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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • Jessup
    T_P was killed by scum.. I said that I felt that always I believe.

    Why can I self protect?? Because I can.. what type question is that? lol

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  • Jessup
    its fallen off cause game is probably over lol its fairly obvious whats going on now lol.:lipsrsealed2: I got the entire thing figured out. Willby and zebu and beast are scum.. pf is just busy.

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  • scarlet
    Pretty sure these were the only people/posts who mentioned flavor regarding the_paul's death.
    Originally posted by PartyFalcon View Post
    The death write-up sounds to me like the_paul tried to recruit scum (“either he was around too much fluoride or there was some bad meat on the menu”) but could just be flavor.
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    Stop playing dumb. The writeup makes it pretty damn obvious that Paul died due to a bad recruitment. Obviously, cult die if they recruit mafia. Also, Cult Recruiters are almost always bulletproof, meaning he wouldn't have been shot randomly, and only idiot scum would use a strongman on N1, not even on Paul.

    So it makes it pretty damn obvious what happened there, meaning there was no kill by scum last night. Gee, I wonder why? The doctor was outted and there is no watcher, so I wonder what could've happened?
    Exalt goes with the later narrative and doesn't talk about flavor again on later pages
    Originally posted by Exalt View Post
    I'm pretty sure that Paul died due to trying to cult mafia. I've played cult now on both this site and MU, and the two variations I've seen are either cult dies when they try to recruit mafia (here), or mafia die when cult try to recruit them (MU). The MU game had 72 players in it though, so it made sense to not kill cult from one bad read. This one had 15. It's almost certainly a fact that Paul would die if he tried to recruit scum, as well as the near-certainty that he was bulletproof. I've never seen any game with the cult recruiter not be BP, and what scum uses strongman on N1? It's common sense in my view how Paul died. Even the kill flavor hints pretty heavily at it.

    So yeah, there was no scum NK for some reason. I think it's more than likely that scum shot Jessup, because why wouldn't they?
    I assume exalt sperging about cult leaders being bulletproof when the cult leader didn't flip bulletproof and they never fucking do was bait, but we know that there was a strongman alive anyway at the time of tp's death so it wouldn't have mattered.

    M_leo assumes a recruit-death but doesn't mention flavor
    Originally posted by m_leonhard View Post
    Sorry all, just now catching up on all of this.

    TP's death seems like he was most likely killed recruiting scum. So, this means that in some capacity mafia was blocked from their kill
    the_paul was my top townread coming out of D1 so I'd just been assuming he was killed, and had said as much at the time.

    I don't think people speculating in the thread about how the_paul died produced anything alignment indicative, and I don't think anyone even really talked about how tp died besides those four.
    anyway, while we're dragging up shit from the start of D2:
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    Or. She just protected herself...
    Why can jessup self-protect and why was kassius able to predict it?

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by field View Post
    What are the chances mafia killed tp N1? We could be wrong in our interpretation. I mean, flavor discussion is banned this game, but we explained that tp died after attempting to recruit scum through flavor? It's not sitting right with me.
    Likely. And the people making it a juicy flavorful discussion alone might be scum.

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  • field
    Also, tp is a good target for mafia. He's a strong player.


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  • field
    That and the fact that there hasn't been any clues in any of the phase changes.


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  • field
    What are the chances mafia killed tp N1? We could be wrong in our interpretation. I mean, flavor discussion is banned this game, but we explained that tp died after attempting to recruit scum through flavor? It's not sitting right with me.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post

    I thought your presumptive-dying-breathe post was stupid. Let me explain why I think the lurkers have to be target #1.

    Weve possibly had 0 mafia night kills. They had a strongman. It seems to me that someone wasnt submitting night actions, which has been mod confirmed. i dont understand why Halp, who was active last night phase, didnt submit an action. But scarlet has been active both nights, it would stand to reason that if he were mafia, we would have seen actual kills happening.

    Furthermore, if scarlet is the one mafia who is actively playing the game, he deserves the option to continue playing a bit longer than the people who arent even playing.

    Just my 2 cents on D4, not knowing anything else.
    Forgive me for wanting to bitchslap you after I have been one of few overlooking the D1 bullshit that you were involved in, but Kthx has also indicated that modkills are incoming if things don't change - and they haven't. So as town, I'm going to lunge out and start pressing for a player who is likely modkilled shortly to get lynched? Forgive me for not understanding your kindergarten arithmetic here, but that doesn't jive with what is pro-town. Even if those two assholes get modkilled and flip town, the game is over regardless. I have no choice but to scum hunt people that are playing while also acknowledging (like I have more than anyone this game) that signing up and then lurking all game is utter bullshit.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Voth View Post
    Still 11 people in the game but it feels like I'm just talking to myself for the most part. I know night phase is a little less active, but I'm surprised how much this has fallen off again.
    I thought your presumptive-dying-breathe post was stupid. Let me explain why I think the lurkers have to be target #1.

    Weve possibly had 0 mafia night kills. They had a strongman. It seems to me that someone wasnt submitting night actions, which has been mod confirmed. i dont understand why Halp, who was active last night phase, didnt submit an action. But scarlet has been active both nights, it would stand to reason that if he were mafia, we would have seen actual kills happening.

    Furthermore, if scarlet is the one mafia who is actively playing the game, he deserves the option to continue playing a bit longer than the people who arent even playing.

    Just my 2 cents on D4, not knowing anything else.

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  • Voth
    Still 11 people in the game but it feels like I'm just talking to myself for the most part. I know night phase is a little less active, but I'm surprised how much this has fallen off again.

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  • Voth
    Oh and to elaborate on the PF point, she did show up last day phase to post one sentence where she voted me and asked me to explain Halps alleged gun investigation on me, which we all know now was utter bullshit. That's the extent of her playing this game for now well over a week of calendar days. So yeah. Compare that with the novels she wrote when she was town last game.

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  • Voth
    I guess if I had to guess I'd say Partyfalcon is the likely scum between him and MLeo, if not both of them. Kthx could be holding off modkills so long because he will eviscerate the entire scum team if he makes a move - effectively ending the game.

    Ah well. I think we learned a valuable lesson here. I'll take a game that starts with 10-12 active players any day over a game with 14-17 players where a couple are complete ghosts. You know they have the ability to play - they just aren't. Sorta brutal after a while.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by Jessup View Post
    Voth is bad at this game and got lucky that field carried him for a halp lynch. Any normal town in ANY forum besides this silly one wud have lynched ur ass day 2 voth. Sadly as I suspected though it appears as bad as you played so far you are town.. still ur horrid as a townie tho. You had an investigative role N1 and hit it so it gave you more info than the rest but you still lynched 2 townies over some BS lol. GTFO acting so special. You are awful.
    u mad

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  • Jessup
    Voth is bad at this game and got lucky that field carried him for a halp lynch. Any normal town in ANY forum besides this silly one wud have lynched ur ass day 2 voth. Sadly as I suspected though it appears as bad as you played so far you are town.. still ur horrid as a townie tho. You had an investigative role N1 and hit it so it gave you more info than the rest but you still lynched 2 townies over some BS lol. GTFO acting so special. You are awful.

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  • Voth
    Originally posted by scarlet View Post
    Not really. You're very likely town, and you're not jessup. What do you expect, I'll accuse you of being scum for doubting my alignment when I'm not clear and have made poor decisions like backing down on the mleo/halp lynch D2?
    The difference is that it's not D1, so my grounds for suspecting that you aren't scum are way stronger than they've been in any game I've been in before. I've got another player I think is probably town telling me that he's got your full rolename and alignment and that it says you're town, I've got 3 days of content of you being in the top two most active and engaged players making generally pro-town decisions. I can't fault the reasoning that scum!scarlet would look like I do now in a game where townies play like Sherlock or Vehicle did, there's no shortage of soft targets that weren't on the shortlist I've consistently failed to push.
    If I'm convinced you're town, I don't get anything out of grilling you over a bad line of reasoning unless that is going to result in a mislynch. I expect to shoot between mleo/PartyFalcon/beast tomorrow, since we almost certainly have a mislynch and I've got no real reason to examine the voth/field case until lylo since either of you dying will more or less solve it for me.
    I see a peanut butter and fluff sandwich where you held the peanut butter... and the bread. Not much here really if you read and soak it in rather than just seeing some content on the surface.

    Your toss out of MLeo/Partyfalcon/Beast is pretty interesting. All three are literally just as useless this game mechanically, but MLeo and more specifically Partyfalcon have proven they have the ability when they have the desire to login and post. The outlier is Beast. It makes me wonder if that's your version of a throwaway town lynch tomorrow, but he is so volatile that I'd be hard pressed to find a time when I'm scum that I don't want to keep him around if he's town. He, like Jessup, is a complete moron, the likes of which I can't even describe adequately in words, and I can't imagine getting rid of town players who actively sabotage their own team if I'm scum.

    But then it makes me wonder if Beast isn't the one I should be worrying about you tossing out. I'm sure one of MLeo and PF are scum - I just have no idea which - and that is because they aren't participating at all. Kthx has already said modkills are incoming and frankly, while I don't prefer modkills to impact a game, I'm fine with them both getting modkilled right now because I think it'll end up being even - one town and one scum. As such, I find it to be a complete waste of time to sit here and debate two players that don't exist and one player that likely should be admitted to a facility for our next lynch at this point in the game. I know you're better than that - I can tell from a game and a half. You just took the three most useless lynches in the game and said you'll shoot your shot there. Great pro-town strategy here at this point.

    tldr; you didn't help yourself one bit there, and now I feel more firmly that you're likely scum.

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