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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within
Originally posted by m_leonhard View PostSo I don't really have the time to go check the VC at the moment, but on the chance I do get lynched today, I think all of the remaining town need to pay very careful attention to Willby, Scarlet and Field.
Pay attention to how they push, hard, back on other people's theories without really providing any of their own. They attack and attack and attack, but fill in no gaps.
Pay attention to how when their crusade on Kassius wasn't gaining any traction, their stories suddenly both swapped to "well just because he has a scummy role doesn't mean Willby is scum" and "people in D1 felt scummy" so let's attack them instead.
Pay attention to how they do "attack" each others claims, but in a very half-assed manner. They poke holes in each others stories but then, immediately divert attention away and right back to me.
Pay attention to the number of times that Scarlet and Field have said "What about m_leonhard and Vehicle?" every time people start to poke more holes their claims.
Pay attention to how they accuse me of "parroting" when they're just repeating each others talking points (about me, and others) over and over again. Note how I agreed with Scarlet (Post #447) and that was "parroting" but then Field agreed with Scarlet, on the exact same point, and that was seen as contributing.
Pay attention to how they accuse me of adding "nothing," despite the fact that Scarlet drowned D1 in a useless debate on game mechanics; how Willby threw out some weird-ass claim that he's spent the whole day defending and distracting with; and how Field hasn't contributed anything except to repeat Scarlet's points and to make claims based on his "gut."
Pay attention to how Field, in post #461 -- supports Scarlet's claim that Willby's roleclaim was anti-town, but then attacks me for arguing that Willby is anti-town. In what is an absurd strawman argument, Field for some reason decides I should be lynched because I believe Willby's roleclaim but think that the role-claim is an anti-town role. This is absurd. Either you believe Willby's claim -- in which he's claimed an anti-town role, or Willby is lying...and inventing a weird anti-town role in his lie. Either way, Willby is not town. Yet, despite this, I am the one he decides to vote for.
Pay attention to how they hound me for "disappearing" and not responding to their claims, despite it being, ya know 3 am my time. Yet they ignore the fact that half of this group has been silent this entire fucking day.
So if I do get lynched: pay attention to these three moving forward.
Hell, if I don't get lynched pay attention to them anyway.
I'm gonna keep my vote as is for now.
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Originally posted by WillBy View Post
I'll start with saying that lynching me is not a good option at all. I know I am town, I have played as townie as my role would enable in my mind. I know that others have disagreed with my night action, but it is what it is and I promise you, intentions are pure. Before proceeding further, I would like to know how exactly it works- do any votes not on field or I work as abstains, and will we get any sort of confirmation that these are the only three options? From this point forward, I will only consider the two options, vote field or abstain.
since it's been narrowed down to just field or not field, it's kind of interesting. Ill start with the statistical approach.
A day 1 lynch has certain odds of hitting scum, how is this any different? Well, because we cant choose another option. Feels like a Monty hall problem. We have 13 players left, presumably 4 mafia. Exalt hasnt confirmed if he believes jessups role, but I will go with yes, he believes jessup (since he believes paul died recruiting, it's the only explanation for no kill atm). Exalt sure looks town if this role is real. And he obviously believes kassius. It's been a few year since probability&statistics for engineers, so bear with me. The odds that exalt picked 2 townies are 6/10*6/9=1/3=33%. The odds that exalt picked one townie and one scum are at best (2)*6/10*4/9=54%. The odds of two scum are 4/10*3/9=13%. But since I know I'm town, the only 2 scenarios are both town and 1:1. So when exalt chose, he had a 33% chance of 2 town and a 27% chance of field being scum. But since the rest of us get to choose just between the first option and the second, theres a 45% chance of field being scum and a 55% chance of him being town. I guess it wasnt really Monty hallthose are the same odds that field is scum if you just choose 4/9... but a stats review is always fun.
So let's analyze fields play. Hes been generally inactive, which is NAI for him- he honestly doesnt log into forums anymore. When he has been posting, it's been in my defense, which is looks good compared to people who just jump onto lynches. But theres the risk that hes just trying to buy himself townie credit. He hasnt brought up too many new arguments, so I cant tell if it's just that he got there after scarlet and I or if hes intentionally echoing. I'll conclude below:
I am leaning town for field. Its statistically probable that he is town, although only narrowly. I think his posts have been in good faith, and that he wouldn't be pushing back so hard against lynching me if he were scum. It would be easier to look townie by not sticking your neck out so far against lynching me, especially for someone who isnt posting a bunch. I cant know for sure if field is town, but he definitely isnt the scummiest player here. I would abstain if that were the only option.
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Originally posted by Beast View Post
but why are you also ignoring the fact that we have a "sister" serial killer/cultist in addition to mafia? Stated in previous posts by the own host?
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Originally posted by WillBy View Post
I'll start with saying that lynching me is not a good option at all. I know I am town, I have played as townie as my role would enable in my mind. I know that others have disagreed with my night action, but it is what it is and I promise you, intentions are pure. Before proceeding further, I would like to know how exactly it works- do any votes not on field or I work as abstains, and will we get any sort of confirmation that these are the only three options? From this point forward, I will only consider the two options, vote field or abstain.
since it's been narrowed down to just field or not field, it's kind of interesting. Ill start with the statistical approach.
A day 1 lynch has certain odds of hitting scum, how is this any different? Well, because we cant choose another option. Feels like a Monty hall problem. We have 13 players left, presumably 4 mafia. Exalt hasnt confirmed if he believes jessups role, but I will go with yes, he believes jessup (since he believes paul died recruiting, it's the only explanation for no kill atm). Exalt sure looks town if this role is real. And he obviously believes kassius. It's been a few year since probability&statistics for engineers, so bear with me. The odds that exalt picked 2 townies are 6/10*6/9=1/3=33%. The odds that exalt picked one townie and one scum are at best (2)*6/10*4/9=54%. The odds of two scum are 4/10*3/9=13%. But since I know I'm town, the only 2 scenarios are both town and 1:1. So when exalt chose, he had a 33% chance of 2 town and a 27% chance of field being scum. But since the rest of us get to choose just between the first option and the second, theres a 45% chance of field being scum and a 55% chance of him being town. I guess it wasnt really Monty hallthose are the same odds that field is scum if you just choose 4/9... but a stats review is always fun.
So let's analyze fields play. Hes been generally inactive, which is NAI for him- he honestly doesnt log into forums anymore. When he has been posting, it's been in my defense, which is looks good compared to people who just jump onto lynches. But theres the risk that hes just trying to buy himself townie credit. He hasnt brought up too many new arguments, so I cant tell if it's just that he got there after scarlet and I or if hes intentionally echoing. I'll conclude below:
I am leaning town for field. Its statistically probable that he is town, although only narrowly. I think his posts have been in good faith, and that he wouldn't be pushing back so hard against lynching me if he were scum. It would be easier to look townie by not sticking your neck out so far against lynching me, especially for someone who isnt posting a bunch. I cant know for sure if field is town, but he definitely isnt the scummiest player here. I would abstain if that were the only option.
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Originally posted by Exalt View Post
Thanks. Do you SR Field, and if you had a vote today, would it be on him knowing I'm forcing town to choose between you/him/no lynch today?
since it's been narrowed down to just field or not field, it's kind of interesting. Ill start with the statistical approach.
A day 1 lynch has certain odds of hitting scum, how is this any different? Well, because we cant choose another option. Feels like a Monty hall problem. We have 13 players left, presumably 4 mafia. Exalt hasnt confirmed if he believes jessups role, but I will go with yes, he believes jessup (since he believes paul died recruiting, it's the only explanation for no kill atm). Exalt sure looks town if this role is real. And he obviously believes kassius. It's been a few year since probability&statistics for engineers, so bear with me. The odds that exalt picked 2 townies are 6/10*6/9=1/3=33%. The odds that exalt picked one townie and one scum are at best (2)*6/10*4/9=54%. The odds of two scum are 4/10*3/9=13%. But since I know I'm town, the only 2 scenarios are both town and 1:1. So when exalt chose, he had a 33% chance of 2 town and a 27% chance of field being scum. But since the rest of us get to choose just between the first option and the second, theres a 45% chance of field being scum and a 55% chance of him being town. I guess it wasnt really Monty hallthose are the same odds that field is scum if you just choose 4/9... but a stats review is always fun.
So let's analyze fields play. Hes been generally inactive, which is NAI for him- he honestly doesnt log into forums anymore. When he has been posting, it's been in my defense, which is looks good compared to people who just jump onto lynches. But theres the risk that hes just trying to buy himself townie credit. He hasnt brought up too many new arguments, so I cant tell if it's just that he got there after scarlet and I or if hes intentionally echoing. I'll conclude below:
I am leaning town for field. Its statistically probable that he is town, although only narrowly. I think his posts have been in good faith, and that he wouldn't be pushing back so hard against lynching me if he were scum. It would be easier to look townie by not sticking your neck out so far against lynching me, especially for someone who isnt posting a bunch. I cant know for sure if field is town, but he definitely isnt the scummiest player here. I would abstain if that were the only option.
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I looked up the wiki and I think I found the role Kthx used for this ability:
"A Governor is a role that can stop a lynch. This is done by PMing the mod during Twilight to stop the lynch. Many moderators will extend Twilight substantially so as to allow the Governor ample time to make a decision. If the Governor stops a lynch, the Day ends with no one getting lynched.
Because Governor can stop the Town's main weapon in the lynch, Governors are very frequently X-Shot.
Governors have been known to be able to self-target, but only if they are X-Shot.
In games where No Lynch is not allowed or whoever receives the most votes at deadline is lynched, Governor can be used to cause the person with the second-to-most votes to be lynched instead.
This role is traditionally pro-Town, but in practice can be of any alignment."
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