Originally posted by stark
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An end of an Era
Last edited by Evul Fly; 12-03-2007, 02:15 PM.2:Zung> Does this 2h mean 1h56 min foreplay & 3 pushes & a stare?
2:renzi> lol no
2:renzi> would fuck, blowjob/handjob, fuck, finger, etc
within 1 minute of entering pub0
Cruiser> fcin private freq levterrs
Allah>God> seriously
Foreign> you can't bring back people who don't play anymore by chasing away people who play now
pollonazo> lguien hablas español
Dr. Snyder> I don't want newbs like pure pubbies playing in the great trenchwars
Cruiser> tw = for noobs again
your suppe> lol...privs r enabled now as well?thread killer
Also who changed to pw to Squadless, how am I supposed to fly the banner of sucking at the game
You bunch of lil pussies I was in pub last night flagroom battling like a rockstar. (yeah right) but yeah when I went in there were about 75% of the players building lts. but after a while they started to realise I knew how to port burst them and ruin thier laming or how to avoid getting lamed by them. something else to keep in mind is that you get more points for having the flag then having a bounty. BTW when I left there was only 1 team left trying to make an lt?find dads revenge
lol dads revengeDevest.proboards.com
2:Lance> OMG
2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd
Creator/Co-Creator of:
?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.
New Maps are in production...
Originally posted by Doc Flabby View PostAnyone who thinks that pure-pub is "basing" is sadly mistaken. i've never seen a purepub game look anything like a twbd or a twlb game.
But, really, I think pure pubs get a new person into the basing-style... like a lot of new people enjoy the leviathan because it makes a big boom and people die and they get lots of kills... But, no one recruits levis, and there is no use for them whatsoever in any other TW-game.... except maybe LT tourny haha1: Pasta <ER>> lol we are gona win this bd talking about porn on our squadchat
1:EpicLi <ZH>> but should i trust you, you are mean to the ppl
1:trashed> wha
1:EpicLi <ZH>> you will hack into my computer and steal my child porn
1:trashed> i am a very nice person actually.
1:trashed> i do not steal other's child porn
1:trashed> i download my own
1:turmio> i was fucking certain that the first time she would touch me i would come
For all of you who don't understand this radical change let me explain it for you.
Its all a show.
Mootland has never liked levis and would never do anything that would eventually lead to them having anymore power than they did before a change happend. So why would he Make this change?
Moot knows pure pubbies are gonna whine, kind of like LTers whined when pure pubs started, but that whining was ignored because Staff was idiots.
So moot is trying to prove a point. To who? I don't know, I'd guess Pure_luck.
The point is that pure pubs were never really in danger, too bad the same can't be said about this zone.
Ok so pure pubs are gonna stay, so why the shake up? Because this zone is dying. Only real growing zone in SSC is Hyperspace which is gaining TW players faster than anyone could have dreamed. Someone has to save trenchwars, why not it be young Mootland?
No I'm sorry folks, levis are the least of your worries, look at distension... its nothing but a rip off on hyperspace. Take a look at pub populations.... EG has more players... Read the writing on the walls, Trenchwars is dying, and the best way to stop it is being teased like a joke in front of our eyes. Course who really cares about this zone anymore? Its old, stale, vets are gone, staff is a joke. I still care about this zone but me caring helps this zone 0.
So for all you who love pure pubs this zone is yours now. Congratulations for stealing it from us all those years ago. I'm bitter about it but I'm not stupid enough to think I'm important anymore. I Just had a little bit of hope that maybe this time it was for real. A cruel joke to play Moot, but I'm gullible enough to think that you were capable of anything better.Bounty <ZH> - I just went from 3 to 39 bounty in one shot
Dr. Snyder - Why'd you attack the world trade center?
DaKo is out. 0 wins 10 losses
Originally posted by Mootland Farmer View PostWell this proved my point. Pure Publics are still quite popular.
go ahead moot, why don't you Ban me for believing in the wrong god?
FUking useless POS, you belong in a zoo tied to a fence so someone can beat you with a linked chain until ur too weak to get up.Bounty <ZH> - I just went from 3 to 39 bounty in one shot
Dr. Snyder - Why'd you attack the world trade center?
DaKo is out. 0 wins 10 losses
Entered pub 0, saw a discussion going on and stoked the flames a bit:
Savaged> yeah but then people start complaining and wha tnot
Big.Bird> well som ppl actually wanna LT
Big.Bird> so one isn't enough
GWbush <dr> LT guys like me will go to pub 2 or pub 3
GWbush <dr> pub 0 for more for basing . with one lev per team
Savaged> that goes back to the original reason moot got rid of base pubs
Big.Bird> no, just bring TIMER back, with no warp, and keep the levs
Savaged> problem is TW has to many different things going on
Savaged> There's people like me who want to base
Savaged> then there's people like you that wanna LT
Savaged> and others wanna duel
Big.Bird> Timer: YES Warp: NO Priv Freq: YES Levis: YES
Savaged> I think there should be a pub for each
Savaged> but then lts don't have anything to bomb on in the base because they have to have Basers to kill
pee pee so> LT pub only pls ty
Dr. Blunt> its fine the way it is
X-LaX> i think there should be timed games without lev in one pub and with levs/priv in another pub
Big.Bird> the thrill of LT'ing comes from killing every1 while they base
Big.Bird> but wats the point if no1 is basing
Savaged> you might think so but there is nothing going on in the base because everyone is tired of getting hit with levi bombs
Big.Bird> so bring timer back
Big.Bird> the timer promotes ppl to base
GWbush <dr> i often LT in the quiet pub without problem getting ppl to shoot at
MirrorriM> i dont care if levs are back, I want the timer
Big.Bird> i just want timer back as well
Savaged> and enjoy it, but if i wanted to LT i went to the other arenas
Big.Bird> Timer: YES Warp: NO Priv Freq: YES Levis: YES
MirrorriM> has there been any good base games since the new changes?
Big.Bird> no
Big.Bird> it's not possible
Big.Bird> theres no incentive to flag
MirrorriM> why do you guys think no one wants to base now?
Savaged> why should i base when i'm just going to get bombarded by levis
Big.Bird> well wat u gonna do if u dun base
Savaged> go to ?go base
MirrorriM> do you guys think there is more teamwork now?
Savaged> no
MirrorriM> why
Big.Bird> lol clearly not
Savaged> look at th ebase
X-LaX> no
Final Hit > love the lt though
Final Hit > team work to kill the lt
Savaged> There is absolutly noone in the base
X-LaX> timer plz
Big.Bird> no1 is even trying to do anything
Savaged> there's two people in the flag room
Big.Bird> just randomly flying around in spawn
MirrorriM> so the only teamwork are those trying to stop the lt?
Ajant> LT teams are teaming
Savaged> i don't know of anyone trying to stop the lts
Megazone23> i am spawning them
Savaged> and i hardly consider a levi and a terr teaming
X-LaX> this is just a big free for all now, no team work
Big.Bird> just make an elim arena with flag in middle
Big.Bird> same as this
Ajant> you can not blame levs, its not only change introduced
Savaged> true
MirrorriM> so everyone agrees they want: Timer, Levs, NO Priv Freqs and NO warp?
Big.Bird> Timer: YES Warp: NO Priv Freq: YES Levis: YES
X-LaX> no warp??
Dr. Snyder> YES
Megazone23> I DO NOT AGREE
MirrorriM> okay some want Priv freg too?
Savaged> i agree with that mirror
Final Hit > yes private fgreq
Final Hit > make it fun afor lt
Ajant> so bring timer and dissable priv, even limit levs per freq and force shipban if player in lev tks a lot
Final Hit > yes private freq
Big.Bird> Timer: YES Warp: OPTIONAL Priv Freq: YES Levis: YES
MirrorriM> So if there was a Timer but also Priv Freqs, you guys think there would be more teamwork?
Big.Bird> yes, since u working with friends
Ajant> they dont
Ajant> priv freq are reason for not basing, not levs
Big.Bird> unless yer by yerself
Final Hit > but the m;ake game play more fun with lt on private freq
Savaged> two-3 people isn't teamwork, that's just a partnership
Big.Bird> same thing
MirrorriM> more fun for who FH?
Ajant> Mirror, I know priv kills pub! ANY pub, not just basing
MirrorriM> lol guys I cant change anything, I'm just getting opinions
MirrorriM> this works better than forums
Dr. Snyder> FUK U MIRROR
MirrorriM> thx snyder
Savaged> or like moot had set for a certain amount of points
Ajant> Savaged, the moment you get priv, pub will stop basing
Megazone23> I saw the message about it in the forums
Megazone23> I dont believe it has been affective
Ajant> Savaged, u held flag and other two pub freq were killing each other in mid... thats not basing :/
Big.Bird> no limits
Big.Bird> thats unfair to others
Savaged> I say put the bots back in, but have more optional tihngs
Savaged> just have them randomly choose if that pub should have levis or not
Big.Bird> i still like the idea of having freedom to watever, so no limits
X-LaX> well... my opinion is that this is no fun the way it is, maybe i should go play eg until things are back to how they were
MirrorriM> Okay, let's make it simple. VOTE 1 for Yes keep the pubs like this and 2 for No please change the pub
X-LaX> 2
Savaged> 2
Ajant> limit number of levs and btw javs, time the game and no priv freq! It will work
Big.Bird> 2
Castigatio> 2
EpicLi <ZH> 3:I want distension
EpicLi <ZH> 3
EpicLi <ZH> afk
Savaged> lol epicli
Savaged> 3
Big.Bird> well distension is the new thing
Kingmaker> 2. my vote better count
X-LaX> see ya in eg
Final Hit > Keep the timer, keep the warp in freq 0 1. add private freq, and lev = heaven for LT!
Jessup <ZH> 1 lev each freq $
Megazone23> right. not as fun -- less people playing and when levis are around, base ends up DESERTED, while patient mofos in lts ruin any kind of basing
Final Hit > lt is what make this game more fun
Ajant> if you wanna be fair, ask for each modification!
MirrorriM> Okay
Megazone23> base and flagroom are WAY to small for levis
Big.Bird> Timer: YES Warp: DEFAULT OFF(can turn back ON) Priv Freq: YES Levis: YES
MirrorriM> Say "YES" if you want the timer back
Big.Bird> YES
Ajant> YES
MirrorriM> or vice versa
Megazone23> YES on timer only
MirrorriM> say "NO" If you do not want the timer back
EnIN> why not like it was a year ago with no levs in pub 0 and the other arenas have levis so if u get tired of one way u change arenas
DephO> YES
Ajant> there are no NOs
MirrorriM> this is to promote teamwork Enin
Savaged> why can't we have the bots randomly choose a new game every 5 minutes? Have it set so that for every 5 minutes there is a new objective. Basing: 5 minute flag time. Dueling: Best kill:death ratio after 5 min. LT's Best bty after 5 minute ect. ect
EnIN> well there was lots of teamwork then
Ajant> ELITEH doesn't know what timer is, so it doesn't count
Dr. Snyder> U wanna play a zone thats not dying HyperSpace is it
Big.Bird> y not just make one huge pub instead of 3 pubs
EnIN> i prefer levis but having pub 0 the way it was w/o em made the fussers happy they had a place to hide if they were getting popped allot
Big.Bird> seriously, wat we seeing here can't be wat moot had in mind
MirrorriM> So (most) people like that levs are back, but also want to have a timer. Priv Freq's seem to be even on yes and no.
Dr. Snyder> pure pubs killed this zone
pee pee so> yaa
Ajant> Timer YES, warp IDC, priv NO and levs YES, but limited number and with banship if tking
Big.Bird> warp needs to be off by default cuz it'll warp LTs in flag as well
GWbush <dr> my idea is only limited in pub 0.
pee pee so> no limit
DephO> NO limits
DephO> indeed
Big.Bird> no limits
Big.Bird> must be equal to all pubs
Ajant> and let Mr. Arrogant roam free through pubs!
pee pee so> yaaa no limit wins gg ty
Megazone23> please tell me why people think that pure pub has 'killed' tw?
Drak3nZ> Depho
Ajant> because its only pub with goal?
MirrorriM> okay guys, thanks for your comments. If you want to check out or add to the discussion, post here: http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?t=32288
Ajant> i think timer made it so popular, not lavfree rule
I know most of you wont bother reading it all, but I put in bold some key areas. I know this isnt "scientific" in any way, but it brings information from some of the players who regularly play pub but dont check out the forums.
Edit: I took screenshots, but wireless sucks for uploading.
-At roughly 1 pm EST pub 0 had 35 players and 2 wbs in base, which was bombed by a levi every min or so, sometimes a terr flew in base. After 30 mins things had not changed.
-Roboboy is put in the second pub, I tell the players they can check it out. max 15 ppl left, but then pub 0 quickly evened out and had 35 players again. The second pub increased in # of players and had an active game of basing within 1 minute.Last edited by MirrorriM; 12-03-2007, 03:14 PM.
i would definately condone a swap though
make the non pure-pubs the default when entering
that would be nice
that way the regular publics would have a few people that the levi-supporters could jerk off on. then when they see that the arena isnt overly conducive to basing, they could go to the pure pub arena.
but i guess this would still make the LTers unhappy, because they wouldnt be dicking over a semi-decent basing game.
not being a levterr type of person myself, i can only guess what you guys really want: a flagroom full of people.
i know that if current setting levis were allowed in pure pubs, i would spawn every one i saw, and then if they did manage to get greened, id swap to that frequency and tk it.
1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion