Originally posted by Benno
The only one who tried to hide was thix, to which everyone else said not to as with under a minute to play we'd probably still win. Since he was terr, anyone who attached to him in the last SIXTY SECONDS would appear to be hiding as well, but were not. I think the concept of hiding is a little vague as "purposly" entering base (w/o a terr) cautiously, taking side routes and not rushing into mines is considered hiding. When the game is close and your terr goes off to wank, is the only option suiciding a well fortified main tube?
The only one who tried to hide was thix, to which everyone else said not to as with under a minute to play we'd probably still win. Since he was terr, anyone who attached to him in the last SIXTY SECONDS would appear to be hiding as well, but were not. I think the concept of hiding is a little vague as "purposly" entering base (w/o a terr) cautiously, taking side routes and not rushing into mines is considered hiding. When the game is close and your terr goes off to wank, is the only option suiciding a well fortified main tube?
Originally posted by Kings
It may not have been everyone who ran off but since it was TEAm Juice, i blame everyone on Juice for that.
It may not have been everyone who ran off but since it was TEAm Juice, i blame everyone on Juice for that.