To make it short, this new bot comes from an initiative started by Dexter to add a money system in pub in July/August of this year. Since then, the bot has been improved and has now a lot of new features :
Make sure to type !help
Discuss about the new bot here.
- A new MVP system (uses flag claimed, time played, kills, deaths, locations, ..)
- Achievements during a round (nothing to do with an RPG game.. ie: Least Honorable)
- Challenge system (via !challenge)
- Streak module (will *arena after 10 kills, and zones after X kills)
- Hunt game (a game of hunt between games, disabled for now)
- Kill-o-thon mini-game (win by killing the most, also disabled for now)
- And some neat features like !settile
Make sure to type !help
Discuss about the new bot here.