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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    I'm being very chatty this night phase because I genuinely think it's me going. Turns out targetting potential scum with random actions is quite disruptive

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  • Kassius
    Just a summary of my actions for when I go :

    N1 - Targetted Jessup, got 'investigated Jessup but got no clues because they were locked away in solitary'
    N2 - Targetted Scarlet, got 'you successfully Jailed Scarlet', no NightKill occurred
    N3 - Targetted Scarlet (tried to switch to Beast but kthx missed it), got 'Success', Scarlet died (I think I rolled either the mafia kill or leo's serial killer kill)
    N4 - *whistle*

    I've added some colours to the dead players since this post was made :

    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    [5] Sherlock Holmes - Exalt, PartyFalcon, jessup, scarlet, voth
    [3] Jessup - Sherlock Holmes, Zeebu, Kassius
    [3] Beast - WillBy,the_paul, halp
    [3] scarlet - m_leonhard, Vehicle, field
    [1] willby - Beast

    FYI, this was the final D1 votecount as far as I can tell.

    From what I'm seeing, the Sherlock wagon looks pretty pure. Maybe PF is scum, but I'm going to just assume no right now due to my PoE.

    Jessup wagon looks pure too, considering Sherlock flipped town, Kassius full-claimed, and Zeebu could go either way.

    That leaves: Beast/Scarlet/WillBy wagons. Beast votes WillBy no matter what, so I'm striking that one down for now.

    So whose left? Beast/Scarlet wagons.

    Paul flipped Cult and Field came back inno through Voth. Whose left on those wagons?
    If we're all happy that Zeebu is 100% town, and I'm town, then we had no scum against Jessup. If Jessup is scum, that means 2 scum are driving the lynch on Sherlock.

    My brain hurts too much in trying to figure out how either of Exalt or Voth are scum at this stage now after learning some of the flavour from Willby above. I think it all starts with Jessup's removal, though. And with the 3x dead third parties, maybe there was only a 3-man scum team.

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  • Kassius
    I'm being very chatty this night phase because I genuinely think it's me going. Turns out targetting potential scum with random actions is quite disruptive

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  • Kassius
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post

    It does seem like a guard action except in the movie shawshank, a prisoner (the main character, to an extent) breaks into the warden's office and plays sull'aria, which notably had a calming effect on the prison. I dont think it's a "guard" action, and I dont think it's a scum action. Mechanically, stopping a lynch is pretty OP for a scum team, partially because it is a primarily townie role. We had a couple cult members, a SK, and scum. I think this role is too OP for scum, but appropriately powerful for town.
    Oh, OK I really should watch the film again. This info is vital.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    I'm leaning more against Exalt now. Having seen proof in just 'ending the phase' whenever he wants as part of his role, how that aligns with the prisoners in any way is completely beyond me. It must be guards/prison aligned, surely? Exalt do you see my point here?

    Scarlet summarised in one of his posts that field knew that Voth was town. Voth I think you said that Field had your affiliation in his inbox since D1?

    Post #545, Jessup says she was consistently voting Field and Voth in the same bracket. Jessup has the strongest scum lean of all in the game now I think we can all agree. But Exalt then stops the lynch before we can get to Jessup.

    Looking mighty fishy now. Is the right play to go after Jessup + Exalt?

    Zeebu is town. Willby I don't know.
    It does seem like a guard action except in the movie shawshank, a prisoner (the main character, to an extent) breaks into the warden's office and plays sull'aria, which notably had a calming effect on the prison. I dont think it's a "guard" action, and I dont think it's a scum action. Mechanically, stopping a lynch is pretty OP for a scum team, partially because it is a primarily townie role. We had a couple cult members, a SK, and scum. I think this role is too OP for scum, but appropriately powerful for town.

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  • Kassius
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post

    Field said his N1 action was to get Voths role and alignment, and he confirmed what Voth has claimed. Voth said his N1 action was to investigate field. I said it was cute that they targeted each other. I was a little suspicious that they had just town cleared each other, but with field flipping green, its 100%.
    Ah, that's very helpful. Thanks for clarifying Willby. What are your throughts on Exalt/Jessup/Beast?

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  • Jessup
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    I'm leaning more against Exalt now. Having seen proof in just 'ending the phase' whenever he wants as part of his role, how that aligns with the prisoners in any way is completely beyond me. It must be guards/prison aligned, surely? Exalt do you see my point here?

    Scarlet summarised in one of his posts that field knew that Voth was town. Voth I think you said that Field had your affiliation in his inbox since D1?

    Post #545, Jessup says she was consistently voting Field and Voth in the same bracket. Jessup has the strongest scum lean of all in the game now I think we can all agree. But Exalt then stops the lynch before we can get to Jessup.

    Looking mighty fishy now. Is the right play to go after Jessup + Exalt?

    Zeebu is town. Willby I don't know.
    You would say that SCUM. Kass and exalt are mafia, remember this !!!!!!

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  • Kassius
    Originally posted by Zeebu View Post
    did field say something to clear voth or did voth say that field cleared him?
    You're right - Voth investigated Field and Field came up innocent according to Voth.

    It doesn't make sense that Voth would be declaring that as scum to stop a potential lynch on Field.

    I can't see Voth & Exalt being aligned in this game.

    Perhaps Exalt jumped to confirm me as town super-early to get townie cred? Knowing that it would be likely I'd be inclined to trust Exalt as 'having my back' in the wildcard reveal debacle?

    Beast is still alive lol.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Zeebu View Post
    did field say something to clear voth or did voth say that field cleared him?
    Field said his N1 action was to get Voths role and alignment, and he confirmed what Voth has claimed. Voth said his N1 action was to investigate field. I said it was cute that they targeted each other. I was a little suspicious that they had just town cleared each other, but with field flipping green, its 100%.

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  • Zeebu
    did field say something to clear voth or did voth say that field cleared him?

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  • Kassius
    I'm leaning more against Exalt now. Having seen proof in just 'ending the phase' whenever he wants as part of his role, how that aligns with the prisoners in any way is completely beyond me. It must be guards/prison aligned, surely? Exalt do you see my point here?

    Scarlet summarised in one of his posts that field knew that Voth was town. Voth I think you said that Field had your affiliation in his inbox since D1?

    Post #545, Jessup says she was consistently voting Field and Voth in the same bracket. Jessup has the strongest scum lean of all in the game now I think we can all agree. But Exalt then stops the lynch before we can get to Jessup.

    Looking mighty fishy now. Is the right play to go after Jessup + Exalt?

    Zeebu is town. Willby I don't know.

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  • Kassius
    Oh, I thought you meant that 'I don't care'. The structure of your post was ambiguous. Assuming you mean I'm 'clearly not scum' then?

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  • Kassius
    Originally posted by Voth View Post

    If you're town, why do you care? The game will be over if Exalt is scum. Because Kassius clearly is not with these results.
    Please tell me how you've arrived at this conclusion?

    Not the conclusion I'd have arrived at if the first post by that person was this :

    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    Oh fuck me that turned out well.

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  • Exalt
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    Exalt just curious why you agreed to end phase while Jessup was going to be lynched?
    Because people like Voth pissed me off, plus I figured since PF and mleo would be modkilled anyway, it's best to make them flip first.

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  • Kassius
    Exalt just curious why you agreed to end phase while Jessup was going to be lynched?

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