To WHom It May Concern;
I, Ephemeral, being of sound mind and body, would like to eschew obfuscation introduced in this thread. Several of those whom posted in the above mentioned thread have called out “Eph” instead of “Epi”. "Epi" is the proper short-hand for Epinephrine and "Eph" is the proper short-hand for Ephemeral.
People have been calling me Eph since before I started playing in TW...
I stopped reading somewhere on page 2. But my point is: I know about the flag jupe, but I have never seen it last that long, what is up with that? Longest I have seen it last is like 10 seconds.
Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
Why can't staff just drop this "We're never wrong, or we never fuck up" attitude, 90% of the uppers gets angry when you try to talk with them, as you are trying to defy the words of a god. Admit a mistake, promise a change and move on.
Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry
5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it
Bram does have a good point, REMATCH FOR DISOBLIGE!! . And also, what people still dont realize is flag jupes are caused by teammates stupidly ramming into mines. And if you fear being repped into a mine than you play it accordingly. You never see top tier squads get the flag juped, Dice, Pandora, -Final-, Spastic. Jupes come from a lack of understanding the game, which puts the onus on Syndicate for not knowing the basing game that well.
Shut up already with ur best squad. Check our game vs dice and they got 30s with a juped flag.
2:Zung> Does this 2h mean 1h56 min foreplay & 3 pushes & a stare?
2:renzi> lol no
2:renzi> would fuck, blowjob/handjob, fuck, finger, etc
Just cause I was probably too harsh in my last post --I can't speak on behalf of Syndicate but I know I'd be satisfied if there was more communication between TWL ops and TWL participants, especially when it comes to appeals. And an official ruling on what denotes a flag jupe, what causes it, good ways to prevent it, etc for everyone to note, would be beneficial to TWL as a whole. As stated before I know what a jupe is and what causes it but that doesn't mean that everyone does. Even if we had our replay I can't foresee Syndicate winning TWLB this season, which might lead some of you to ask why scrutinize TWL ops so? Well what better way to improve the system than to point out obvious mistakes when they're made and try to rectify the problem. With all that said I think TWL op to TWL player communication will be better which is more important than Syndicate getting to play an LB rematch vs Basingcrew, my apologies if I insulted any TWL ops.
1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
3:Best> see it coming
3:Best> sad
Wow it really amuse me when epinephrine says there is no information at all on the forums about flag jupes... Just try the search function and type flag jupe. Yes, 2004 and 2005, rather old... and there are more. Don't come here and say you browse the forums a lot and never saw anything about this because it was in the twl and twd forums. You played last season with pirates, and you played the other seasons in twlb as well. You fairly knew what a jupe was, i am 99% aware of it.
We are a new basing squad and we don't know all the rules of this twl. Give us a win or two, we got owned by the rule that says "If you think something have been handled agaisnt the rule, send an email at"
But anyways, you can't put a rule agaisnt flag jupe because it happens IN GAME and it can happen for both squads. It does not give an unfair advantage to any team WHEN THE GAME STARTS, so therefore, shouldn't be considered any type of cheating. It is rather bad luck induced by the technology you are using to play this game.
Yes i agree, it is fucking sad to lose because of this but you can't replay a game. The only way to fix this would be to recreate a bot.
The only thing I agree on is that there should be some mention of "flag jupe" shit in the TWL rules. That "shit" should just say that it's your own fault for fucking the flag up.
Other than that, I think it's preposterous to be whining about this, especially since it's been COMMON KNOWLEDGE for years now, and every time this has happened, everyone agreed that it's the players responisiblity to avoid fucking the flag up. People usually don't even bother with complaining about jupes, because everyone knows about it and knows it's their own fault. It's easily avoided.
I highly doubt the problem will ever be fixed, so it's best to just learn to deal with it.
I personally found this thread to be hilarious. Nothing like a person that shows up every 3 years to complain about things that he would know not to complain about if he actually paid any attention to the game.
Syndicate would never intentionally jupe a flag to cause a replay, just because you're fat and pathetic doesn't mean that everyone else who plays this game is. Some people actually prefer to win and lose by playskill only and I see syndicate as one of those squads.
They are not even asking for the match to be replayed from what I've read which would be the reason you'd jupe a flag on purpose no?
If you simply restart the game from the point the jupe happened in the same situation it's fair. It's like in MMA, if a fighter is in the ropes hanging half way off the mat they stop the fight, bring them to the center of the fucking arena let the guy who was on top resume his position in the full guard or mounted whichever it was and they continue the fight. Do the same and the problem is solved.
This would be like in a hockey game blaming the guy for hitting the puck to hard and causing it to fly into the stands and stopping the game then. Sorry your team was down in goals and since you hit the puck out of the arena you lose now, you should of known not to hit it that hard.
5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
5:royst> i wish it was calculus
1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something
1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead