Originally posted by Jessup
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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within
Originally posted by Kassius View PostKassius
Going to target Jessup tonight.
PS. KAssius.. where is our town cop you promised was out there with your bs wildcard claim?? hahahah scummer trying hard to do last throws by jailing me. You realize if I am jailed and a kill happens still you are caught kass? loool
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Just going to have to wait to see who dies tonight and whether it affects thoughts for the rest of the game.
I suggest we all put our town/scum reads in play before change of phase to this end, rather than second-guessing a dead person's reads. Not sure how useful mine are but here goes:
Scum :
Not Sure (scum lean):
Beast - Won't roleclaim, got a fail against me one of the nights but won't say what he tried to do.
Not Sure (town lean)
Exalt - I can't get my head around ending the phase with Jessup on the block. It makes no sense to me. Unless he wanted to force through the deaths of leo and PF on the balance of probability that they were inactive scum.
Willby - Still a bit hungover from D2 fighting it out with him, but has genuinely helped me with some useful flavour/balance info in the last couple of pages.
Town :
Voth - from Field
Zeebu - confirmed his alignment via role to Willby/Voth IIRC?
Going to target Jessup tonight.
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Originally posted by Halp View PostIt seems fairly obvious to me what the situation with kassius and exalt is. I’m not sure why scarlet, arguably the most advanced player here, is using shitlogic to throw shade. This is TW forum mafia, the only time a coordinated scum claim like the type scarlet is suggesting of kassius and exalt happens here on D2 is in theory, and it never ends up being more than that. Maybe we’re witnessing the evolution of TW forum mafia unravel before our eyes, but I’m more inclined to believe both of them and use said information to find scum.
Exalt and Kassius are now my strongest town reads, and it’s hard to not get scum vibes from anyone throwing shade in their direction.
ill leave my vote on beast for now, but Willby is also not making a lot of sense under pressure, and I’d definitely move in that direction if/when appropriate.
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Originally posted by Zeebu View Postin a balance sense, i tend to agree that having a scum aligned person that can stop a vote is pretty overpowered. it would be tough to swallow having kthx give that ability to scum, even if it was a one time use.
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Love these people saying there is only one scum is left lol.. the scum is deep
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Originally posted by Voth View Post7 players remain. I think it's just one scum team member left. Break it down:
1 town NK tonight, we have 6 remaining.
Tomorrow, lynch Jessup. If he's scum, game over. If he's town, 5 remain going into the night.
1 town NK next night, 4 remain (including one scum).
This day is the big one. What players are left after the two night kills will dictate how likely we are to win.
I can't help but point out that if Exalt is town, his hissy fit really fucked us. He let us get through a day without lynching anyone (when the player he says is 100% scum is leading the vote). What a waste. If he let Jessup get lynched, we might have won the game right already if Jessup is indeed scum.
Now, we have to address Jessup AGAIN next day phase and what's the difference? Two inactives who were about to be modkilled anyway and a dead townie that didn't need to die before we had a chance to lynch someone. Now the water is muddy still and all we did was allow scum to kill one of us for free without us learning anything besides what we would have already learned (the incoming modkills).
I see a really simple route for the remaining scum to capitalize on the situation Exalt put us in (if he's town) and really actually give themselves a chance to win. I won't elaborate to give them ideas, but it's fairly obvious.
this is my recommendation to the scum team. It's a really hard draw though, especially if exalt does have a BP vest
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in a balance sense, i tend to agree that having a scum aligned person that can stop a vote is pretty overpowered. it would be tough to swallow having kthx give that ability to scum, even if it was a one time use.
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Originally posted by Voth View Post7 players remain. I think it's just one scum team member left. Break it down:
1 town NK tonight, we have 6 remaining.
Tomorrow, lynch Jessup. If he's scum, game over. If he's town, 5 remain going into the night.
1 town NK next night, 4 remain (including one scum).
This day is the big one. What players are left after the two night kills will dictate how likely we are to win.
I can't help but point out that if Exalt is town, his hissy fit really fucked us. He let us get through a day without lynching anyone (when the player he says is 100% scum is leading the vote). What a waste. If he let Jessup get lynched, we might have won the game right already if Jessup is indeed scum.
Now, we have to address Jessup AGAIN next day phase and what's the difference? Two inactives who were about to be modkilled anyway and a dead townie that didn't need to die before we had a chance to lynch someone. Now the water is muddy still and all we did was allow scum to kill one of us for free without us learning anything besides what we would have already learned (the incoming modkills).
I see a really simple route for the remaining scum to capitalize on the situation Exalt put us in (if he's town) and really actually give themselves a chance to win. I won't elaborate to give them ideas, but it's fairly obvious.
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Originally posted by Kassius View Post
Ah, that's very helpful. Thanks for clarifying Willby. What are your throughts on Exalt/Jessup/Beast?
Jessup has done nothing useful. Let's ignore for a second the fake-doctor claim. I cant find the exact vote count at phase change, but from a brief swim around D1. She held on to her vote and avoided contributing, probably to avoid the natural jessup D1 train. Oh wait, it still happened. She only avoided a D1 lynch by claiming doctor, a role we couldn't afford to randomly lynch. For what it's worth, scarlet gave jessup a townread. From there, jessup sided as hard as possible with Halp in the Voth vs Halp spectacle D3. Shes thrown shade at everyone- last phase it was Voth (who is now confirmed) then it was zeebu, now she just has exalt, beast, kassius and I.
Now to the doctor claim. No part of this adds up. You claimed jessup was jailed N1- THEN jessup said she didnt take an action, because she didnt think anyone was townie enough to be worth protecting. I can almost dismiss this as jessup level logic, except she then protected herself N2. Doctor should always protect the highest value night kill target, which after D1 was supposedly jessup. Why wouldnt she protect herself N1? All of a sudden it's an x-shot action? I'd still think youd want to protect yourself N1... finally, she claimed to protect field N3, but he still died. Then she became a naive doctor, or a doctor that kills their patients. Except this didnt happen N2... nevermind the fact that the mafia clearly had motive to kill field N3- a motive they never felt the need in regards to jessup.
In summary, jessup is either lying, or literally the worst doctor ever. She has not only avoided protecting players (herself included) but she has actively ignored logic to join scum trains and she has given such shitty reasoning behind all her actions that there is no reason to think her town.
Beast is still useless, has been all game. Refused to roleclaim for field, refused to roleclaim for me. I cant imagine any role so much more valuable for the town than the roles already claimed that you wouldnt just claim right here, right now. The truth is, beast just hasnt had any pressure since D1, resulting in him being able to lurk. That being said, I think jessup is the last scum remaining, and beast is a townie by numbers. I would support a double lynch this next phase between these two, though I'd prefer lynching only Jessup, absent any new information. I think beast is a good candidate for you to use your wildcard action on.
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7 players remain. I think it's just one scum team member left. Break it down:
1 town NK tonight, we have 6 remaining.
Tomorrow, lynch Jessup. If he's scum, game over. If he's town, 5 remain going into the night.
1 town NK next night, 4 remain (including one scum).
This day is the big one. What players are left after the two night kills will dictate how likely we are to win.
I can't help but point out that if Exalt is town, his hissy fit really fucked us. He let us get through a day without lynching anyone (when the player he says is 100% scum is leading the vote). What a waste. If he let Jessup get lynched, we might have won the game right already if Jessup is indeed scum.
Now, we have to address Jessup AGAIN next day phase and what's the difference? Two inactives who were about to be modkilled anyway and a dead townie that didn't need to die before we had a chance to lynch someone. Now the water is muddy still and all we did was allow scum to kill one of us for free without us learning anything besides what we would have already learned (the incoming modkills).
I see a really simple route for the remaining scum to capitalize on the situation Exalt put us in (if he's town) and really actually give themselves a chance to win. I won't elaborate to give them ideas, but it's fairly obvious.
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