Ill apply. i know i'm good for the job. I know the rules of TW, i can write down commands.. I'm always here to host, and start base so you lazy ass staffers don't have to.
thix im pretty sure theres only like 2 staffers under the age of 18 so gl with that ur like 13
P_L you cant really make a good decision by an application you have to see the person ingame really and get to know them, that wont be possible if u get 1000 applications a day u dont have time to monitor them :/
EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
cool koen> :)
PRiMORDiAL> pfft
cool koen> not because of a bug
EvoLd> Lol
Treachery> meh
EvoLd> why then?
PubAceR> women in power dont last
EvoLd> LOl toaster oven reviews
With the current Dean you don't have a chance Thix, sorry. I think it's worth having but in a web interface where all current staff members can give more then a limited ranking and comment and view and discuss all potential players. The dean[s] should always have the veto so I hope this doesn't change the recruitment process too much, just more information and more discussion.
Our rankings would put names into higher or lower catigories where Pure would then check the player out and see them in game.. test them like normal. Flooding the system wouldn't be much of a problem though staff abuse would be. Diakka and Dim are the only younger staffers I know of and I'm probably next at 19.
If the applications were public, you would have many people who have played the game for a month or so, that think they're so elite and should be on staff. And then once they submitted their application, they would probably change their attitude in game to make themselves seem more mature and helpful, just to make staff think that they would be good for staff.
So the idea has its pros and cons. It would help show people who want to be staff, and then current staff members could evaluate them "secretly," but then again, the person might just be faking the way they act to make themselves seem better for the job.
That's why I think the current system is good. Of course, people sucking up to get staff always will suck up no matter what, but at least in the current system people won't know that staff is out there watching them to see how they act in game, and to see if they would be good for staff or not.
(ph)>12 is just right
In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
1:Chao <ER>> at all
1:Mantra-Slider> chao
1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
Chao <ER> - hero
thix im pretty sure theres only like 2 staffers under the age of 18 so gl with that ur like 13
P_L you cant really make a good decision by an application you have to see the person ingame really and get to know them, that wont be possible if u get 1000 applications a day u dont have time to monitor them :/
bah im 16.. i can drive tho dose that count? B)
4:DEEZ NUTS> geio hopefully u smoke ur last cig right now
4:Geio> yo wont ever happen again
4:Geio> DEEZ?
4:Geio> LOLOL
4:scoop> cant tell if deez was trying to be a good influence or telling him to die LOL
4:spirit> LOL
An ordinarry fill out application would be too easy. I like the idea of giving the chance to players who are mature and willing to help the chance to join staff though.
I think the best procedure on staff recruitments would be let players interested in a staff position set something up for themselves which would include what they think is important for the dean of staff to know. The Dean of Staff could set up a couple of things he would like to see in this application, or what he does not want to see it and then if he thinks the application is good post it on a private staff forum and let players vote yes or no on it (not by clicking one of both, but by replying to the topic explaining why they made the decision) after the topic has been up for 1 week the Dean of staff should reconcider recruiting this player to the staff again and let the player know about what happened.
If the applications were public, you would have many people who have played the game for a month or so, that think they're so elite and should be on staff. And then once they submitted their application, they would probably change their attitude in game to make themselves seem more mature and helpful, just to make staff think that they would be good for staff.
So the idea has its pros and cons. It would help show people who want to be staff, and then current staff members could evaluate them "secretly," but then again, the person might just be faking the way they act to make themselves seem better for the job.
^ agreed. But still, love to see applications again. Many helpful people are missing out :P