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Forum Mafia - Shawshank Redemption - Salvation lies within

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  • Beast
    and by "us" I mean NOT YOU, because clearly you would be more positive in playing if you were a cool dude, but you're not, so might as well consider you a cultist sister, or scum just the same."

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  • Beast
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post

    How does being useless make you a townie?

    I agree hes playing his normal useless self, but he does this either way, town or scum.

    We dont have to lynch him today, but I think we will have to get around to it eventually...
    you really trying to out me that bad huh? i'm not ready to reveal my role for scum to potentially target me.... it, it's not quite as op as last game, and you're the one who's useless. always hoping on my dick literally every game when you yourself have contributed nothing for this game, terrible shark wish you would just quit the internet in the kindest way you no shipping, no game talent pubber. fyi, I have no kill action. i'm going to go ahead and enjoy my latte now, hopefully people don't start randomly lynching us townies today, based on ZERO info.... on the plus side, someone just happened to kill a cultist, so good job to whoever did that, lol this willby guy acts like a a self proclaimed wise guru middle aged old man, he has got to be like 50, hanging around jebass hunting wild turkeys during his spare time. smarten up man, and vehicle, don't even bother replying to him. he is literally worse kind of player.. more so then voth AND that's an incredible feat.

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  • Kassius
    It all depends on the interpretation of the information and flavour of the game, I'm trying to be open about this. Maybe the act of doctoring is putting someone in solitary? I'm not allowed to post word for word what my pm said, I think as much as I can see is that she was locked away.

    If that's a standard protection in this flavour, that's the only reason I said that maybe she could have protected herself. If it's more literal, then she was jailkept.

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  • Zeebu
    Originally posted by Kassius View Post
    Or. She just protected herself...
    you cannot be jailkept and protect yourself. jailkeeper typically does double duty of roleblocking and protecting.

    if you claim jess was jailkept, fine, how you know that is still your business. following that up with a maybe she protected herself is an odd followup though. im not saying your scum or anything here, but what you said in one post doesnt jive with what you followed up with in the next

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  • Kassius
    Or. She just protected herself...

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  • Kassius
    1 bit of info for us, want to be up-front about this.

    I know Jessup was locked up, last night. It wasn't me that did the locking up, though.

    My analysis of this:

    Mafia wouldn't lock up one of their own. Jessup is town, someone protected her. We have a jailkeeper, which this game, actually fits

    Mafia not getting a kill, and TP dying upon a recruitment attempt, seems plausible.

    I'd be wary of anyone very quickly claiming that Mafia were blocked last night, could be trying to get ahead of the situation.

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  • PartyFalcon
    The death write-up sounds to me like the_paul tried to recruit scum (“either he was around too much fluoride or there was some bad meat on the menu”) but could just be flavor.

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  • WillBy
    Last phase*. Almost caught myself with a stupid typo, mistakes I almost never make.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by WillBy View Post

    How does being useless make you a townie?

    I agree hes playing his normal useless self, but he does this either way, town or scum.

    We dont have to lynch him today, but I think we will have to get around to it eventually...
    To elaborate further- he jumped on Exalts traitor gambit, when faced with lynch he basically said this game is stupid, and he will continue to be a liability for town.

    I think he would be a good lynch, but I remembered where we left off last phlate. Vote m_leo?

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
    I'm not defending Beast in the slightest, nor do I mean to deflect for him, I just don't remember why people were voting for him other than his posts being useless, which I agree with.
    How does being useless make you a townie?

    I agree hes playing his normal useless self, but he does this either way, town or scum.

    We dont have to lynch him today, but I think we will have to get around to it eventually...

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  • Vehicle
    I'm not defending Beast in the slightest, nor do I mean to deflect for him, I just don't remember why people were voting for him other than his posts being useless, which I agree with.

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  • WillBy
    Originally posted by Vehicle View Post
    Another quick little theory: scum did try to kill someone and they were blocked and paul tried to recruit a member of scum-team and died because of it.

    I only mention this one because the death write-up doesn't mention a murder but instead makes it seem like he just turned up dead.
    I was wondering this too. I dont know if I buy the flavor aspect (there wasnt too much with sherlock's death either). But mechanically that could explain something.

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  • WillBy
    Vehicle, I generally agree with your post, but let me turn it around on you: why do you think beast isnt scum? Seems like you're deflecting for him. He hasnt done anything useful.

    I curious why you think that suggests a second cult. It would make for an interesting setup, 2 cults but there is evidently also a killing role, and I dont think it's a vig (as they shot n1). I see him listing paul as "cult recruiter for the sisters" as just flavor.
    Instead I think we are looking at mafia+cult, and cult just got fucked.

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  • Vehicle
    Another quick little theory: scum did try to kill someone and they were blocked and paul tried to recruit a member of scum-team and died because of it.

    I only mention this one because the death write-up doesn't mention a murder but instead makes it seem like he just turned up dead.

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  • Vehicle
    Hah, poor paul.

    I don't think scarlet was really being considered by the end of the phase yesterday. It was really Beast, Jessup or Sherlock if I'm remembering correctly and Jessup saved herself at the last minute by claiming doctor.

    What's interesting is someone died last night and it wasn't the claimed doctor. There's a million ways that can be explained: multiple killing roles and one got blocked, scum team was afraid of a roleblocker and picked a different target. Scum team doesn't believe Jessup.

    Or maybe Jessup is lying.

    Again, I don't want to be the guy who starts a crusade against our doctor but I don't buy her roleclaim one bit.

    And can someone remind me why we think Beast is scum? Just because he's playing like his usual useless self?

    Also, this is just me spitballing here, but paul being "cult recruiter for the sisters" heavily implies there's another cult out there.

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