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  • #61
    it's a game.. and the TWL ops are doing things for you FOR FREE..
    stop arguing and just play. if you don't like the rules, then don't play. that's not really hard to do.
    1 + 1 = 1


    • #62
      Originally posted by Nethila
      it's a game.. and the TWL ops are doing things for you FOR FREE..
      stop arguing and just play. if you don't like the rules, then don't play. that's not really hard to do.
      what a predictable thing to say. please stfu and quit patronizing you little chickenshit. we are having a discussion on a particular topic, trying to beter the game, and you come in here and say the nerdiest thing possible.

      what a cool thing to say "if you dont like the rules then dont play" rofl. you were probably that kid in elementary school who took his ball and went home if they didnt follow your rules.


      • #63
        sk8 beat you, they must be better than you. we beat sk8, we must be better than sk8. therefor, head to head be damned, we must be better than you.
        Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
        Philos> there is something about you
        Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

        PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


        • #64
          During the eurocup finals, and the 4th of July, may i add.
          Phiz> I probably am gay
          Phiz> I just haven't realized it yet


          • #65
            Yeah I think I'm done with the flaming NEMO, hope you are too. On to resolving this problem. From what I've seen as an attempt to better TWL, it isn't paying off very much Nemo, I think that the rules are fine how they are. I don't feel like repeating everything everyone has already said. For one, it seems you are the only one supporting head to head, and there is an abundance of others supporting +/-. That's just generally what I see after taking a quick glance over the thread.
            Subspace - Best kept secret in the video gaming world. Let's keep it that way.


            • #66
              not true cc, there are a bunch of rapid members supporting head-to-head.
              and most pirates/grapevine members are supporting the current rules.

              it doesn't matter... let them vent frustration and anger here, they'll get it out of their system sooner or later.


              • #67
                idiocy. quit "glancing" and actually pay attention to the points i make. then look at the points you and your friends try to make. there is no comparison. i will bet you anything that the rules will be changed, because it's what's right and what makes sense. you all support +/- simply because it benefits your current situations. take a look at the facts and the things that my arguments are based on, only then will you realize how dimwitted you are.

                i'd like to hear from pusher himself on this.


                • #68
                  All you're doing is giving your points for your argument(for head to head) and claiming everyone else's arguments are inferior, try being more constructive, less destructive, and understand that your ass smells, and that you should whipe your hinder.
                  Subspace - Best kept secret in the video gaming world. Let's keep it that way.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Crazy Canockout
                    All you're doing is giving your points for your argument(for head to head) and claiming everyone else's arguments are inferior
                    yes that is pretty much what i am doing. the thing is, you don't really have any arguments lol. so there's not really much to claim inferior.

                    the truth.


                    • #70
                      Come on, a forfeit win is 50-25 not 50-0. ReAd ThE fUcKiNg RuLeS!
                      6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                      Originally posted by Dreamwin
                      3 league vet


                      • #71
                        nemo is right 100%, it should be head to head...just like in all major sports, granted ss is not a sport but still. playing against shitty teams and pounding on them during reg season should not be the deciding factor whether a squad gets into playoffs over another squad.
                        Siege TWLD Season 3 & 4
                        Light TWLB Season 5
                        Syndicate TWLD & TWLJ Season 7
                        Syndicate TWLJ Season 9


                        • #72
                          Sorry, I lied

                          Yeah I said that I would be outta of this thread, but trust me this is very interesting. First one I would like to say that, there's nothing to do now. yea yea we lost to 4 squads we should have win em so we could make it 100% to playoffs, but HEY we didn't win so we only have a very small chance now.

                          Awesome you can't really compare squads that you won and that we won, because the fit of the day is a really big thing here.

                          When I saw Nickname's Ateam vs. Bteam conversation thing, I laughed because I think that's just almost the same what happened to us(Rapid).

                          But hey, we still have 1 week to play, and we can still make it in playoffs. And trust me Im gonna be there and fight for the win. If we don't get in playoffs, that's pity but atleast we did fight till the END. And I can only be proud of my team=(Rapid).
                          revolt> my girl
                          Golden_Aim> nice lips, i bet she gives u awesome blowjobs
                          Metal Headz> she looks good for bjs
                          Golden_Aim> LOL MHZ
                          Metal Headz> ROFL

                          1:kesser> MENTION ME
                          1:kesser> MOST KILLS

                          kess is homo


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Randedl
                            sk8 beat you, they must be better than you. we beat sk8, we must be better than sk8. therefor, head to head be damned, we must be better than you.
                            Randedl.. Ive never liked you.. but what you jsut stated is the stupidest shit that anyone has ever spoken.. We beat you.. you cant just say you beat sk8 so we beat you.. no its now how it happens. We creamed you k thx. im not argueing about shit but still i want the fact that when took our little penises out and bent over grapevine and anal raped them. Your in leagues with us but Rapid totally stuck penis's in pirates/ grapvines and a few others.. we also like to recieve it.

                            Originally posted by Crazy Canockout
                            All you're doing is giving your points for your argument(for head to head) and claiming everyone else's arguments are inferior, try being more constructive, less destructive, and understand that your ass smells, and that you should whipe your hinder.
                            seriously.. crazy canockout you are just fulfilling every stereotype about canadians. all your jokes are about shit and ass's.. lol and your a nerd. gg -nt- god this topic added +10 to my post i guess im a nerd too. but not as much as awesome 4000+ posts.. that what he does for a hobby.. seriously tho i like everyone on pirates/gv cept 2 of the captains.. gl to you guys.. no arguements coming from ol piston..

                            still my challenge lies on the table and you will be famous "RAPID VS ?" FOR A SQUAD DISSOLVE MATCH AND RACE FOR THE LEAGUE. 5v5 mass carnage with intense energy that the universe has never seen.. hosted by the "bad-ass mother fucker" pusher.. and piston and nemo. will be unbanned and the sentance of the banning will be doubled (it can be tripled) and added to sheeps banning.. Its all good. expected all of trenchwars to show it will be better than jerking off to man porn i swear.. and awesome and I do love that dearly.
                            Last edited by Orgazmo; 07-20-2004, 07:41 AM.
                            I AM THE KING OF SUBSPACE AND TRENCHWARS

                            Jz> I'LL EAT YOU ALIVE
                            Jz> FRUITY
                            Piston> stfu u eat cats.
                            Piston> azn boi
                            Jz> cats tastes like shit
                            Jz> dog tastes good tho

                            Orgazmo <3's j00


                            • #74
                              I don't think the problem is the forfeit auto-points, but the fact that squads are even dropping out. Common people, it's not that hard to stay in there. Make sure you have a league worthy team with people that aren't going to bitch at you during the season (no matter how good they are), and generally piss you off, and/or seem like trouble. If you have someone, or people like that, then either a) don't accept the squad invite, or b) don't accept the squad invite. I know how 'cool' it might feel to bring your squad into season, but it's ridiculous for EVERYONE if you drop out.

                              Now these 5v3 things are the same thing. It's not the system's fault, it's the squads that are in it. I suggest everyone read the rules before you start the season, there's really no excuse not to if you're participating in the season, especialy if you're a captain or assistant captain.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Nickname
                                TeamA>We fought like hell to earn our playoff spot, we dug in and won some, we lost some too, but we always did our best.
                                TeamB>well you didn't make it, we got a forfeit win and a nother team only showed 3 guys, so basically two forfeit wins making us +90. Thanks for trying
                                hahaahahahahahah amazing. just understood your ranting.. so true so true nickname u have +2 on ur respect points
                                I AM THE KING OF SUBSPACE AND TRENCHWARS

                                Jz> I'LL EAT YOU ALIVE
                                Jz> FRUITY
                                Piston> stfu u eat cats.
                                Piston> azn boi
                                Jz> cats tastes like shit
                                Jz> dog tastes good tho

                                Orgazmo <3's j00

