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Trench Wars... has changed.

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  • Spell hear correctly. It isn't here, that is as in "He is here" and hear is like "I can hear that"
    Rabble Rabble Rabble


    • I forgot what the argument is all about...


      • Perhaps you should use your eye of insight.
        Rabble Rabble Rabble


        • Originally posted by MaGi kOz View Post
          I forgot what the argument is all about...
          pein > kakashi

          100% PROVEN
          TWDTJ & TWDTB FINALIST 2019


          • This thread is mostly retardedly repeated back and forth bullshit. Pretty much everyone is also being extremely selfish. A few of you want Distension to form a new zone because you hate it. It is funny that you think every player would just come back after a few weeks "when they get bored of it". You want absolutely nothing to change in a zone that has been steadily dying for years.

            Most Distension haters seem to be brown nosing kthx for whatever reason and posting spam in every Distension related thread. LB is trying to look constructive with his huge amount of long posts, while he is repeating the same old arguments over and over. He is either stupid or just trying to be "subtle" about his hate for Distension. HateTheFake is just plain retarded with his one liners.

            Here are some bullet points for the simple folk:
            • It does not help TW population or TWL turnout to get rid of Distension.
            • Distension settings are not that far from the original TW settings. This is often used as an argument, even though the ship settings are based on TW. The ships start as weaker and eventually become stronger than the normal TW ships. The same basic skillset needed for playing is still there.
            • No one ever suggested that Distension should be run during TWL.
            • Everyone is exaggerating the amount of zone recycles Distension has caused. It is unfortunate when a new code change causes them but the more we get to try the bot out, the faster it will be stable again. It was actually stable for a long time before causing the recent problems.
            • There is a significant amount of people who like Distension and spewing your hate and illogical arguments in here will just hurt your cause in the end.
            Most of you will naturally skip the post and post irrelevant crap again. I don't understand how Dank is still posting in here after all the childish replies he has had to deal with. At least, his arguments are usually logical, which can't be said for many people in here. You will also bunch me with the other "Distension lovers" as a way to ignore the real issues but I don't care. If you kill Distension I will find other things to do. It just happens to be the only thing keeping me in TW anymore.


            • Let me answer your bullets for you.

              Distension isn't being ran right now and the amount of people playing TW on a daily basis hasn't dropped one bit.

              They are really far off actually, you basically admit to this when you say "ships start out weaker and end stronger".

              Distension being ran before TWL is when squads are practicing and warming up for TWL, so yes this is basically during TWL.

              Nobody is exaggerating the amount of crashes and recycles, they are happening more frequently than ever as of late when dbot is online.

              You are wrong, the fact that people are being affected by the recent crashes and recycles on a larger scale is just making anti-distension sentiment grow.

              As for your other arguments.

              This zone has been steadily dying for years, yet when TWL comes around we miraculously get up to 600+ people again on weekends, yet when distension is ran everyday the player base does not significantly increase during these scheduled times.

              Nobody is "brown nosing" me, its just that as LB and others have said in previous posts and in other threads my experience in this zone means that my input in regards to game play inside of Trench Wars is weighed more heavily than lets say.. Danknuggetz or yourself who only play Trench Wars because distension is here, and threaten to quit the game if it isn't hosted. So why would any players care what you have to say about the zone as a whole if the only reason you play this game is to play one event? My ideas and suggestions to how the zone should be running make more sense as I play a large amount of events, write for TWL, play in TWL, host a large amount of events, and create events.

              As for the reason Dank is still posting it is because he much like you are otherwise useless inside TW if not for Distension, and as Distension is down at least for a few days from crashing the bots and the servers on numerous occasions he really doesn't have anything else to do.
              Rabble Rabble Rabble


              • why is it that if I don't agree with Distension players, I must hate the event??

                I just think you guys are wrong
                My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                • Originally posted by Ganon-Knight View Post
                  I guess I'll ask now if anybody knows what I'm parodying...
                  It's funny that nobody cares about this anymore =P
                  (Twerp and Duel Pasta)
                  5:dads revenge> they are both actually my virtual pet salamanders I have to feed them virtual flies 3 times a day

                  1: Pandagirl!> What do I say back to that
                  1: Pandagirl!> How about "lol"
                  1: winipcfg> despite "lol"'s versatility, I don't think that'd be good in the situation

                  If you can't beat them, eat them. ?go zombies3 - Chao <ER>

                  Ricko> mvp gets poppadums from weak's corner shop


                  • Originally posted by kthx
                    Distension isn't being ran right now and the amount of people playing TW on a daily basis hasn't dropped one bit.
                    My point was that, if you get rid of Distension, so that it will become another zone, that will significantly affect the TW population. Even if it doesn't become another zone, the people who stay in TW for Distension and play other stuff on the side will leave.

                    Originally posted by kthx
                    They are really far off actually, you basically admit to this when you say "ships start out weaker and end stronger".
                    The ship settings are very similar in the end. The basic skills you need in TW apply to most of the ships (levi being the only new ship). You just read what I said and twisted it in your mind to whatever you wanted to hear.

                    Originally posted by kthx
                    Distension being ran before TWL is when squads are practicing and warming up for TWL, so yes this is basically during TWL.
                    When the bot is proven to be stable again, it should not be a problem, unless you think that most players would rather play Distension than practice TWL. I don't mind if Distension is always off during TWL matches.

                    Originally posted by kthx
                    Nobody is exaggerating the amount of crashes and recycles, they are happening more frequently than ever as of late when dbot is online.

                    You are wrong, the fact that people are being affected by the recent crashes and recycles on a larger scale is just making anti-distension sentiment grow.
                    The amount of crashes has not been that significant. The last ones happened twice in a row, at a low population time, in a span of 10 minutes. They only happen when the stable bot code or something critical in TW settings is changed. The fact, that even recycles and lag problems not related to Distension are now blamed on it, is part of the problem.

                    This has not been a problem until recently and it will not be a problem, after the proper fixes are made. Distension will not run until a potential fix is in place.

                    Originally posted by kthx
                    This zone has been steadily dying for years, yet when TWL comes around we miraculously get up to 600+ people again on weekends, yet when distension is ran everyday the player base does not significantly increase during these scheduled times.
                    That doesn't change the fact that the zone has been steadily losing population. No one is advocating getting rid of TWL. It does bring some people back, although you might be exaggerating with the numbers. TWL and Distension are different things that different people enjoy. I happen to enjoy Distension more than TWL, and that is it. When the bot is finally stable, there will be no valid arguments left for limiting Distension so much.

                    Originally posted by kthx
                    Nobody is "brown nosing" me, its just that as LB and others have said in previous posts and in other threads my experience in this zone means that my input in regards to game play inside of Trench Wars is weighed more heavily than lets say.. Danknuggetz or yourself who only play Trench Wars because distension is here, and threaten to quit the game if it isn't hosted. So why would any players care what you have to say about the zone as a whole if the only reason you play this game is to play one event? My ideas and suggestions to how the zone should be running make more sense as I play a large amount of events, write for TWL, play in TWL, host a large amount of events, and create events.
                    I have played Trench Wars since 1999. I played Subspace when it was in BETA. I have some experience with the game and I am simply tired of most of the things that TW has to offer. Distension is also the only arena that allows higher resolutions, which helps in my case. That doesn't mean everyone is like me. A lot of people play other events and if they happen to like Distension a lot, you will be getting rid of them as well, when you kill Distension.
                    Originally posted by kthx
                    As for the reason Dank is still posting it is because he much like you are otherwise useless inside TW if not for Distension, and as Distension is down at least for a few days from crashing the bots and the servers on numerous occasions he really doesn't have anything else to do.
                    He seems to genuinely want to help TW coexist with Distension. He is trying to defend the game he loves against the hordes of haters. You should try to see things from his point of view and understand that Distension isn't going anywhere. Instead of focusing all your energy on getting rid of Distension, you should be thinking of ways to improve the situation without alienating the Distension players from TW.


                    • I am trying to help them coexist, by making sure it doesn't get in the way of what TW is really supposed to be.
                      Rabble Rabble Rabble


                      • Instead of focusing all your energy on getting rid of Distension, you should be thinking of ways to improve the situation without alienating the Distension players from TW.
                        Again that's the problem and the reason why I have to keep repeating what I have been saying over and over

                        They don't want to kick Distension out of TW (most of them), they just don't want an unstable event fucking up the rest of the game

                        I could say that 500 more times and I'd still see someone else come out of nowhere and say that the "horde of haters" just want to "kill distension"
                        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                        • Originally posted by Liquid Blue View Post
                          Again that's the problem and the reason why I have to keep repeating what I have been saying over and over

                          They don't want to kick Distension out of TW (most of them), they just don't want an unstable event fucking up the rest of the game

                          I could say that 500 more times and I'd still see someone else come out of nowhere and say that the "horde of haters" just want to "kill distension"
                          If you read my post you wouldn't have had to reply. Distension won't be hosted before it is fixed. Eventually, it will be a very stable event and if this really was the only point of contention, I would be happy. Too bad, a lot of people seem to want to get rid of Distension for no good reason.

                          The bot is actually more stable than a lot of you seem to think. Most of the recycles happen because the server cannot handle a very large amount of messages sent by the bot. The situation was fine for quite some time, but for some reason, this is starting to be a problem again. If this is the only reason for the problem, it will be easily fixed. Please be patient and bear with a few more recycles, and hopefully, you will never have to whine for this reason again.


                          • It seems like you like to cry about what I have to say a lot but you don't even read what I say.

                            That is only one of the many problems I have with this event.

                            Read the other threads, and my other posts and you will see the rest of them.
                            Rabble Rabble Rabble


                            • If you read my post you wouldn't have had to reply. Distension won't be hosted before it is fixed. Eventually, it will be a very stable event and if this really was the only point of contention, I would be happy. Too bad, a lot of people seem to want to get rid of Distension for no good reason.
                              I already know it won't be hosted again until it's not so unstable. That's beside the point. Since you seem to think people hate distension and want it gone, I was telling you why they had any problems with Distension.

                              I could (and have) written that at least 10 different ways, 10 different times, and fans of Distension still want to stick to the easy excuse of "you don't want it hosted because you hate it/want it gone for no good reason".


                              they don't hate distension

                              they don't hate distension

                              they don't hate distension

                              they just don't want it hosted while it's unstable and causes the rest of the zone problems.

                              "hah another long LB post where he just repeats the same old stuff. no wonder he is with the other horde of haters "
                              My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                              • I have never seen such resistance to a sub-game before. TW is not TWL and it is not TWD. TWD used to be scheduled games on weekends for those who remember. In fact I think having TWD during the week is part of the problem. Just like splitting up the elims has killed elim. Making everything so widely available has killed those events or drastically reduced them. Which is ironic because if you made Distension more widely available or 24/7 I think it would have less of an effect on TWD because people wouldn't feel the need to cram in as much Distension as possible and would be more willing to take a break for TWD.

                                TWL still has some mystique because the games are scheduled ahead of time and there is a decent level of competition but I think we all recognize that competition will dissipate no matter what we do. As the zone declines so has the quality of the staff. Everything is automated and that is part of the problem. TW will be a ghost town in a couple years unless people start thinking more creatively. Frankly I don't care either way, if SS dies it won't be the end of the world. Resistance to Distension is the convenient scapegoat for all the zones problems: lack of interest, declining population, and bad management.
                                Sit down.
                                Stand up.
                                Walk into
                                The jaws of hell.
                                Anytime. Anytime.
                                We can wipe you out

