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TW Mafia 2020: TIGER KING - Murder, Mayhem, Madness

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  • Thx PC! Good post. I feel these are the two we should probably stick with too. I find it interesting Kass sort of put her own train on M_leo. I also noticed kass was gloating earlier about night kills almost in this tongue and cheek way. I got to watch my gut feelings as I obviously was a complete dum dum when I went for a hardcore train on PF using my gut feeling yesterday. I was TERRIFIED PF was the mafia strongman. I definitely think they have one this game the way these roles modifier abilities have lined up. Now I have this feeling Kass may be the strongman mafia who has done all the night kills and couldn't help but interject a hidden pleasure at the night deaths while trying to relate it to the Vigi kills PF was doing as her talking tiger the night kthx died

    I'm thinking M_leo is a mafia doctor protective role perhaps. This would explain why kass is ok trying a last gasp train on him as a last ditch effort to sway one of us so she can take out zeebu tomorrow night and block zeebu's bulletproof vest tonight for a kill. It would make sense for kass to do this at least.

    I'm not 100% sure. It has been a terrible day today for me sadly and at this stage to even write this post was really hard. So sad whats going on in usa and also having issues elsewhere in these forums. I also allow myself to get too wrapped up in these games and feel really bad about PF and OTI dying as a direct result of myself. (No this is not some hidden scum ploy but the honest truth) If I die / hang or make it to the end you all will see I'm still a green townie. I totally got carried away on that train and refused to listen openly to what PF was saying. I hate being a noobie like that.

    I'm find with kass vote sticking. Halp when is this phase over??


    • Jessup With everything that has been going on in the world, it’s completely understandable to miss something on the read through yesterday. I was pissed about the flip, but it would be lying if I didn’t have a tiny suspicion that I was wrong and PF was the greatest con artist of all time. Whether town wins or loses, I’ve really enjoyed participating in this game with you, my lovely friend family, and the rest of the TW folk (even if it’s been a little frustrating at times ).


      • Thanks for the analysis summary poop. If I've offended you or annoyed you, I apologise. This forum, you must realise, is a breeding ground for boys that were 13-18 years old in 2000, playing a game where in-your-face abuse and insults is the norm, and it just spills out into the forum. It's not very female-friendly at all, and I don't think it ever will be, it's just not that culture here. Characters were born in this game that have no changed or aged in 20 years, and serves as a bit of a socialistic time capsule back to the dawn of playing games on the Internet, where all of this was 100% acceptable.

        Moving on, I'm realising my time is up. But I'd like to take issue with 2 points from yourself, Jessup.

        This 'late train' on Leo, is not a late train at all. I'm fairly sure I've been calling out Leo since Vehicle was still around. I've been trying to get you guys to vote him for a very long time.

        The second is the how am I a mafia strongman? It doesn't make sense. PF knows I have a blocking ability, she says I might be a mafia roleblocker, but I'm a jailer. I tried to jailer N3, for protection as she'd said she was next in lin,e, and at that point I believed her to be a town 2-shot vigi.

        In summary, me or Leo. Other than Leo is scum and I'm not, he's never protected anyone successfully all game. I've had 2 successes out of 2, kthx and PF (if PF hadn't counteracted my ability itself). Tonight is an odd night, u can now jail again, I can keep someone alive, or stop someone from killing. I'm leaning more towards zeebu than yourself poop, so I think the safe choice tonight is to jail either yourself or zeebu after Leo is dead. At least we have options. If someone dies even though I've done this, we know the last scum alive is a strongman.

        If the ordering doesn't matter, at least let me use my utility tonight, Leo can supposedly use his every night.

        I'm annoyed that OTI died, it completely framed me, and she could have verified my jailing attempts. Scum are systematically taking out all power roles that help us prove who each other is.


        • Official vote count:

          Kassius / 4 / Jessup, PoopCat, M_Leohnard, Zeebu
          M_Leohnard / 1 / Kassius

          Phase change in a few hours!


          • Last chance to vote M_Leo Zeebu PoopCat

            I'm good with a flip vote to M_leo as he was claiming doctor and failed not only last phase but all game with this claim while kass has a small chance of remaining town. We still have majority and no roleblockers of our own so even if kass is mafia roleblocker or strongman it doesn't really matter. Likely either myself or poop will die anyways tonight as scum gets one more kill.
            TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
            TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
            TSLD CHAMPION 2018
            TSLB CHAMPION 2018


            • Thanks Jess, not going to happen though.


              • “Goldilocks bitch”

                Kassius / Allen Glover / Mafia Roleblocker is dead.

                Final vote count:

                Kassius / 4 / Jessup, PoopCat, M_Leohnard, Zeebu
                M_Leohnard / 1 / Kassius

                Last edited by Halp; 06-06-2020, 06:09 PM.


                • Begin Night 5
                  Last edited by Halp; 06-06-2020, 06:09 PM.


                  • Oh thank sweet baby Jesus, gg Kassius! Nice work, town! You’re next m_leo ;D


                    • O wow I took a nap. lol kass, GG ! You went down swinging. The effort you kept putting in at the end was making me think scum at this stage would never do that and just give up. lol That kill goes out to PF and OTI. It is all their logic
                      TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                      TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                      TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                      TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                      TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                      TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                      • Set it and forget it

                        1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                        • Halp Anyways we can speed up these phases now once u get the actions sent in halp?
                          TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                          TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                          TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                          TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                          TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                          TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                          • PS. Will mafia please kill me tonight and not Poopcat or Zeebu . They deserve to live since I did train on PF which led to both PF and OTI dying.

                            Joe Fuckin Exotic has spoken to show how much I care for town :wings:
                            TWDT-J CHAMPION POWER 2018
                            TWDT-B CHAMPION POWER 2018
                            TWDT TRIPLE CROWN MEMBER POWER 2018
                            TSL TRIPLE CROWN FINALIST 2018
                            TSLD CHAMPION 2018
                            TSLB CHAMPION 2018


                            • Originally posted by Jessup View Post
                              Halp Anyways we can speed up these phases now once u get the actions sent in halp?

                              Sure can!


                              • “I no longer practice yoga, because it reminds me of Bhagavan.”

                                PoopCat / Barbara Fischer / Town Strong-Willed Alarmist is dead.

                                Begin Day 6
                                Attached Files

