everyday life. And I definitely wouldn't call that freaking out.

                            Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
                            So I'm not trying to belittle you or ruin your day, chill homie. I'm just discussing the game and trying to give my input on how it can be helped.
                            Then why not advocate a compromise like I'm doing? Or is the only way to help the "game" to end distension? You're standing in line with wark and HTF there. Maybe all you want is for it not to be on Sundays, but you've done very little to say when you DO want it on.
                            .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
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                            • this is exactly why I said before that you're a useless tool that jacks off to distension.

                              this is exactly why I said before that you're a useless tool that jacks off to distension.

                              this is exactly why I said before that you're a useless tool that jacks off to distension.

                              this is exactly why I said before that you're a useless tool that jacks off to distension.

                              Originally posted by DankNuggets View Post
                              Fap Fap Fap
                              Rabble Rabble Rabble


                              • Originally posted by kthx View Post

                                player a: i like distension


                                player b: hey dank, let's go play distension


                                player c: hey dank, did you here that after TWL is over it's gonna be 24/7 ?

                                8==============> ~~~~

                                you got me, fair and square.
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