idea for qan:
problem: lots of people hate terrs emp, especially since some people play nothing but terr and spam !emp every 5 minutes, and bot prizes 3-5 depletes, which is too many
problem: shield times on all ships except wb are really shitty, and the ops skill to use shields for 1 person costs half of 20 minutes, and whole team costs whole round to use, which is then gone in <5 seconds
solution: jack up shields time on all ships, especially terr, which u jack up twice as much, then move terr !emp to a late game ops skill, and replace that skill with a !gimmeshields, which only prizes shields to that terr, which last a long time, which u can optionally extend into multiple levels that shield all terrs, then whole team
solution: change ops shields skill to be way cheaper for nonterr ships, then add another level which does all terrs, then whole team
problem: lots of people hate terrs emp, especially since some people play nothing but terr and spam !emp every 5 minutes, and bot prizes 3-5 depletes, which is too many
problem: shield times on all ships except wb are really shitty, and the ops skill to use shields for 1 person costs half of 20 minutes, and whole team costs whole round to use, which is then gone in <5 seconds
solution: jack up shields time on all ships, especially terr, which u jack up twice as much, then move terr !emp to a late game ops skill, and replace that skill with a !gimmeshields, which only prizes shields to that terr, which last a long time, which u can optionally extend into multiple levels that shield all terrs, then whole team
solution: change ops shields skill to be way cheaper for nonterr ships, then add another level which does all terrs, then whole team